
Friday, February 25, 2011

Weekend Reflection - Hummingbird Sunset

We have a hummingbird feeder just outside of our kitchen window. Just inside the window is a kitchen table where we usually sit in the mornings. This little bird is so used to us that she lands just a couple of feet from us and eats. Last year she made a nest on a bead that is part of a hanging wind chime (see below, the nest is in the center). It is also just outside the window, but out of the photo.  She has gotten used to us and comes back year after year.

Weekend Reflections by other photographers at Newtown Area Photo.


  1. This picture is magnificent, you are very creative and a fabulous artist, congrats!

  2. what a great picture. so much going on here.... i really like it.

  3. I drove from Minneapolis to Portland, OR four years ago and along the way one of my favorite things was running into absolute HERDS of hummingbirds! It was hilarious. Tiny little buggers. :-)


  4. WOW. How did you capture this? I have to look again. WOW!

  5. Oh that's stunning! Love them hummers!!!

  6. Oh wow. That is an awesome picture!!

  7. Have you called National Geographic yet? Because that is an amazing photo in so many ways. Congratulations on taking such an excellent shot! - G

  8. Quite difficult to 'get' - but it's often good to be drawn into picture through puzzles.


  9. OK, Patrick. I need more info about this photo! What a beautiful bird!

  10. That is really an example of capturing the action. Wow!.

    Tossing It Out

  11. How on earth did you get this? It's wonderful.

  12. We have emerald green Humming birds around here. Beautiful things.

  13. Fantastic, Pat! Don't you just love being in just the right place at the right moment? I love the beautiful little bird, love the tree shadows! Just love it -- period! Have a wonderful weekend!


  14. Good one Patrick...nice photo as well.

  15. wow... This is the kind of moment it is quite impossible to take a picture of... You were licky on that shooting, and we are lucky that you share it today with us...

  16. Cezar and Leia - thanks so much! More lucky than good though...

    Sarah - Thanks Sarah! I like it also!

    Nat - Thanks so much!

    Pearl - They are everywhere depending on the time of year. We have hummingbird ariel battles here as they "fight" over areas. Nobody gets hurt! S

    Brenda - I was very patient and stood as still as Lot's wife! Thanks!

    Brian - thanks Brian! Me too...

    Baby Sister - Thanks so much!

    Sharon - Thank you!

    Georgina - Thanks so much for the nice words! I appreciate them!

    Lucy - You are so right! I had to stand very still for quite a while.

    Bossy Betty - I stood near the feeder with my camera focused and ready. I waited until she came and shot like crazy while trying not to move!

    Arlee - Thanks Lee!

    altadenahiker - I am not a patient person, so it was very hard! I waited and waited...

    Warren - We have them also! They are amazing in the sunlight!

    MSB - Thanks so much for stopping by!

    Sylvia - I do! I've spent a lot of time standing in that spot, but without any success, I was very pleased this time! Thanks Sylvia!

    Karen - Thanks so much Karen!

    'Tsuki - Thanks! It's my pleasure!

  17. Mais, c'est le paradis ! A situation exceptionnelle, image exceptionnelle ! Bravo !

  18. Pat(rick), how lovely to find a nest right by your window :) We have a couple of lovebirds here but they're caged. Honestly, I prefer if they're not behind those bars. But my mother will kill me if I let them go :)

  19. have a lovely weekend, by the way :)

  20. That's an amazing shot of the hummingbird and a beautiful reflection. My and I used to have a hummingbird feeder when we lived in OC. I havent seen a hummingbird since we left though. I'm going to buy one for sure when we move back to OC.

  21. Amazing picture, Pat!!
    (may Dad used to say I was a hummingbird..ha!)

  22. great shot. nice little nest as well - it is good to be loved even by a hummingbird.

  23. I have tried for years to get a hummingbird to pose for a picture. I've only had success once - at a distance. So when I saw your picture, the only words from me were "ooooooooooooooohhh!!!"

    I found a hummingbird nest in the camelia tree once ... they're so tiny and delicate!

  24. Incredible shot! Really amazing! Have a great weekend!

  25. Wonderful photo of the hummingbird! What a small nest, so cute.

  26. Wonderfully charming. These birds ALWAYS take my breath away. They flutter around and are gone so quickly they remind me of the fairies my young daughters are always in search of.

