
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Palm Springs Candids 04

check out the baby with mohawk to the left

just an unlucky passerby

yet another sausage vendor



  1. kabob guy on the bottom!!!!
    i asked him how much a water was.... he said 5 bucks, and gave me that same grin.!!!!

    the water was only 1 dollar.
    he was just joking.

  2. I don't remember all this good food stuff the last time I was there!

  3. The four Palm Springs Candids are amazing. Great pics.


  4. My dad worked for the hospital I was born in, and so I was given a mini mowhawk for one of my "official" baby pictures. And you better believe it was pretty much the most adorable thing in the history of ever.

  5. Ashley - yeah, he wanted me to pay him to take his picture. I didn't...

    Joe - there was much too much food to eat. And of course the street is lined with restaurants on both sides also.

    David V - thanks so much. And thanks for following my blog. Your photographs are amazing!

    Softy - All downhill after that....LOL

  6. Absolute nonsense. Offensive drivel even.

    Just you wait until I post my pre-school pictures, they'll melt your heart.

  7. I wouldn't have noticed the mohawk! Good capture. Are you taking the photos in B/W mode, or are you 'processing' them as B/W in photoshop?

  8. I wouldn't have noticed the mohawk! Good capture. Are you taking the photos in B/W mode, or are you 'processing' them as B/W in photoshop?

  9. Hi Brenda - I don't use photoshop (I don't have it) or any other program to process my photos. How you see 'em, is how I took 'em...
    When I'm out taking pics I usually have two cameras. One regular and one set up for black and white. Needless to say, I take a lot that are not usable. If that happens I may try to tweak the contrast a bit, but that's all. For intstance, the day/night I took these, I took about 200 shots. Maybe 25% were usable (in my opinion). I could get more if I used photoshop, I'm sure. But to me it's like cosmetic surgery...LOL

  10. oh yeah...
    I would have liked to get a better shot of the kid, but people tend to frown on adults taking pictures of their kids. I don't blame them at all. But I still wanted to work in it...The lady wasn't all that interesting...

  11. you really have some talent behind the lens. Did you blow any of these up for framing?

  12. It's been a while since we visited Palm Springs, I do like what you have done in the way of taking these pictures, Candid shots tell the best stories.

    Thanks Pat

  13. Jesse - I have, but not to often. thanks!

  14. Fantastic pictures. I love pictures where the people are natural and not posed.

    Also I love the baby with the mohawk. That's how my hair grew in when I was a baby and we mohawkers have to stick together. lol

  15. I think I gain weight just looking at all the food photos! There must have been food everywhere! Was the aroma heavenly? Any funnel cakes?

  16. I used to run a food blog, and had TONS of pictures from food fests, beer fests, and more. Your pics are SO great, it makes me wonder how some of my old shots would look in black and white. Good stuff!!

  17. TS - Thanks! I love candids also. There's usually a problem though. Maybe I'll post a couple of those also. Those are the ones where the people or person is clearly upset at

    Ms. A. - It smelled great, and yes there were funnel cakes!

    Darrin - thanks for following and commenting! Also thanks for nice comment. gotta love "street food."
    thanks again!

  18. Jimmy - thanks for commenting. Yup, I love Palm Springs. Every thursday night the street fair is there. Much better before summer though, too hot!

  19. That baby mohawk is awesome!!! :)

  20. Great shots... and I think black and white gives them a special feel.

  21. Man the mohawk one and grilling one in Candids 03 have that vintage feel that I love so much, I have no idea how to do it and you capture it so well! Rock On =)

  22. BP - I wish I could have gotten a close up of the baby. I guess I could have asked the parents. But they didn't look too friendly.

    Faye - I'm with ya!

    vickie - It's all in the flash or lack of flash. Oh yeah, and very still hands. Like I said above somewhere. I take a lot of them and hope! For the grill pic. I actually covered half the flash with my fingers. That way it doesn't get all washed out. Some day I hope to figure out how to get the old flash bulb look. that would be awesome...I guess what I'm saying is I don't have a clue...LOL..well maybe half a clue!

  23. vickie - sorry....I forgot the obvious. If I have the time, of course the shutter speed plays into it...

  24. The baby was campaigning about how dangerous a "Sneeze" can be. Look what it did when the Barber got one and resulted in the Haircut... LOL
    Loved the pictures. Great shots!

    Have a good day Pat...:)

  25. I love to notice certain characteristics about cooks. Like, taking the kabob guy and the sausage guy, I notice that the kabob guy is overweight and looks like he's having a really good time. Then you have a look at the sausage guy and you notice he's all lean and healthy and seems stone-cold serious!

    I always joke about how I will always trust an overweight chef more, since they'll eat their own food a lot, but sometimes pictures like these make me smile and wonder if it's actually more than merely a joke.

    Great shots all, lots of character and lots of things to see.

  26. Your pictures are wonderful! Don't you want to join The World in Black & White???

  27. Wow! Black and white photographs! I looooooooove black and white photographs. And I saw that baby.

  28. A day like that would be lovely...

    I love your photos, Pat!

  29. Those are some really great candid life shots.

  30. thanks everyone! I love candids. I'm going to have to dig out the ones I've taken through the years, where it's obvious that the "subjects" aren't happy with me...geez was that a long sentence or what?


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