
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Japan 2

click to enlarge
Kamata Station, Tokyo 

walk from the train station to the house of my wife's aunt, in Tokyo


  1. Amazing jumble of overhead electrical wires in the second photo. What's DyDo?

  2. Looks like markets on the first floor. I remember at one point Tokyo was the most expensive city in the world.

  3. Those pictures would not have the same effect if they had not been done in black & white. Great shots!

  4. A whole different world, I do love the black and white shots also.

  5. altadenahiker - I believe it still is. If you get off the tourist track though. It's not bad at all. This are about the same as here. Restaurants cost more, but they don't accept tips, so it averages out.

    Ms. Anthropy - "DyDo" is a vending machine and drink company. There are vending machines everywhere. They also sell beer and hard liquor in vending machines there. However, you NEVER see a Japanese drinking on the street. Can you imagine what would happen in the the western world if they sold alcohol in vending machines? chaos..

    Chuck - I totally agree about the B & W. thanks

  6. if they sold liquor in vending machines, i'd totally be smashed with a bottle of wine in my hands asking people if they've seen my kids.... hahahaha. awwwwwww poor kiddos. no i wouldn't.... okay, i totally would..... not.... maybe.

  7. That first one looks so much like woodside station in queens it's freaky.

  8. Gosh, LOVE the black and white photo you take! I haven't tried black and white for so many inspire me to try again :)

  9. i love trains! Very neat photos!

  10. Beautiful photos. I especially love all the little details to discover in the second one.

  11. Ashley - LOL
    Copyboy - haven't been there yet!
    Nancy - I love them. How's the new camera?
    Kimberly - plenty of trains in Japan. PLENTY!!!
    T-rexy - Thanks! Yup, the second pic almost has too much to see. That little street is on the way to my wife's aunt's house.

  12. Great shots.. I would take off for Japan
    today , if only ...........
    well... one day for sure.!!

  13. Interesting...the street looks congested and cluttered...makes me want to go there. I love experiencing different cultures.

  14. I'm loving these photos, Pat. More please!

  15. I've been there several times. In the military and afterwards, because most of wife's relatives are still there. Maybe going again this fall.


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