
Friday, November 5, 2010

Nickname Compendium

I recently made a blog post relating to "Neighborhood Nicknames" that we've given to some of the people we don't know and houses in our neighborhood.  Many people who commented to the post also left nicknames they use in their neighborhood.  Some of them are hilarious! They also left explanations, but it just seems so much funnier without them.


5 cats that crap in our garden house
Billy Barty house 
Binocular Face
Car Alarm house
Cassanova house
Cat Murderer House
Cat Woman's house
Cloppity House
Cooper House
Crotchety old fart
Crotchety old fart house
Dealer's house
Devil worshipers' house
Drug House
Dysfunctional family
Dysfunctional Family house
Family whose Mom died
Family with Five Boys house
Freaking Insane
Freaking insane house
Girl who drinks wine on the front porch in her bathrobe house
Goat Man’s house
House with that really nice guy married to that recluse
IN-LAW house
Junk House
Mean Asian Guy
Naked Neighbors
PJs at noon
Pill Hill
Selfish “^&*%”
Slam-slam house
Sliding Down the hill house
Spider lady
Start of The Trail House
The Clampett house
The Clown Car for assholes people
The Cool Neighbors
The Fireworks People
The German Shepard People
The hollering trio
The mansion on the hill
The Persian Party house
The Pond House
The Pool People
The SquidBillies House
The Weird Young Hippie Couple with the Push Mower and the Baby house
Unfriendly House
Weird People
Weirder People
Weirdest People
What-are-the-Gringos-doing-in-my-neighborhood house
Where's Waldo House
Yappity Dog House
Yours mine and ours house
Zoomy house



  1. Wow,so many funne names:)
    Have a happy weekend Patrick:)

  2. Spider Lady and Persian Party House? Hilarious!!!

  3. Ha!! That is hilarious.. We are some funny folk that visit your blog Mr. Pat!!!

  4. A fellow blogger suggested I start reading your site. I have to say, I'm not disappointed!! I have an ongoing article surrounding Pinta the neighborhood whore/socialite dog who craps on my lawn.

  5. LOL
    Yeah, without the explanations one's imagination can run wild. I love The German Shepard People.

  6. You mean I'm the only one lucky enough to have "Dealer's House"? The place that starting at 10 p.m. Until 4 a.m. a string of cars would steadily pull up, someone would jump out, run & knock on door and be back in the car in under 2 minutes flat?

  7. Very interesting collection, mine is in Spanish and translate them lose their charm: CARACULO, DESTROZAMOZAS, PATAGALLINA ...

  8. Oh it's a good thing they all don't live in the same neighborhood!

  9. Bare bilder - Thanks! you have a great weekend also!

    Copyboy - Persian Party house is one of my favorites also...

    Wym - thanks so much for commenting and signing on! oh Pinta!

    Tim - Yeah, that's a good one! I have this image of a dog/human hybrid.

    Misfit - I'm sure you're not the only one! I added Dealer's house to the list! I've lived around plenty of those in my time...

    Leovi - thanks! I wish I knew what those words meant...

    Brian - No kidding! That would not be a good thing..

  10. Okay the five cats and SquidBillies got me!
    I'm surprised no one listed one of our neighbors - car alarm house. Yeah, like all hours of the night for no reason whatsoever.

  11. Alex - Some good ones here! I'm going to add "car alarm house"
    I've know them before, heck I've "been" them (darn car)

    Lynne - Yes, you are! thanks Lynne.

  12. LOL!! I wanna meet the SQUIDBILLIES!

    Or do I?

  13. Yay!! These were hiliarous without the explanation!

  14. These are hilarious! Where I live we call the neighbours by the house no. e.g No'7's, No,5s with the exception of 2 houses. One is 'Cassanova's house'...for obvious reasons; the other is 'Cat woman's house.' ;)

  15. These are awesome! And I thought my husband and I were the only ones making up names for or neighbors... Ha!!! Betcha they've got names for us, too. ;-)


  16. So funny! When we had a paper route we nicknamed all the houses.

  17. I fear to discover the tag that may have been placed on my house.

  18. I feel so much better about the names I've given my neighbors now....

  19. Suddenly I feel a little lacking in part of my life. I never nicknamed a house or the people in it. Maybe it's because for the last 25 years I have had no neighbors??

  20. Marlene - I don't think you do! It's a funny tv show though...

    Penny - Thanks! I agree...

    Talei - Thanks!I'm going to have to add these two to the list!

    Nevine - I'm sure we all have names! thanks!

    Karen - that must have been funny!

    Jerry - I'm right there with you Jerry!

    BB - Happy to be of service Madame!

  21. What a funny list I am still laughing at "What-are-the-Gringos-doing-in-my-neighborhood house"

  22. When I got the Rock Band Wii game for my kids, I let them choose the name for our band. They named it "Psycho Neighbor," after a since-moved (thankfully) neighbor.

    At the restaurant I work at, we have nicknamed for many of our regulars-- mostly regulars we hate. Among them:

    Christmas With the Cranks
    The Happiest Man In the World (As you may guess, he's not a happy guy)
    The Leaning Tower
    The Fonz
    The Blobbys

  23. I too am curious what my neighbors may have dubbed our house. I can relate most to 5 cats that crap in our garden house, although it may be 12, and I'd like to meet the girl who drinks wine on the front porch in her bathrobe house. :-D

  24. Chuck - maybe neighbors are overrated!

    Jimmy - I know! there are some classics on there...

    Johnny - Those are some good ones! We used to call a place I worked at the "happiest place on earth." It wasn't...

    Francisca - I'm with you, i wonder what they really do call us...

    Minoccio - Nah! Everybody does it!

  25. Hilarious!
    Thanks for sharing it, Pat. :)

  26. Hilarious--When I was a Paramedic we nicknamed a very poor Crime Ridden neighborhood- German Town. It had nothing to do with Persons of German descent. When dispatch called your unit number you gave him your location so he could see if another unit was closer....

    Once he said, "Base to unit 4-(ME) what's your 10-20....and I said, "Oak and Reed and Heigt and.....and never gave the last street....

    so "Oaknreddnhieten", was forever know as Germen town after that!
    And is stiil called that to this day--and that was in 19 & 79!!!
    Lame I know- but a true story.


  27. Betty - Thanks! Most of the names came from the comments!

    John - German Town! Now that's hilarious... It's not lame at all!

  28. Aww, I made the list!! I feel so honored! =) The List, BTW, made me laugh so hard, there was no sound coming out...kudos! xD

  29. ...and I often wonder what kind of name we've been given in our house. I'm sure it's something like Cat Sounds 24/7 House, or Constant Overhead Clomping House. LMAO (My kids like to pretend they're cats since hubs won't let us have one, and it is quite literally cat sounds 24/7 around here. And I have a heavy-footed step, so I'm sure they think I just tromp around up here as loud as I can all the time. Me coming up the stairs sounds like a herd of wild buffalo on stampede! LOL)

  30. This is so much fun. Have not had neighborhood names for awhile, since I basically have no neighborhood here on the River Walk. It has its compensations, though :) My customers get names. . . .

  31. You're right! The list is endless and always entertaining. Of course one has to be a local to navigate by directions including these landmarks.

  32. Janet - I take your laughter induced suffication as a compliment! It's always nice to have no one underneath you (or above you).

    tapirgal - I'll bet your customers have names.

    Rosemary - I'm sure there are thousands of other names! Just program them into your GPS and you could navigate around the country...


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