
Monday, April 12, 2010

Japan 1

each in their own world

click to enlarge

They are everywhere


  1. I have always liked this top photo on your blog, I THINK it's a compliment when I say that at first I didn't realize it was taken in Japan, I was just so drawn in by the composition.

  2. Awesome. Words are not enough :-)

  3. I love all the detail. It looks great enlarged and there's so much to see.

  4. Cool concept, just wondered why were they all looking down?

  5. How Wonderful! The first thing I notice is how Clean everything Is compared to America's stations!!!LOL
    Great Shot! Hope you play again!

  6. mmm, people watching... & they haven't got a clue...

  7. Splendid composition, indeed. The echoing curves are spot on. The light, the dark and the grey complement the curves. I guess it makes sense that the waiting commuters stand along that same arc as well.

    Great stuff.

  8. Like the curved composition. Interesting to see how many people have their heads down in their mobiles; modern day I guess.

  9. In the stations or on the trains. People there tend to stay within themselves. Either of mobile phone or lost in their own thoughts. Also, they tend not to make eye contact in public. That makes candids easy there.The station is so clean because, well, everything and everywhere is clean in Japan. A Japanese would NEVER EVER think of litering

  10. Great shot. Love the composition of this one. well done!

  11. Urban settings always look so modern in a black and white setting! Lovely composition!

  12. Great shots, I like the advertising on the train as much as the crowd in the first shot.

  13. Joan and Judy - thanks! Last time in Japan i took about 1100 photos... don't worry, I won't post them

  14. That first photo is so compelling.

    Love it!

  15. Love these photos. A visit to Japan is on
    my bucket list.

  16. Yep we have them here in AZ too!

  17. Pissy - thanks!

    Faye - I love Japan! I been fortunate enough to go several times, plus my wife is 1/2, and when we go we get to stay in houses instead of hotels. It's nice to see how they live.

    Christiejolu - yup! everywhere...

  18. You are so very talented. Photos and words. Anything you can't do Pat? I bet you're a great cook too, right?

    Visit me at

  19. Ally - Thanks so much for the nice words! I'm a pretty good cook, but there's a million things I suck at!

  20. Lovely shots. I liked the first one. Maybe, they are all sleeping. That explains the head down... LOL

    Have a good day and thanks for stopping by my blog...:)

  21. Mr. Stupid - Thanks! Even though Japan is very crowded, they don't interact much with each other. It's very crowded and very quiet...
    thanks for commenting!

  22. Wow. I really love that first one of the subway (or whatever they call it in Japan.) It's so balanced and fluid. And it's amazing how everyone is looking down!

  23. You truly have a great eye for a shot, Pat, the platform one is amazing, it keeps drawing you in to look again.

  24. I never felt so out of place as when I was in Japan. They are so homogenous and they have this unfied approach to everything they do. Everybody knows the rules.

  25. Lindsay, Nat, Shrinky - Thanks! I really like this one myself. They are all in their own world and "not in the face" of those around them.

    Random Thinker - I understand what you're saying. That's why it works, everybody not only knows the rules, they follow them... Because we mostly stay in the houses of my wife's aunts, we get to live like they do when we are there.. They are much more open in private settings. I'd move there in a minute if I had the chance. I did feel like I was always on display though.
    thanks for commenting!

  26. Great pictures Pat! Have you seen, I'm sure you saw them first hand, the videos of people packed on to the Japanese subway like sardines during rush hour?

  27. Thank you Sir! As a matter of fact I have been subjected to it myself. I couldn't take any photos though, because I couldn't really raise my arms...Their train system is amazing.....


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