
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Japan 18

click to enlarge


  1. Yes, those are the bright colors I imagined and no confusion at all, in fact I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and insight on such a beautiful place that I am sure I will never have the opportunity to visit ! And don't forget you never have to sell me on B&W I love it as much as you do !

  2. If you ever can go, do so...It's an eye opener. Tokyo may be the most crowded city in the world, but you will NEVER see a cigarette butt or piece of trash on the street. They sell alcohol in vending machines, on the street, but you will NEVER see anybody drinking on the street. amazing place...
    Yes, you do like B&W, and take great pics with it.

  3. It's amazing how people are so much more aware in various countries - like the cig butt comment you made. I think I've heard they sell alcohol in vending machines in other countries too right? Like Russia and Germany... I'm so sheltered. Outside the US, I've only been to England and Punta Cana, DR and Bahamas.

  4. Ally - I'm not sure about the other countries, but in Japan they sure do. And you'll NEVER see anybody drinking what they buy on the street. Could you imagine that in the US?

  5. Very Nice Pat,

    I suppose the lack of trash and drinking in view is a respect thing, would be nice to see that here.

  6. That picture is so cool, dude. The orange is right.

  7. Such a beautiful image! What does the text on the pedestal say?

  8. Thanks everyone. I'll ask my MIL what it says on the column...

  9. That is beautiful. My favorite Japan photo so far.

  10. CB - thanks! I think I have an even better shot of that spot.

  11. RA- I just showed the photo to my mother in law and my wife's cousin. They both said the it VERY ancient Kanji, maybe 500 or 600 years old. It's not used anymore. The first symbol means believe...


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