
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Forgotten Promises

The days of your youth
Are as precious as jewels to me
For when you’ve grown and gone
I’ll know pain from your leaving
And sorrow from your being gone
Will you be strangers to me then?
And find me only when
I know who none of you are?
You promised as children
That you’d take me in
And reassured me when
I read to you
This poem
But you didn’t really know my mother
And what a burden I’ll be
Forgive me now
As I hold you so dearly
For this day will never come again
Each morning you waken anew
So I’ll hold you for now
Before you grow up
And forget your promises

this is another poem posted in the early days of my blog. thanks to Tim and Betsy, who were the only two people to comment.



  1. I shared a precious time with my son tonight. This poem confirms it.
    My son is a teenager and becoming more independent
    Each moment he seeks my company is like a precious jewel. Becoming rarer as he stretches his wings

  2. brought tears to my eyes . . . thank you for sharing.

  3. Very sweet, and oddly comforting...


  4. Oh Patrick, I've never even thought for a minute that you would be anything but a wonderful, kind, gentle old man when you get older. This was such a lovely reflection on those things that we fear as we age. As we look back on the generation that went before us, it's hard not to wonder if we will turn out the same way. -G

  5. This kind of makes me feel a bit sad....because all too often this DOES happen.
    Good writing Pat. Heart-touching and reaching.

  6. Don't make me cry so early in the morning, Patrick. Wow.

  7. I was just cuddling Monkey two in bed this morning saying I will be so sad when he is too old to cuddle- which he reassured me he would never be- sniff sniff-

  8. This reminds me that all in this world is fleeting and in a constant state of change. Though even that knowledge is small comfort when confronted with loss. I don't know that being free of all attachment is even the answer because it does seem worth the price. Beautifully written and like all good poetry, makes the reader soar into other realms.

  9. Mynx - So true! We can only hope that when they are done spreading those wings that they fly back to us...

    Sarah - Thanks Sarah! My pleasure!

    Pearl - Thanks so much!

    baygirl - Thanks, I appreciate it!

    Georgina - Thanks for the kind words. Our children are all so different. We do what we can and hope for the best!

    Dawn - It does happen quite a bit. Thanks for the nice words!

    Bossy Betty - Sorry about that! I hope your eye makeup didn't suffer!

    Ren - It is really a mixed bag as the grow up and develop. They aren't really ours you know... Our job is have them and prepare them for the world.

    Stickup Artist - Change is what it's all about. If we can just keep the links alive, all is well. Thanks for the nice words my friend!

  10. This is so beautiful written Patrick. You're a master with words, and here I feel tears are coming.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a nice day my friend.

  11. Great poem!
    You can't put your arms around a memory so yes hold on as long as you can.

  12. That's why we keep family wrapped in our heart!

  13. This is sweet - a good write Pat, nd I have a feeling that your children will not forget to care for you... Just a feeling.

  14. perfect timing with my son having a birthday soon this totally said a lot

  15. Moving, sad and yet hopeful all at once...beautiful...wonder if all parents think the same way?...and how they feel when the kids come back to the nest, sometimes a failure, sometimes embittered?

  16. Pat,
    That was beautiful! Wow, we do grow and change every day and most times it goes by without even a wink, and other times, it totally changes our life; doesn't it?

  17. Your words remind of how I felt each time my boys left to cross the Sierra and return to their other lives in college, it took years for the parting to grow easy, to find a roll beyond "mother".
    Then you bring me to another stage in life, that of caregiver to an aging parent and my promise to myself never to allow my own children to watch the heart wrenching day by day decline. Because they love me, I am secure in that, I don't wish them the pain of watching and eventually the guilt of wishing it would be done with.

  18. Moments shared only by parent and child!

  19. Beautifully written.

    My first-born swears she'll change my diapers when I become incontinent. (If I can't hold it together now when I sneeze, it's not looking good when I'm 80!)

  20. Costas - thanks Costas!

    Berit - thanks my friend! I hope your maascara didn't run...

    James - That is so true! Enjoy it while it lasts.

    Brian - So true Brian!

    Jhon - thanks Jhon! I appreciate it. A couple of them, probably not!

    becca - Happy Birthday to him!

    Rekha - Thanks! I'm not sure! I don't expect them to take care of me, but...

    Tracy - Thanks! You are so right, it changes each day.

    Martha - It does take a while. Ours have stayed pretty close to home, I think you said it better than I did...