  27. The images and story are stupendous -- I adore hummingbirds.

  28. Lovely Shot...the reflections lend their colours not to mention the bird...

  29. That's a great close up photo there! I love watching the birds outside. When we're at my boyfriend's folks' place in the country, they have feeders all over the place and i can spend hours watching the woodpeckers and other birds (I'm a philistine) swarming around it.

  30. Oh my gosh, that is amazing!!! How lucky for you to have such a wonderful view. Hummingbirds are amazing birds. I never get to see any around here. I think the last time I saw a hummingbird was at least a couple of years ago - and that was when we were traveling!

  31. How awesome is that??!! your own little show and nest! Great reflections.

    I was unsuccessful at attracting hummingbirds to a feeder last year. I guess I need to do some homework for this year.

  32. Hello Patrick,
    this was a beautiful shot. It's so special to have birds close to where you're sitting.
    I tried to take a picture of one at my balcony today, and I came close, very exciting.
    Wishing you a great weekend. Here the weather is warmer and I really enjoy taking some walks into the woods.
    Greetings and a hug from,

  33. Brilliant images!
    Great composition, too!

  34. Is it me or is that hummingbird HUGE? Not sure we get them that size here in Utah. Maybe Southern Utah.

    H-Birds are awesome. Wish you could keep them as pets.

  35. THAT IS CRAZY! I can never believe how truly tiny they are, but their nests eggs and babies are unbelievable!
    ps) My kids really enjoy the pictures of birds when you show them. Thank you for sharing.

  36. Wow I didn't realize it was real at first because I could see its wings! Very cool!

  37. That is amazing, Pat. How could you get such a vivid picture? Whenever I've tried to capture hummingbirds, I just get little blurs. This one must really feel at home.

  38. EG - Thanks so much!

    Alex - Thank you Alex! I was lucky!

    Gine - Thanks so much! She was a beauty!

    Regina - Thanks Regina!

    mice - It was a so nice to find it! Some birds don't do so well in the wild, depending on where you live. your love birds may be just fine, right where they are. You have a great weekend also!

    James - Thanks James, Hey! Wait a sec! Are you moving back to OC?

    Lynne - Thanks so much Lynne (hummingbird).

    Costas - thanks Costas!

    Jhon - thanks, the next so tiny! We had to rescue one of the two babies once, but we saw them both fly away!

    Clytie - this one wanted so badly, that he suffered through us. Now we can pretty much walk right by him. The nexts are so small...

    Marguerite - Thanks so much! You have a good weekend also!

    Belle - Thanks Belle! Small and cute indeed!

    TOP-GRAF - Thank you very much!

    Margaret - Thanks! I love them also. When a flash of sunlight hits them, the colors are amazing!

    Meri - Thank you so much! I do also!

    Rekha - thanks Rekha! Both of them in the same pic was lucky!

    The VA - thanks so much! I wish we had more colorful birds also. We do have so good HB dog fights over the food.

    Marlene - Thanks Marlene! I'm pretty sure that most of them migrate. I don't know where though!

    Woody - Thanks so much! We are pretty happy to have them here.

    Berit - Hi Berit! Thanks so much! I'm glad it is warming up for you! you had so much snow there....brr..

    Betty - Thanks so much! Didn't have a lot of time to compose, I mostly just waited and snapped!

    Cheeseboy - LOL...It looks huge in the photo, but it's just a wee lass.

    LauraX - Thanks so much for commenting and signing on!

    Anna - It is indeed! The babies are so teeny tiny! It's my pleasure, I'm happy that your kids enjoy them!

    Cake Betch - It was in hover mode! I saw your new post today!!! Very funny!

    Robyn - Thanks! It's a really fast shutter speed and good light!

  39. Kudos to YOU for capturing an ever elusive hummingbird. I am impressed, this is a contest winner...

    ツ my cyber house rules dot com

  40. How neat. And a fantastic shot.

  41. Absolutely incredible Pat! of many talents!!!!
    Have a great weekend.

  42. That is breathtaking, Patrick! I love hummingbirds.~

  43. oh wow!!
    so much wonder going on
    I love hummingbirds, they're funny and amazing

  44. Magnificent shot. Love the colors.

    Happy weekend.

