
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We Lost Another Great One Yesterday...

I really didn't expect to be back this soon to post, but I just found out that Dave Brubeck died yesterday...

He would have been 91 tomorrow.  If you're not sure who he was, just listen to this song and you will know.  "Take Five" is one of the greatest songs ever recorded. Not just an absolute jazz masterpiece, but an all around classic.  Dave Brubeck wasn't just a great talent, he was truly a game changer and one of the most influential musicians of all time.

I'm usually pretty stoic about these things, but this one saddens me...


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Alive and Kicking...

I'm sure that many of you have noticed my frequent references to A.D.D. Right?  Well, I really am wildly A.D.D. and it's been a problem for a long time. Probably most of my life. A couple of weeks before my last post and after about a thousand prods from one of our girls; I made an appointment with a psychiatrist (who in all likelihood, will read this blog post). After much talking and question answering, I was given a prescription and some hope.  

After a few days of taking the medication, I was AMAZED at how I felt.  I felt FOCUSED!  Focused like I've seldom been in many years. I have a list with about 100 things that I need to do to our house, yard, cars, etc.  A.D.D. people are great at making lists and I'm no exception. The problem is that very few items ever get crossed off the list!  I could start an item, but then get distracted (by nothing at all) and forget about what I was doing. The difference now, is that I'm not making a new list, I'm actually knocking things off the old one, right and left. 

Anyhow, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm doing well and I will be back soon.  I've even created some posts that are waiting to see the light of day. I haven't posted any of them because I just don't have the time yet to respond to comments or to visit any blogs myself. But I will!  

For those that have been with me for quite a while; the daughter that was prodding me was Ashley. Ashley, of the seemingly abandoned, yet amazing StupidGirls blog and her living and breathing Our Journey begins as the Kings blog.

Love you all, miss you all and I'll be back very soon. I promise!
In the mean time, beware of the giant pelicans!
embiggen por favor...
