
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lusus Naturae IX

Only one more day!
Several people have asked me what kind of container the doll heads were stored in.
Well here ya go...

enlarge please

Next year, a new theme...


  1. These are some pretty disturbing photos, Pat, but I love them in a weird sort of way!
    It makes me wonder what goes on inside of my head!

  2. I'm going to get some fiber optic lighting and try to create some new effects by worming the light up among the doll heads.

    thanks for the comments!!!

  3. That last photo is outstanding! As are the other two, of course. It's just the color in the last one, I think, that lends it a touch of realness. Very weird... and interesting how all of those heads just lay there together.


  4. The heads are all from antique dolls. the piece was made by an artist friend of mine. Most of her work is a bit on the dark side. She placed each head how she wanted them.

    She also drew a piece I used for one of my poems..

  5. That is fascinating and creepy! I looked ta it, went to your other blog, but then had to come back to see it again.

    I love Modern Art.

  6. Tina - thanks for visiting

    Girl Next Door - Thanks, this blog is lying kind of dormant for a while. I going to start posting chapters of a book I'm slaving over soon. The book is equally creepy. Zombies...

  7. Cool, I love it! I would totally display a work of art like that all year round. - G

  8. Georgina - It usually sits on my bedroom dresser. thanks!

  9. That is all kinds of creepy. Naturally I love it.

  10. That first one shocked the $&@" outta of me. Love the visual effects.

  11. Oh my gosh! Love it! You have the most creative photos {and subjects} on your blog:)

  12. Wild! Where is your friend's artwork on display?

  13. Tim - Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

    Jesse - Thanks! I swear, I did nothing with this but control the lighting!

    Nancy - Thanks so much! I appreciate the nice words...

  14. Alex - Thanks! This piece is in my house. I always buy something whenever she has a new collection. It's not usually on display at any one place. She advertises and then has a big exhibit and disappears afterwards. She does a new theme each time. They are almost always on the dark side. She has so much stuff stored. One time she filled up a whole exhibit room with masks. Here's a link to one I used for one of my poems.

  15. Like 4th of July fireworks, you're saving your big bangs for the last. The heads inside a head is rather inspired.

  16. WOW now I see why the #1 pic from the last post kept catching my eye, this is truly amazing the feeling this puts right into your gut.

  17. Ah, so that's where they came from.
    They are creepy...I think you should definately do the fibre optic lighting thing.
    Happy Halloween!

  18. No, I won't enlarge. Don't make me do it. I can't. I won't. I'm too scared. xo

  19. Oh, it was discovered the mystery, I like that image of glass with their heads inside, and I love color. But I recognize that black and white are more mysterious. Very good throughout the series. Greetings.

  20. Spooky pictures, but I like them:)
    Have a happy...or spooky halloween:)


  21. Eeeeks! That's done MY head in!

    Happy Halloween, Pat...

  22. This is in your house?? Where on earth do you keep it? How creepy! Ha ha

  23. Karin - Yes, inspired and creepy!
    thanks Karin...

    Jimmy - It's pretty odd, that's for sure!

    Joe - I'm starting to look around for something not too expensive that I can control colors with it.

    Warren - Done at last, we are done at last...

    Robyn - chicken!

    Ren - Me too! Thanks...

    Leovi - Yes, I agree about the black and white. Next year, I'm going to experiment with fiber optics colors, and see what that does to the heads...

    Berit - Thanks so much! Same to you!

    Nat - Thanks! Happy halloween to you also...

  24. DOMS - It's either on the fireplace mantle or my bedroom dresser. It doesn't creep me out, unless I stare at them...

  25. I may be stupid. I've never had a brilliant idea like Halloween Themes each year.......... So I will live vicariously through your!!!

  26. Actually I was referring to a Twilight Zone episode called Deaths Head Revisited.

  27. Truly creepy. Truly fascinating. Very artistic. The colored one is definitely twilight zone. Amazing!! Can't wait to see what comes up here next Halloween!

  28. That is just too purrfect, you get to go to the head of the class!!!

  29. Entre Nous - I'm happy to be of service... Besides, if I remember correctly you have some halloween stuff on your blog...

    Warren - oops! I hadn't thought of that...

    Ann - Thanks Ann! I like the first one also.

  30. I don't know what's creepier, the doll's heads or the container. You really know how to freak people out!


  31. Clarissa - I don't which is either, but together they are freaky. Thanks!

  32. holy f#@k - that just got a lot more frightening.

  33. That is one of the creepiest things I have seen today. So, you done good! :)

  34. Weird but brilliant photos!
    You're so talented!

    Hope you're having a great weekend!


  35. This is interesting, Pat. I'm not so creeped out about the heads in the head. I do wonder what the artist wanted to convey. It's not apparent to me. The many faces of Eve? It WOULD disturb me to have them sitting on my dresser table, since I am more than a touch of an aesthete. Does your wife have an opinion about this? :-D

    [And do forgive me that awfully lame lame lame post of mine. Nesides hard disk grief, my plate is too loaded for much creativity at the moment. Not doing much blogging, either, but had to see the end of your series. You had me hooked! :-D BTW, I personally don't do Halloween at all... I don't even get it, and that is after 25 years of manufacturing seasonal product. :-D]

  36. Heads inside a head. How poetic. Great ride Pat, thanks for the show.

  37. that is gruesome uggghhhh. why do boys always play with dolls in macabre ways?

    my husband took my beautiful Madame Alexander dolls who needed to go to the doll hospital because their heads were falling off. He took some icky photos of them; not as icky as yours, but disturbing nonetheless.

  38. Jhon - I thought it was a good one to end the photos with. That and the end scene from BWP.

    Megan - Thanks so much!

    Betty - Thanks for the nice words Betty! I am!

    Francisca - I just spoke to the artist this week and asked her what she was going to do with all the headless bodies. She said she had something planned. I can't wait to see what it is...

    Chuck - My pleasure, my friend!

    California Girl - Your husband sounds like a brilliant man! LOL...
    have a nice halloween...

  39. Wow, that is so cool! Pat you da man! What is that surface its on? The lighting is pretty cool too..


  40. Oh, does that look like an episode of Twilight Zone...

  41. No wonder it's all so creepy!!! Even the container they were in creeps me out!

  42. Anthony - Thanks! The surface it's sitting on is our kitchen countertop. Hope you had a nice weekending...

    The Empress - Thanks! I think so also.

    Marlene - That is why I saved the container for last...

  43. These have been seriously SICK..perfect for horror maybe missed your calling??? LOL

  44. Joan - I take that as a compliment! Thanks!


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