
Monday, May 10, 2010

Speaking of Buying Cards at Wal-Mart

I might have been underdressed when buying a mother's day card for my wife last week...


  1. Hmm, there must be a Wal-Mart on Rodeo Drive that she's referring to.

  2. I mean, who wants to not wear slippers to the store?

  3. Being a NYCer maybe I should say my peace.

  4. I usually try to go in off hours so I won't be imtimidated by the fashionistas. there's a people of walmart web page...check it out and you'll see what I mean!

  5. I think she means she has to wear shoes.

  6. Is she serious here? I didn't realize I was supposed to dress up before I went to Walmart!!!!

  7. *snort* Well, some of the outfits I've seen being worn inside some Wal-Marts (not that I go very often - I can't stand the place, honestly) looks pretty "dress-up" to me! (Especially if you're playing the part of a street hooker in a play!)

  8. I'm not a big Walmart fan. I dont' mind the store, it's the ownership I don't like. But...there is a BIG difference in customers depending on where you are. In my hometown, there is/was no mall, so Walmart was a social place and people do dress for it.

    Where I live now, the shoppers have money and park their BMW's and Mercedes in the lot.

    The best thing about Walmart is that they allow you park your RV in their lot when you are on the road. That's true at every Walmart in the country. Next time you drive by, look at the edges of the lot. Almost always at least a couple motor homes there...

  9. Who ever said that must have never been to People of Wal-mart website. LOL Who gets dressed up to go to Wal-mart?? And what is the dress for the Dollar store?

  10. Yep, I hate getting dressed up, too!

  11. Pat, have you seen the site ?
    if this is the first you have heard of it be warned it's a time suck-
    I hate people who wear slippers out- It is so tacky- I don't care if you are wearing hundred dollar Ugg slippers- so tacky.
    And yes I hate the people, not just the concept.

  12. Hahaha! Awesome. I wonder when she says "dress up" for Wal-Mart, if she ever looked at the "People of Wal-Mart site.

  13. The dollar store is a fine establishment in and of itself.

  14. Hahahaha I'm ALL over that one!!:P

  15. I just went to the People of Walmart site and lost an hour of my life I'll never get back. I also saw a picture that made me spit VitaminWater on my key board, so there's that.

  16. Too funny .. I saw an elderly lady in her nightgown at the local
    Walmart...but I guess she was

  17. Have seen quite a few scary outfits at Walmart not on the racks but on some of the people, I don't suppose I was ever underdressed for them.

    To agree with Pat I have noticed the RV's parking on their lots all over.

  18. Yes, there are several emails circulating around with pic's of "Walmartians." They are hilarious!! I personally don't like Walmart or go there!! Now that I know my cards come from there, I may have to check it out!!! Love you Honey!!

  19. I have seen some crazy and a bit scary people at a Wal-Mart near my house. I would suggest them to put a dress code... hehe

    Have a good day!

  20. Ha Ha--buying STANK Catfish Bait and a Duck Call!


  21. I'm normally dressed up (business casual)in Walmart but only cuz I go on my lunch break from work...

    Hey Pat! I'm tagging along...

  22. When Wal-mart was open 24hrs here during the Christmas rush, I saw people in there late at night who really ought to have gotten dressed up. Or bathed at least. Flannel is not proper shopping attire people, unless you are in China, where it is all the rage right now. - G

  23. Well at our local Wal Mart the dress usually involves some form of pajama pants, so I'm gonna guess this gal was going in underwear or a bathing suit to the dollar place...

  24. Spoken like a true Southerner! Wait...where was this woman from?

  25. I need to see her going to Wal-Mart outfit....

  26. Clap clap clap. That woman is clearly high class.

  27. so whose card was from walmart? mine or melissa's?


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