
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Live My Life Again

You walk through the
Gardens of your dreams
Turning over new soil as you go
A warm and happy journey
From here to where you are now
I'll be waiting
Lying patiently beside you
Listening for the 6:00 a.m. Amtrak
It's long lonesome whistle
Strained and softened by falling snow
Just an hour from now 'til dawn
More than enough time
To live my life again


Tomorrow morning, BMB and I will be on our latest road trip.
This time to Sedona Arizona, Oak Creek Canyon, Flagstaff, Jerome, and the Grand Canyon (maybe).  I'm hoping to stay off my laptop and phone for a week. So I'm going to get behind on my blog reading (and everything else).  However, I do plan on burning up my cameras. Hope my wife doesn't mind doing most of the driving, so I'm free to shoot on the move.




  1. I love the whistle fighting to be heard through the snow reference.

  2. Simply beautiful. Such great images and I love the picture.

    Have a great trip man. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  3. Lovely, Patrick.

    We'll miss you this week. Hope you get lots of good pictures. If you hang out the window of the car, just keep those lips closed and watch out for road signs.

  4. Such beautiful words Patrick, and I love the picture of the train in snow.
    My father worked over 40 years in the norwegian railway, so I grew up with a close relationship to trains.
    Have a nice day:)

  5. Beautiful poem Pat and beautiful image. I wish you and your wife a wonderful trip. I hope you will have many photos to share and maybe a story or two when you get back. It is nice to take those phone and computer breaks! Enjoy!!

  6. Companions of the heart ALWAYS have good road trips! And I adore the train gliding through the snowscape...

  7. Did you take that picture? It's beautiful. Your road trip sounds awesome!

  8. I hear the train a comin! I love that pic!!!

  9. Enjoy yourself, and take loads of great pictures

  10. Love your photo! Love your poem too!
    Enjoy your break....take loads of photo's, but have a great time!
    Take care.
    Big hugs!

  11. Have fun on your next road trip, I'm sure BMB won't mind driving because the shots you take will be well worth it my friend.

    Looking forward to your return.

  12. I can see the image you're painting in my head!

  13. Jesse - Thanks! Too bad we never see snow where I live. so in REAL LIFE, just substitute the rustling of palm fronds for fall snow.

    Tim - thanks so much! I'm hoping to get some good ones!

    BB - Thanks BB! Maybe a little "mailbox baseball" is in order...

    Berit - Thank you! I hope to ride on a train in Norway someday.

    DrSoosie - Thanks so much my friend! I admit that I'm taking my laptop and phone. Of course my phone is an android, we'll see...

    Margaret - You are so right, we always have a good time together.

    Sarah - I wish I had taken the photo, but alas, no...

    Brian - Thanks, too bad it's not mine!

    Alex - Thanks, I'm excited about going.

    Nancy - see Sarah and Brian above. LOL...

    baygirl - thanks, I will (do both)

    Alice - Thanks Alice! I sure plan on doing all of those things. Can't wait!

    Jimmy - Thanks Buddy! I hope you're right!

    Icy BC - Thanks! This one might have been better posted in winter...

  14. Beautiful photo and poem.

    Cant wait to see the photos from your trip.


  15. That's beautiful and profound. Have a wonderful journey.

  16. yay for Arizona!

    the poem was lovely.

    the picture might make me have nightmares about getting hit by a train.

  17. Lovely words, Pat. Have a wonderful journey.

    be well, be happy and safe.

  18. I wish you and your wife a wonderful journey.
    Your poem is lovely, Pat.

  19. Enjoy your vacation!!! Take lots of pics!

  20. Yeah, leave those suckers behind and just take pix! :)

  21. This is great. Kinda reminded me of a Simon and Garfunkle song.

    I've always wanted to ride on Amtrak.

  22. Have a safe trip and do get lots
    of those wonderful photos.
    Looking forward to your return..

  23. A lovely road trip, a refreshingly straightforward poem, and a BEAUTIFUL photograph.

    Excellent post, in other words.

  24. I love the picture. I'm gonna be riding a train tonight!

  25. Enjoy your trip away and bring back lots of photos and stories :)

  26. The trip sounds awesome ~ enjoy! And I look forward to the photos.

  27. That was absolutely beautiful, and suddenly I feel sad.


  28. Great poem and pic! Bon voyage! Enjoy your time away!

  29. Now that's the kind of winter I'm familiar with only a lot colder.

  30. Ah, you truly do know how to pen a great verse - beautiful, Patrick.

  31. have fun on your trip (if I'm not too late to say that). Bring me back something nice.

  32. I'm Baaaack...

    Clarissa - Thanks so much! I posted a few today..

    Robyn - Thanks Robyn! We did have a wonderful trip...

    Vencora - Thanks so much! I appreciate it...

    Pam - thanks! We did have a good trip! back home, safe and sound...

    Marlene - We did enjoy it!

    tapirgal - Well, I took the laptop, but didn't really use it.

    Cheeseboy - And a rock feels no pain, and a locomotive never cries...

    faye - Thanks Faye! I better have a few good ones, I took hundreds!

    Postman - Thanks! I can only take credit for the words...

    Minoccio - I love taking train photos, but I didn't take this one... too bad!

    Lynda - no snow here!

    Nat - Thanks, we enjoyed the heck out of it...

    Ree - It was awesome, and I'll be posting some for a few days.

    Pearl - Thanks so much! Don't be sad...

    Marguerite - Thanks so much! We did enjoy!

    Warren - Oh brrrrr....

    Shrinky - Why thank you so much! I appreciate it...

    PTM - It's never too late! Thanks!

  33. Pat. This is amazing. I think this is one of my favorite poems I have read in forever. Thank you. Really, really superb.

  34. Skizo - Thanks for coming over from "Artists on Show" to comment. I haven't posted there in a while. I better get busy...

    Jenny - Thanks so much! I really do appreciate it!


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