
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I've Been Had...

I have a seven year old granddaughter. She burps out loud, a lot.  I talked to her about it a few times, with little effect. One day, I came up with a plan. I challenged her to a contest. Whenever one of us burps out loud, we must put a quarter in a plastic container.  At the end of the school year, winner take all.  It's okay, she's got money in her piggy bank.

I’ve been known to burp once in a while myself. So she may have gotten into the habit because of me. She burps all the time and thinks its so funny. I figured she’s gonna be bankrupt in no time at all. Of course, I’ll give her the money back when she finally breaks the habit.  You  see, a seven year old has no chance.

It’s been a several months and she hasn’t burped yet!

Yes, it is all my money in there! I've been had...

Precocious: "exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age. Ability to take advantage of old people easily"


  1. lol, my daughter is nearing three and the best I can do is get her to say excuse me. If I challenged her to something like that, I better be forking out the doe.I am a lady in public but once I'm home, it's all over.

  2. My mom prides herself on being "that aunt" - the one who helps potty train etc via monetary rewards for her nieces and nephews. I wasn't so lucky I guess :/...

    With interest, that could be upwards of a Chipotle burrito I'm missing out on!

  3. Boy they sure learn early don't they? It's how they getcha that's for sure.

  4. Never bet with a seven year old.
    You can't win.

  5. Well, at least you are on a self-imposed savings plan!

  6. Sounds like she got lots of repressed burpage. I suggest infusing her juice boxes with Pepsi or Mountain Dew.
    xo Robyn

  7. Ha ha ha! I love it! I wonder what she'll buy with it? :)

  8. That's so funny! Kids need to be bribed! I'm an adult and still, the bribe gets me every time :)

  9. Halarious! Good for her - she is learning her manners...and her tactics. I should learn from her! Ha!

  10. Kids are smart when it comes to money man. I know my 2 year old son can con me out of 10 dollars for a toy I told him he couldn't get before when we in.

  11. Maybe she was just setting me up in the first place. Maybe she never even really needed to burp. Darn! I've been teaching her to whistle, she'll probably find a way to make some money off me with that also...

  12. What was puzzling me was the amount of notes that are in that box! Pennies are o.k. but there must have been a hell of a lot of burping going on to leave $5 bills there!
    Hummm, so who is cheating who? Lol!!!!
    Yeah, I have a 4 year old niece, and she has been whistling for a while...I wonder who taught her that!

  13. Alice, we needed some parking meter money a while ago, so I took 20 quarters and left a fiver.

  14. Yep, the kids will get ya, every time!

  15. Kids these days seem to be born money smart and already knowing how to use a computer...

    Wonder what your granddaughter will buy with all that burp cash ;-)

  16. she'll probably buy a DS game or something.... or maybe.... a car!!!

  17. that's what grandparents are for. we get had even when we know they're doing it. LOL

  18. I wonder if she would float me a loan?

  19. Does she win all the money you've put in there too?

  20. She sure does! But she has to wait until the end of the school year. I hope she trips up, or drinks a lot of soda, so I can some of my money back..

  21. mrscolombo@yahoo.comApril 5, 2010 at 10:13 PM

    If you don't know her by now..... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahah

    Man...she played you!

    I love it!


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