  45. Pat, that is amazing you were able to freeze the action of those wings so well. What a cool friend you have there.

  46. Oh how neat, Pat.... That is one reason to live in WARM COUNTRY like you do--year 'round.... We get hummingbirds from late spring- fall----but not all year... You have a 'beauty' there!!!! She's part of the famly, isn't she????

    Love that little nest... How adorable... Thanks for sharing.

  47. That is so cool.... Someday when I have a place of my own I'm going to have feeders all over the place... with hidden camera set ups so I can attempt photos like that one. It's beautiful! :)

  48. Hah, well done, Pat. One typically sees photos of hummers with their wings in a blur of action. Lots of other interesting things going on here, too. Fun shadows. And how many can say they have a hummingbird as a pet! Must be good vibes around your house... :-)

  49. Hi Pat,
    Amaaaaazing photo!
    She is hovering in the air!!
    The hanging wind chime will give her and babies a gentle lullaby.
    Have a nice weekend!

  50. Wow - that amazing! Almost looks like its stuck to the background.. must have been a super fast shutter.. great capture!

  51. the top photo is one of the coolest i have ever seen. and i spent a lot of time looking at pretty things!

    also, i don't think i've ever seen a hummingbird nest before. how awesome you have such a trusting little friend. ^_^

  52. Nikki - thank you my dear! She seems to trust us...

    M Pax - Thanks so much!

    Dawn - Thank you Dawn! (still master of none...) You have a great one also. It's pouring here right now! Snow supposedly down to 1000 feet here. We're a bit over 500, so we'll see...

    Katsidhe - thanks so much! I love them also.

    Dianne - thanks so much! We love them also!

    Dani - Thanks for commenting Dani! Same to you!

    becca - She sure is! thanks!

    Chuck - she comes around every year! She chases all the others away.

    Betsy - thanks Betsy! She acts like she knows us. the nest was so tiny!

    Maggie - there are so many wild flowers here, that we are lucky she likes our feeder!

    Martha - Thanks Martha! I appreciate it...

    Francisca - thanks my friend! Good vibes or good food! Have a good weekend!

    snowwhite - Hey there! thanks so much! Until we closed up some of thenooks and crannies, we used to have up to 10 bird nests on our patio... (not HB's though)

    Anthony - Thanks so much Anthony! forcing the flash to fire helped a lot!

  53. Ven - Thanks so darn much! I really appreciate that! She is pretty friendly to us! Not to everyone though...

  54. Wow! This is an amazing capture! Great job.

  55. Oh my, what a gorgeous, wonderful creature - you are truly blessed, my friend!

  56. Beautiful shot of the bird in action.

  57. Hi Pat, you got a great shot there of a hummingbird in action. I don't know how you did it-to capture the motion with such a fast shutter speed during the diminishing light at dusk. Quite an accomplished photo!

  58. WOW Pat...that is marvelous! I love hummingbirds and to have one that is so use to you that will come close. That is fantastic!
    I hope to see more photos of that lovely gem!

  59. aw, i love hummingbirds :) Great pic of your buddy !

  60. JM - thanks so much!

    Shrinky - thank you my friend. I haven't seen her in a little while.

    Rajesh - thanks so much!

    Stickup Artist - A little on the spot creative lighting also... Thanks!

    Tracy - Thanks Tracy! There are lot's of them around here, they are usually skittish landing with us so close, this one is comfortable and very territorial.

    Johnny - Me too! Thanks so much!

  61. Totally amazing! Great photo. Mickie

  62. Absolutely Phenomenal--my Mom in NC has a feeder and they get really close--I have NEVER come close to getting a shot like this with the Hundreds I've taken.


    It would take a LOT of those to make a pie!!


  63. Talli - thanks so much Talli!

    forgetmenot - Thanks Mickie!

  64. Wow (me too :-))) this is a great photo (and a great story too). I first thought the bird was alive!

  65. I'm not surprised that a beautiful humming bird made it's nest at your home.
    How absolutely delightful!

  66. Oh my! We have hummingbirds that appear in May (through Oct/Nov) and they will let us get close, on occasion "buzzing" us, but I do not have any photos as great as this one... That nest is amazing!!

