
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tay 005 Gypsy Girl

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Gypsy Girl


  1. What a cute picture (although I'm sure she was probably going for a serious, mysterious look). Wherever you were, it looks like it was a fun day or night out. - G

  2. So cute. Can she tell my future?

  3. Love the expression on her face and the way she's staring straight down the camera...

  4. Kids are so great in front of the camera. They do not exhibit the self-conscious mannerisms of adults. Great portrait. Love the black and white!

  5. There is something haunting about this picture, maybe the hands.

  6. She is beautiful. :)
    She seems to get along quite well with your camera!

  7. I think she might be holding an invisible crystal ball.... :) CUTE!

  8. She's putting a spell on all of us! :-)

  9. Cross her palm with silver. With a lot of silver, because those are some big palms.

  10. What a beautiful young girl.. Tay is her name? My son has about 10 nicknames, and Tay is one of them..

  11. Georgina - Thanks! She was indeed going for the look. I think it lasted for about an hour. It was at her great grandmas birthday.

    jesse - She looked at your palm and saw the sign of the wolf...

    Talli - She's an actress...

    Stickup Artist - you are so right. At this point, I'd prefer not have my photo taken...

    Budd - Thanks! I thought it would come out best in B&W

    Warren - I'll be long gone before then....LOL

    Brian - I think so!

    Dawn - Thanks1 Oh yeah, she will pose for days...

    TVA - Thanks! She just may be...

    Francisca - She's sure got me in her pocket!

    Ren - Thanks so much!

    Karin - She saids she's done with silver, she wants gold...

    Lynne - Thanks! She's got a lot of nics also. her full name is Taylor

  12. She scares me a bit. I think I'm still traumatized by Children of the Corn. I'd say she has an acting future, if she wants one.
    Happy Turkey time!

  13. Robyn - Gypsy of the corn! She's already an actress! (at home anyway).

    Nat - Thanks so much!

    Sarah - That's my girl... Thanks!

  14. She's a natural! You've captured her so beautifully!

  15. A real cutie.. she has the look
    perfected !!

  16. What a cool picture, you just have to love kids, you have a winner there my Friend.

  17. Marlene - Thanks! She's a real ham!

    faye - Always ready to pose! Thanks!

    Jimmy - thanks! You sure do!

  18. She's got the look...B/W enhances it. possess an invisible crystal ball?? The Mystery deepens...

  19. Rek - She's got the look alright! The look of a nut! That is no mystery...LOL

  20. What a cute little nugget - yours Pat I assume? How long ago was this?

  21. She is a beauty and she already knows how to play to the camera, she will be a star.

    Happy Thanksgiving Pat, I hope you and your family have a wonderful day.

  22. Anthony - Thanks! Yes, she is my granddaughter. it was taken last year at her great grandmothers birthday party.

    Squirrel Queen - A ham through and through! Thanks Judy, I hope you and your family do likewise!

  23. Great portrait. a very good picture. A look of innocence

  24. Great photo, Pat, I love it.
    I hope you are having a wonderful, safe, and blessed Thanksgiving!

  25. Leovi - Thanks so much!

    baygirl - Thanks! She's full of personality...

    Entre Nous - Hey you, Thanks and same to you!!!

    Joe - Thanks Joe. Had a great day and evening. I hope yours was the same...

  26. Great Thanksgiving photo - or any time. She's gorgeous and kids are such cool subjects.

  27. What great intensity! I'd maybe(just maybe, I like the snapshot feel too) crop it from the sides to make it more portrait-y.

  28. I actually knew a guy who was kidnapped by gypsies when he was a lad. This would be in the 1930s. He recently passed away but had a great story to tell. Parents had to pay gypsies to get him back.

  29. There's a story in those eyes!

  30. Gypsy Girl...that's what my father has called me for years and years ;)

  31. she has a very exotic look about her - gonna be one of those drop dead gorgeous women

  32. tapirgal - Thanks! They do make good subjects...

    Saranna - Thanks that is good advice if it was taken as a portrait. However, I'm not a big fan of them. I like the old snapshot candid feel of a pic like this one. thanks though!

    Stephen - The place I grew up in always had a gypsy presence. One time I lived across the street from some. They were very intersting.

    Jenny - Thanks Jenny!

    Ree - Oh yeah, and she'll tell you all about it also...

    Kato - That's funny because I called her that for a short while afterwards.

    diane - hispanic, asian, and white...

  33. Cool stickers are way better than tattoos in my book. Yup, she's seriously into it. Model material for sure.

  34. What I'd give to know what she's thinking now. Brilliant shot of a child who clearly knows how to interact with the lens. That's a rare, wonderful gift!

  35. Rosemary - I know, I think they are balloon stickers! LOL...

    Carmi - She will pose or act for the camera anywhere and anytime!
    thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  36. Dear Pat

    I'm pleased so many people are enjoying your blog now but all the comments are jamming my inbox!

    I've always signed up to read what other visitors say but I can no longer cope!

    So . . . from now on, although I will continue to visit and to comment, I won't be ticking the little box for later comments to be forwarded. Nor will I necessarily read what the people before me have said. It's a bit anti-social but . . . well, otherwise, I will have to make reading what's here my life's work!


  37. Absolutely CAPTIVATING--the Hands are almost scary!!! What Power in that Child!

    Great Capture Buddy!!!!!

  38. Lucy - I understand! As long as you continue to stop by and comment I'll be happy! You've been with me since the very beginning and I'll always appreciate it.
    Thanks Lucy...

    John - She's a little charmer! Thanks!

    Icy BC - Thanks so much. I really don't like taking pics of people unless they are candid. But this one is an exception. I've taken so many...

  39. I assume she is your daughter...and is indeed lovely. You have to be lucky and proud.

  40. That is the cutest gypsy we've ever seen. She's really trying to sell it.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  41. Jerry - Nope, not my daughter, even better, she's my granddaughter! Thanks Jerry!

    D & R - She sure is! I should have posted the other few I took at the same time...thanks!

  42. Pat, Sabino Canyon is indeed near Tucson, but I can't remember if it's south - maybe southeast?

  43. Sheryl - I think I've been there! But can't quite remember...

  44. Nice shot! Love the black & white ...

  45. Penny - Thanks so much! She's a real pip...

    Jingle - Thanks! She sure is!

    Blue Wave - Thanks! I agree...

  46. Pat,

    NOW THAT I KNOW she's your Grandaughter I can see where the charisma and POWER come from!


  47. John - yep, she's had a big impact on me! LOL...


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