
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What the Heck is a Fleece Snuggie?

Last night we went to see the Minnesota Twins play “your” Los Angeles of Anaheim (of Orange County, of Southern California).

As a result we are now part of a Guinness World Record. That’s right people; eat your envious little hearts out! Representatives of the Guinness organization were on hand to witness and memorialize the stupendous event. What was the event you ask?

It was Fleece Snuggies night!

The former record was held by the Cleveland Cavilers of the NBA. On March 6th of this year, 17,000 fans wore the “snuggies” for 5 minutes. We didn’t just set the record for the most idiots wearing “fleece snuggies” in the same place, at the same time for five consecutive minutes, we crushed it. There were over 43,000 of us last night.

I thought the whole thing was pretty stupid, but I wore my Hideki Matsui souvenir “fleece snuggie” with Angel pride!

I’m Freaking Famous Now! Aren't you happy to know me? Isn't this stupid?


  1. So what the heck is a fleece snuggie? One of those blanket/covers we see on Infommercials where your feet tuck in to the blankie? Oh my...

  2. Does this mean I get to say I knew you BEFORE you were famous? I feel honored. Careful, unknown relatives and total strangers will miraculously show up, to ride on your coattails! You'll have to beat them off with a stick.

  3. Snuggies are a slippery slope! One minute you're just wearing them to keep warm in front of the tv, and the next minute you're wearing them out to dinner, you know, just in case it gets chilly.

  4. I think Snuggies look funny lol but they always keep me warm so it works out :D

  5. This is really funny. Goes to show the idiocy of the pack mentality lol. But really, my son now 25, made his own fleece snuggie 10 years ago, by sewing arms in a fleece blanket and wearing it to watch tv & play video games. Then it came out in the stores, and we're thinking, Hey, Sean thought of that first! Talk about missed opportunity!

  6. Great Video (soft nonsense)...everyone should be watch this one!

    People were actually wearing these things to their cars...And still wearing them today at work, for all I know.

  7. I'm sorry, but still can't thing of the Angels as anything except the CALIFORNIA Angels...What about you?

  8. I'm with ya Joe. I've never called them anything but that.
    And I was lucky enough to actually see them play in "Wrigly Field" in LA when they were a PCL team, and at Dodger stadum when they used to play there. Los Angeles Angles just doesn't ring right in my ear!

  9. Oh my. Looks like a wizard convention...

  10. Here's the thing about Snuggies; from the very first moment I saw them advertised I went on record as saying this was our future. Think about it, in so many sci-fi movies, people are wearing these long robes. It's cultish and it will take over.

    Also I still want the Weezer snuggie.

  11. Fleece snuggle, hm. Intriguing!

    I am very very glad to know such a famous person!

  12. I have two words for any future Snuggie-related misadventures you're thinking of having:

    1. Leapord
    2. Print

    Live the dream.

  13. The word Snuggie does something to me, I can't quite explain. Makes me feel all toasty. I really wanted one for Christmas until someone told me they are awkward.

  14. They even make Snuggies for dogs now :) (our dog doesn't own one)

  15. I am honored to be in the presence of your greatness. :) Yay!You!

  16. Scuse, me, I gotta go call my sister-in-law right now and find out if my brother brought her home a fleece snuggie...

  17. Lindsay, it did look like wizards. If only they handed out pointy hats also.

    TJ - Ebay?

    Talli and Sarah - I promise to remember you when...

    D - LOL, not my dream! That thing will be in the mail to Japan by week's end.

    Ally - Awkward? Heck yes! It's like a bathrobe you wear backwards, but without a belt.

    Nancy - If I had a dog, it would either. My cats think it's their mother though, and won't stop kneading on it.

    J Bar - It was pretty funny. While we were all standing there, I was wondering if they were flamable.

    Megan - oh oh...somebody might have some splaining to do....

  18. Good for you! And now that all of that is taken care of....Snuggies can die now, right? Like they can just stop? I don't need to worry about the CofC college girls wearing theirs around downtown anymore? Please say it can be over.

  19. Erika - I hope so! Do people really wear them in public?

  20. Well done :D May I touch them hem of your Snuggie?

  21. Can I google your name along with Guiness records?

    It's a honor to know you sir.

  22. That is awesomely cool! I wish I could have been there. I would so have rocked that Snuggie. Then I could have given it to my daughter who for some odd reason loves those damn commercials.

  23. I am so jealous! A Matsui snuggie and a world record! You're so lucky!

  24. No dice. He was there the night before. I had my information scrambled. She is NOT happy she missed out on the Snuggie, lemme tell ya!


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