
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Japan 7

click to enlarge for best viewing


  1. Although I imagine bright, brilliant colors in Japan, the starkness of the B&W is stunning and very pleasing to the eye. Do you visit Japan often?

  2. I've been there several times. My wife's mom was a war bride from WW2. Most of their family is still there. Because of that, when someone from our family goes there we usually stay in private traditional style homes, instead of hotels. Huge difference. You are correct, there are a lot of vibrant scenes in Japan, but as you know, I'm much more drawn to shawdows and lines than colors. So it's the best of both worlds for me. I guess I should post some color pics also...
    thanks for the nice comment!

  3. You know, I just thought about it a little more. Yes there are a lot of vibrant colors, but they are usually related to either advertising, nature, or art. The general architecture, although modern, is somewhat drab in color. The people dress in a very conservative manner. You don't see vibrant colors in day to day clothing. Most every thing is very new or very old. Spring and Fall are awsome...colors everywhere. Winter and summer not so much. Sorry, that probably confused the issue...

  4. Really beautiful pictures, thanks for posting them.

  5. thanks for the nice comment! Lot's more to come...

  6. The photos are beautiful, I particularly like the one of the flowers. I would love to visit Japan someday, it seems so different to the rest of the world!

  7. It is very different. An insane blend of ancient and modern. They are far more tranditional than us, yet when it comes to electronics and other things they are much more advanced.

  8. I hoe there are lots more to come. I almost went there in my twenties, I was offered a job there, but chickened out at the last minute. I often wonder what might have been..

  9. i love them both, although i think the top one is my favorite. i'd love to see it in color....

  10. I found your blog over at Lola Sharps blog and your pictures are amazing!

    I really love your blog picture, the picture of them all waiting is fantastic!!

    Everyone holding up a sign to tell us what day it is on your sidebar also rocks!

  11. Great pics, as always! Love the black and white but would be keen to see some in colour too, if you have (?)

  12. Ashley - I like the top one too. I think I have a color pic also. it won't look much different thought as the flowers were pure white.

    Jen - thanks for stopping by and commenting! Lot's more...

    Nat - thanks! I'm sure I do have some

  13. Gorgeous.

    There is another blogger I follow who lives in Hawaii and visits Japan frequently and writes about it. You might be of interest.

  14. Even in B&W that flower shot is so powerful.

  15. Incredible pictures. I love the lack of color. :)

  16. Man I could look at these all day. I too like the "abruptness" of B&W. Color can be distracting but B&W does allow you to see the lines, shapes, shadows, ETC. Great shots!

  17. Japan is a place I am dying to go someday!

  18. You do get around.

  19. Can't picture these in color, the black and white is so impressive.

  20. Is those cherry blossom flowers?

    That temple is so majestic!

  21. They are cherry blossoms! During spring when the cherry trees blossom, the whole country wigs out! Cherry blossom soup even...

  22. Those flowers are amazing especially when enlarged.


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