
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Japan Color 04

click to enlarge
Good thing I'm not shy. I climbed on top of something for this.

Always conservative

Caught in the rain in Asakusa


  1. Those are some great shots!!!!

  2. Came in from Culture Kills, gonna put a feed on yours :)

    Do you know if this 'Asuka' is the city where the band Asuka Jinta comes from? Because they're awesome..but it's hard to get any of their music overhere.

  3. Lisa - Thanks!

    Arjan - They are indeed from Asakusa, in 1999. Back then their name was "March March Japonica."
    I've only heard them on the internet.

  4. Do you know the person in the second photo? Lovely smile.

  5. Awesome! The first shot actually made me a little claustrophobic!

    Formality rules eh?

    Excellent---and what a beautiful smile on the Lady in the Rain!

    Great job as always!

    Formality rules eh?


  6. Ms A - I do indeed! That would be buymebarbies in the flesh. Most of her family is still living in Japan.

    John - It takes some getting used to. What stands out most to me in that photo and the next one. Is how conservative everybody dresses. Note that isn't a brightly colored (especially red) piece of clothing to be seen. maybe a backpack strap or something like that, but that's all.

  7. I had a feeling it might be! She's beautiful.

  8. Great shots. It's amazing how bold you can be with a camera in your hand.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  9. Very nice shots! Kudos to the lady!

  10. Cool observation thanks Pat!! And you see the Big City like Tokyo; (commercialism gets everyone I guess) and it puts Vegas to shame--I wouldn't have made that observation! (Or is the dress still similar in the big cities...I don't know much about Japan--I need to read up on it's rich culture!

    Thank you sir!

    It also stuck me on your Header how everyone seems almost to be PRAYING for the train...almost identical postures--Well Ingrained yes?


  11. I love the Japanese culture pics. Love you devotion for getting just the right shot.

  12. Ms A - She sends you her thanks!

    Darryl and Ruth - that is so true, but it tends to embarass my family when I do odd things to get shots.

    Chuck - Thank you my friend!

    John - They do look like they are praying. They don't tend to socialize in public with people they don't know. Plus they are usually very shy. So they stay in their own world usually.

    Copyboy - thanks! I wish there right now!

    Cheeseboy - Thank you sir!

  13. Loved the lady that got caught in the rain!

  14. Joan - "that was no lady, that was my wife." LOL...

  15. That first picture looks awesome. I would like to visit there some day.

  16. Wow. These are great shots. BTW, what did you climb on to take the first shot. The woman holding the pink bag looked very surprised!

    Nice shots. Smiles:)

  17. It looks like a woman is taking your picture in the first one, Pat. That woman in the third picture is beautiful, even with a bag over her head.
    Thanks for sharing these great shots.

  18. Some wonderful shots yet again.. its always interesting


  19. Love your Japan pictures! The second one looks straight off a calendar!

  20. Jerry - It was a small street leading up to one of the major temple.

    Mr. Stupid - Thanks! I stood on a wall.

    Robyn - That happenes a lot. I just read your comment to the "woman with the bag over her head." She laughed and said thanks!

    Anthony - thank you kind sir!

    Betty - Thanks! As you can also see, it's not so crowded everywhere.

  21. i have never been to Asia but hope to visit there one day. You have captured some amazing photos of the Japanese culture. I particularly like the last one of the smiling lady with the bag over her head. I can so relate...even across cultures we women do not like to get our hair wet. It is part of our persona to have "perfect" hair and drops of raining ruining our look just will not do. It is neat to see this even in Japan. Sometimes a photo can convey so much information without one word. That is the one of the greatest things about photography...a picture speaks a thousand words.

  22. Thank you to everyone that commented on my photo!! I have that typical, Asian hair that is hard to fix, so there was no way I was going to let the rain straighten all that hard work!!

    We all do get embarrassed when Pat takes some shots from strange views or odd places. But I must admit, I am one lucky woman to have such a wonderful husband as him. I'm very proud of the hard work he puts into his blogging and pictures!!! MMMM, love that man!!!

  23. Gorgeous photos. Your wife has a gorgeous smile. :)

  24. Dr Soosie - Thanks so much! I totally agree! Theres a lot of culture to see there. Very old and ultra modern all in one bag. I'm very luck to be able to take pics of that smiling Japanese woman whenever I want!

    Buymebarbies - chickahma!
    That's the best blog comment I've ever received!

    Sometimes when I'm taking some snaps, people I'm with get a little embarrased and walk ahead of me. I don't blame 'em!

    Marlene - thanks so much! I agree!

  25. Did the guy you climb on top of to get the picture get upset? lol

  26. ABAO - I was lucky to ran into a gymnastics team and climed to the top of a human pyramid.

  27. Yes, I've heard that human pyramids randomly pop up in the streets of Japan....


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