
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Black Hawk

If you've been around for a while, you may recall that my sixth year on this earth, was not a very good one. I covered much of that in an earlier post.  My mom made me change schools three times in first grade and my dad walked out of my life. There were several other things that happened that year as well. One of them follows.
Saturday morning was usually the high point of my week. I loved it for two reasons; cartoons and the fact that my mom usually spent little or no time at home on the weekends. One fateful Saturday morning, while waiting for "Felix the Cat" to come on, my brother Mike and I were looking at comic books.

When it was time for me to watch "Felix", I left my brother to his comics. He was reading his favorite one, it was called "Blackhawk."

Blackhawk was a comic book about a group of hero's called "the Blackhawks." These guys spent most of their time fighting nazis, villians, and criminals.  Whenever the Blackhawks attacked whomever it was that needed attacking, they let out a shrieking battle cry of, "Hawkaaaah!"

I'm sitting in the ugly and stained green chair in the living room, enjoying my Felix cartoon, when I hear my brother running out of our bedroom. He's screaming "Hawkaaah" at the top of his lungs, like he's going into battle.

Well, it wasn't much of a friggin battle. He ran up behind me and cranked me right on top of the head, with a croquet mallet. Hospital, x-rays, stitches, and a fractured skull.  Needless to say, my brother and I weren't very close.  We still aren't now...


  1. And your generation talks about the bad effects of violent video games upon me and mine...

    Maybe he thought you were a Nazi?

  2. How come he hit you over the head with a mallet?
    Did he not see you sitting there?
    No wonder you are still not speaking to him!
    A friend of mine once dropped a planter, plant and all on my head, and I ended up with stitches in my head too....and this happened about four years ago! It was an accident though, I was on the floor looking for a D.V.D. and she got a fright and dropped the plant!

  3. Brutal imagination, or did the Blackhawks use mallets in the comic book too?

  4. You both sound like a couple of typical boys. That is, if my boys were typical. They all have their scars.

  5. Your propensity towards Felix the cat was a maaaaajor foreshadowing of the drugs to come.

  6. OMW! I wasn't expecting that! If drugs, etc. didn't get 'cha - it was a miracle your brother didn't. And to think, my brother stuffing my nieces and my head through the large slats of a chair and farting on our heads was tortureous to us! I'll take the gas any day to a mallet. So sorry!

  7. SN - Don't believe anything my generation says!

    Alice & Lady Ren - Because he felt the urge! No, he didn't say he was sorry, but we do talk today (occasionaly). I eventually outgrew him and his nonsense stopped.

    Nat and Karen G - no brotherly love in that family. It was everyman (or boy) for themselves.

    Random Thinker - They used everything! I still have the scar...

    The ID - I believe you are correct!

    Andrea - Believe me, he tried! There were plenty more incidents after this one

  8. My sister hit me on the head with a metal shovel once. I can feel your pain!

  9. Ha.

    You say that like I already do....

  10. Holy frijoles! A croquet mallet!?
    That's scary. Seriously messed up.

  11. When you recovered, somewhat, did you whack him back? Need me to whack him for you? Just let me know.

  12. Forget Blackhawks...Felix was my favorite cartoon when I was a kid!

  13. So I guess it wasn't one of those plastic accordion style mallets but s solid wood one, eh?

  14. Wow! I can't imagine sitting there, then getting such a conk on the head! Yeouch!

    I'm with Ms. Anthropy... he needs a retaliation whack. :)

  15. Nope, there was no retalitory whack (not even from my mom). I was in first grade, he was in sixth or seventh.

  16. OUCH!!! Did you really need attacking? I think not....

  17. OMG, I am so sorry but I chuckled a little after reading that. Sounds like my brothers and sisters before I was born. Thank god most of them were out of the house by the time I was 7 or I might be dead. LOL

  18. OUCH. I think I know your brother...
    I think all older brothers do awful things, but yours take the cake.

  19. That's sad and funny at the same time. The hawkaaaah part is funny but hospital and not close bro are sad.

  20. Holy Cow.... How old was your brother?

  21. He wasn't the worst big brother, but he sure tried to be.

    ABAO - He was in sixth grade, I was in first.


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