
Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Good Link

You may or may not have noticed that I follow a wide variety of blogs. Sometimes, when I feel a blog is under-appreciated, I like to share it.

I already know that some of you won't give this blog a glance, but some of you will. If you are interested in the subject, or if you participated in the subject as either a kid, or an adult, you will be AMAZED...

The blog I want to introduce to you is "The Great Canadian Model Builders Web page." The blog is run by Warren Zoell. He is not just a model builder, he has elevated model building into an art form. The detail and paint work is amazing. In addition, he also provides very short narratives that relate to the actual full-size item.

Warren started the blog to chronicle his projects for himself. I somehow stumbled upon it and was amazed. If you are at all interested in the subject, or like when any subject is taken to it's zenith. Then this is for you....

PLEASE do me a favor and check it out!


  1. Since I totally trust your taste and opinion I am heading over right now! Hope you have a great weekend Pat!

  2. I'm gonna check it out just cause I'm a curious lad.

  3. You know I can't resist a challenge Pat.

    Oooo, shiny...I tried to make a model once. A-10 Warthog I believe. Epic, epic fail on my end. I couldn't even sticker it correctly.

  4. I'll check it out, Pat. I used to build plastic models of cars and planes when I was a kid...and then burned them! The plastic makes lots of black smoke, it was very cool.

  5. Very cool! I will check it out! Can he make ME into a model, by the way??

  6. That's really nice of you to plug a fellow blogger!

  7. I love to find a new little blog, and I trust your taste!

    Thank you for the comment on my blog.Sometimes lyrics of songs make them sound like poetry!

    I'll check out your new find!
    Big Hugs!

  8. That is so nice of you to feature a specific blog.... More of us should do that from time to time.

    Thanks, Pat.
    Have a great day.


  9. I'm so bored today I'll check out most anything. I did look at the blog and he has some very neat little models on there.

    I like your idea about featuring different blogs. Maybe I'll try it one day.

  10. Went over to see, and while model building is not my cup of tea, I was amazed by the detail! Thanks for teaching me something new. :)

  11. Wow. those are cool. I especially liked his Camionetta.

  12. Not my cup of tea either, but this blog is going on my list simply because the models are cool to look at. Thanks Pat.

  13. I'm on it like white on rice...Thanks..

  14. i checked it out,and you're right his blog is really cool!

  15. Yay for Great Canadians! :) I'm heading over now.

  16. Thanks everyone, for taking a look.

  17. Whoa! Cool blog. Brings back memories of me not being able to build those car models my parents bought me. Though I did like the glue. Kicked ass.

  18. Thank you for the kind comments everyone.

  19. Thanks Pat, Warren's site was definitely worth a visit!

  20. Forget trying to cath up this morning after being so far behind on my blog reading due to my blown out router.

    I am heading right over to the page. I build dollhouses, and right now I am having a problem with a short in the woring in the 1/12 scale lighthouse I am building....

  21. Forget trying to cath up this morning after being so far behind on my blog reading due to my blown out router.

    I am heading right over to the page. I build dollhouses, and right now I am having a problem with a short in the woring in the 1/12 scale lighthouse I am building....


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