    Alex - That is so true! It's just words until the time comes...

    Marlene - thanks Marlene! Your funny! I hope you don't have allergies!

  21. Beautiful Pat...beautiful. And I know from your history, it is especially poignant.

  22. when I read this I was reminded of the time when I was a little girl and just barely awake enough to feel my dad's kiss on my cheek as he pulled the covers over me early one morning. you've given me a beautiful gift today. thank you Pat.

  23. Good one Pat, well written my Friend.

  24. Joan - thanks Joan! You are so right!

    Miss Becky - Oh wow! Thanks! You just gave me a gift also!

    Jimmy - Thanks so much Jimmy!

  25. I wish I hadn't read this poem because now I am crying.


  26. No way on God's green earth they will forget way..
    lovely sentiments Pat!!

  27. Another powerful poem, Pat. Thank you for sharing.

  28. This is beautiful.

    Having my youngest daughter in prison at the moment I kinda/sorta hope she forgets who I am.

    But that's probably just because it's a bad day.

    Pat, I hope writing your sorrows helps with the healing.

  29. There is grace given to old folks, sometimes whether they deserve it or not. Still, when our kiddos grow up and leave, they often come back with wee ones of their own to share with us...the very best of life is grandparenting!!!! Do you have any yet? I have three joy- producing, old-age encouraging, sweet hearts to love and snuggle and cuddle and play with. I only wish we all lived closer together so we could do all that loving, snuggling, cuddling and playing more often. As usual, your poem has illicited many reactions and responses...good job.

  30. Lucy - thanks Lucy! For reading it and for feeling it...

    Lynne - Thanks Lynne! I hope they all remember fondly! The jury is still out on a couple of them.

    Talli - Thanks Talli! My pleasure!

    Baby Sister - Thanks so much! I appreciate it.

    Jenny - The writing does help. That and a whole bunch of therapy!
    I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. That's a tough one! thanks so much for your comment Jenny.

    Steadfast Ahoy - I'd have to say that my mom, was one of those who didn't deserve it. We have three grandkids and they live very close. So we see two of the three very often. We love it also! Thanks Rosemary!

  31. we may not be blood, but i will take care of you as long as i am able.... you don't ever have to worry about that.... however, i'll hire out help if you're in diapers.... but just know, you're always safe as long as i'm alive.

    love you.

  32. Ashley - Oh Ashley, you are such a sweetheart! I know you would do that for me. I love you too!!!
    And please do hire that one chore out.

  33. So beautiful. I don't have any children of my own, but I remember thinking what precious time it was when I was with my niece.

  34. You'll never be a burden...just a DIAMOND...because of, rather in-spite of all the PRESSURE!!

    Blessing my Friend,


  35. Made me all teary eyed because it is so true.

  36. Katsidhe - thanks so much! It passes much too quickly also...

    John - Thanks buddy! Probably more like a zirconia!

    OWT - Thanks for that! I couldn't ask for a better compliment...

    Tess - Thanks so much Tess!

  37. A magnificent and existentialist poem, with a nice content.

  38. Now that I'm a father, this really struck home.
    I hope your fears were unfounded..
    ..and now youve kicked off mine..
    Thanks... lol
    Great poem Patty. Very moving.


  39. So poignant and so beatifully written, I'm glad you posted it again.

  40. I certainly feel the emotion here in this poem, Pat..and recently experience it as well..

  41. Leovi - I've been called a lot of things in my life, but never a existentialist! Thanks Leovi!

    Anthony - I hope both our fears are unfounded! thanks so much Anthony!

    Deborah - I'm also glad! I've got several more to repost. thanks!

  42. I enjoyed a day with baby boy who is 24 and my soon to graduate grand daughter. We are all so busy so snatching moments to spend together is truly wonderful. I love your poetry. It speaks volumes.

    Thanks for the visit and comment but I cannot post comments with links. (urls are o-k). Take care and God bless.

  43. What a touching poem Pat. I don't have children but your words still brought a tear to my eye.

  44. Judy SW - Thanks so much for getting it and feeling it!

    Squirrel Queen - Thanks Judy! I glad that it had an impact on you.

  45. oof, I'm off to call my ma ...

    On a serious note - Georgina's comment (waaaay up towards the top) - I agree with that sentiment. Genetic fears, oy.

  46. Beautifully sad... I have a lump in my throat.


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