    Great shots,

  67. California is the place where I have seen the most of humming-birds feeders !

  68. Kim - thanks so much for stopping by!

    Carola - I can only say "thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!" I really do appreciate it.

    Rambling Round - Thanks so much! Lucky!

    Marie - (it is alive!) thanks for the nice words!

    OWT - It is so nice of you to say that! We saw it about a week ago for a while, but not since then. I hope it will be back soon...

    Genie - We are lucky that some of them migrate to our area and then our own are here most of the year. They are all so darn cute! We also love the little clicking noises they make.

    namaki - Yes! It seems they are everywhere! Thanks for commenting!

  69. Love the photo. Great capture of the bird in action.

  70. Magnificent reflections, I especially like the area of the tail of the bird.

  71. Simply amazing shot. Hummingbirds are the coolest to watch.

  72. Wow! What a magnificent picture! We don't have humming birds. I would probably mistake it for a bumble bee, if I saw one- it is so small.

  73. Great capures! Lucky you!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful friend with us;o)

    Have a happy weekend****

  74. Evelyn - Thanks! I don't think she's gonna be eating out of our hands anytime soon!

    Eden - thanks so much for the nice comment!

    Leovi - Thanks Leovi! HB's are amazing...

    Tim - thanks so much! I agree!

    lotusleaf - thanks! It's too bad you don't have any! Their eggs are the size of peanut m&m's...

    Cildemer - Thanks so much! It was lucky! You have a good weekend also!

    Marie E - Thanks! They are amazing...

  75. Fantastic shot of the little creature!

  76. What a beautiful bird! I cant believe how tiny!

    I love the colours of the sun in the first photo. Just gorgeous :)

  77. What a wonderful picture of the birdie, nice story too.

  78. Wow, what an amazing shot of the hummingbird!

  79. That is a fantastic capture! It looks painted, almost.

    Thanks for your recent visit.

  80. Lew - thanks so much Lew!

    Kato - You should see how little they are when born!

    Jenn - Thanks Jenn!

    biebriebels - thanks so much!

    Inger - Thanks Inger!

    Pagan Sphinx - thank you! I was lucky to get it...

  81. How wonderful! I just put my hummingbird feeder up this past weekend and am anxiously awaiting their return.

  82. Lois - They should be back very soon! We also are looking forward to having more here soon...

  83. An amazing shot (and story) Pat. My wife keeps a hummingbird feeder outside our kitchen window but the small creatures spook easily and don't stay long.

  84. awesome shot! Hummers are such a really captured both the bird & the time of day . Kudos!

  85. I do love hummingbirds -- and you captured a beaut. What a fine friend to have in the morning.

  86. Amazing shot. How fantastic and interesting to have the bird so acclimated to you.

  87. Isn't it amazing the different attitudes you see in the birds, I am so ready for them to begin coming back around our house on a regular basis when the temperatures get back a bit warmer.

    Excellent photos my Friend

  88. awarewriter - Some of them are very skittish! thanks!

    John - Thanks so much John!

    Jerry - Thanks Jerry! We are hoping she reuses (or makes a new) nest outside our sindow this year.

    Erika - Thanks so much! It's pretty interesting watching this girl!

    Jimmy - It sure is! They actually have personalities! Thanks Jimmy!

  89. Blue Wave - Thanks! She's our little buddy!

  90. That is an excellent shot! I have never seen a real hummingbird.

  91. Beautiful capture, but I'm wowwed by the size of the nest. That's so small. Just too cool.

  92. baygirl - Thanks so much! It's too bad that you don't get to see them. they are something special!

    Laura - Thanks Laura! We were amazed at how small the nest was.


    nice of the bird to slow down for you

    Peace, hp

  94. hp - Yep, I wonder how in the heck she just froze like that? I'm surprised we haven't seen her for a while!

  95. LOVE this! I have never as much as seen a hummingbird, so you have no idea how exotic this seems to me. And gorgeous shot!

  96. Cruella - That's too bad! They are delightful... Thanks!

  97. I have never seen a hummingbird shot with so much going on. Delightful.

  98. What a great capture of the bird and the nest! Just beautiful!

  99. Frank - I've never got a good action shot of a hummingbird until this one one. Thanks!

    Icy BC - thanks so much for the nice words!


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