
Monday, March 26, 2018

Queen Valley Area Pictographs - Joshua Tree National Park

Sadly, the pictographs at this site are virtually invisible to the naked eye. It is also sad that very few of the multitude of visitors to the park have ever seen, or even heard of it.

The pictographs themselves are rather unremarkable, but the site is still amazing because of the rock formations in the area.



Front side. 

This large boulder is about 30' tall. Very impressive in person. It looks smaller in this photo because of the Joshua tree that was between me and the rock.

One of a few rock shelters in the area.

A natural water "tank" used by the local Indians that was later enlarged by local ranchers.

I had to crank up the contrast to even see a hint of the pictographs.

DStretch to the rescue. 

I have more posts from other "disappearing" sites that I'm going to try and work in here.



Monday, March 12, 2018

Cloud Museum - Bard CA

It's always a good thing to find another desert oddity. If you like old things like I do (especially cars), this place would be right up your alley. A guy named Johnny Cloud started collecting old cars and other things many years ago. He eventually ended up with so much stuff, that he turned his place into a "museum." Bard California is a tiny little town (population under 100) near Yuma Arizona. 

This post has a lot of photos, so I'll give everyone a break and not include much more narrative. I could say a lot more about this place, and all of it would be good. 

Middle of nowhere

There must have been 150 cars here. This was my favorite.

 There were also a ton of other historical items 

 Most of the cars were either Ford Model T's, or Model A's. A lot of them were trucks.

Johnny Cloud has a story for almost every car he has. Who owned it, where they lived, and how he came to get it. 

Two posts ago, I was at another place (Mentone Beach) that also had a lot of outboard motors lined up like this.

 I can't even imagine how much money these lights are worth, but I know it's a lot.

 Anybody here (besides me) that remembers when you wouldn't dare take a car across, or into the desert without at least one of these water bags in front of your radiator?


 Well, this place is in the desert...

 An RV that is actually older than ours!

I don't know about you, but this looked darn spooky to me.
