
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spa Menu - What The?

This sign was prominently displayed in the lobby of the Hilton Hotel we recently stayed at. It was a “menu” of items and/or services offered at the hotel spa.

Note the 16th item from the top (or just look below).

Gentlemen Only Services?

Seriously, this was in the middle of the lobby of the Palm Springs Hilton Hotel. I asked the guy at the front desk to explain (I already knew the answer).  I pressed him for specifiics, but he would only say that it was "special services" for men.  We all had a good laugh after that.  Isn't that just a wee bit "out there?" Or is it? Palm Springs is one of, if not the most "gay" city in the country. It also happens to be an awesome city and one of our most favorite places. So, no gay bashing welcomed or allowed.


  1. And...wonder if the massuese is a man or a woman???

  2. In PS's, it could easily be either. No problem with that, but to advertise it in the lobby of a major hotel chain?

  3. why don't you just tell us what it was.... since you requested enrique for your massage?


  4. Man, I gotta start moderating these comments! LOL

  5. I'd say it's more than just a wee bit out there. More like blatantly out there.

  6. I wonder how much extra for a 'happy ending'?

  7. Wow! That is definitely a little "out there." :)

  8. This was too funny... especially Ashley's comment.

  9. LOL, Rainey!! I get your drift!

  10. there is always a happy ending...

  11. I'm with you it's a bit out there especially when displayed right in the lobby of a major hotel chain, another one out there is the full billboard advertizing the Adult Entertainment Convention right on the freeway for all to see.

  12. Oh my gosh! I have never seen something like that so blatantly presented!

  13. I think after reading the 'menu' the safest thing for me to do here is to decline commenting. There are just way too many bad ways to go with it. lol

  14. I think we ALL know what 'Gentlemen Only Services' are, ammiright? We are men of the world. Like Stallions we have run and run free. Any fella will tell you that means you get lucky on Christmas and your birthday and every once in awhile you come home and the garbage has already been taken out. Soak it in boys. It's all about US now.

  15. Knowing the usual services offered by the Hilton chain, it would probably be overhauling your lawnmower.

  16. Pat, your post and all the comments are hilarious. I'm thinking it's perhaps a "wee bit out there" or perhaps "out there in a big way" or perhaps "out there to any measure in between," depending upon the customer's, uh, manliness. Oh, and the quality of the special services. Sorry, but you did open the door to all these comments.
    I agree with Lady Ren. There should be women's special services. Those would not be "out there" at all.

  17. LOL, that is awesome. So how many guys are reading this and scheduling time over at Hilton Hotel.

  18. Hahaha! It's probably not as saucy as it sounds....or is it? Some places in the world it probably would be....

  19. I'll go, investigate and let you all know.

  20. OMW (Oh my word!) You know, Lily here would still be staring at the sign with that puzzled look of "Huh, wonder what 'Getlemen Only Services' are? Must be some sports stuff." But I would also be saying how unfair it was that no women were listed - what if we wanted to go shopping or something! How rude!

  21. no i was not thinking about you before i went to sleep, but i DID have a dream that you called me and in your most serious tone said, "well, i guess you have proven that you cannot read and leave appropriate comments, therefore i will not be approving any further comments that you post. i have been an honest reader and have left you honest comments and i'm just sorry it had to come to this."

    i felt terrible about it all....

    i was dreaming and not half asleep, right?

  22. Haha, this is hilarious. I love the way they've worded it, "Gentlemen Only Services", its like something out of a Bond film :) Oh those Hiltons, what ever will they do next?

  23. Ashley - Go back to sleep! Your post was funny.

    All - Here is where the "spa menu" gets interesting. Palm Springs is probably the most "lavender" city in the US, if not the world. The mayor is gay, the majority of the city council is gay, and about a third of the population is gay. There are also MANY "gay" and lesbian resorts there. That might have something to do with the "menu."

    My family loves Palm Springs and we don't have a single problem with the place (other than it gets very hot during the summer). So if you respond to this please don't do any "gay bashing!" seriously....thanks!

  24. I'm really into manis/pedis and stuff like that and I think they always charge men more which is kinda nice considering women pay more for dry cleaning.

  25. Wait a minute? Are you saying that you didn't get one? I'm so curious now!

    Ally - Your spas offer a dry cleaning service?

  26. P.S. No equal time for women??? Now THAT is shocking.

  27. Rather amazing at a major hotel.


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