
Monday, July 25, 2011

Skyward -- Kauai

One more Kauai post after this one. I'm starting to get behind on other things. We got back from a little roadie to an awesome campground in the Cuyamaca mountains last week, so I have some photos from that and now we're leaving on another one in two days to the Santa Ynez Mountains. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining one little bit!



  1. Pat, these are just beautiful... a tropical paradise!
    I would frame these and hang them as a trio in my study/office... somewhere to dream about escaping to when on the phone to particularly annoying clients!

  2. I adore the colours in the second photo. The contrasts are gorgeous.

  3. Awesome photos! Really like the first one. And just enjoy all of your adventures.

  4. What a wonderful travelling time you are having!


  5. These are so great! You are a traveling man these days. You have my permission to go as long as you take your camera!

  6. those are some real WOW photos. I especially like the colors in the second one. embiggening them does really add to the effect! great shots Pat. you're on the move a lot lately. hope you're having a blast. take good care.

  7. Nat - Thanks Nat! This may be hard to believe, but I've never hung or printed a single photo I've ever taken.

    Mynx - I really like that one also. some might say there's too much sun in it, but I like it!

    Alex - Thanks Alex. These two places aren't major mountain ranges, but they are nice in their own right.

    Lucy - I guess the trade off is age... I wish I could done these things when our kids were young.

    diane - Me too! Nothing like it.

    Bossy Betty - As long as it's okay with you. Believe me, I'll have at least one on me at all times. We have one hike planned to what is supposed to be a really nice off the beaten path waterfall. We'll see...

    Oilfield Trash - Thanks so much!

    missing moments - thanks!

    Ms Becky - Thanks Ms Becky! I am having fun, I have to admit though, I think I like doing these things better in when everyone's kids are back in school. It's more quiet...

  8. I envy the people of Hawaii. They are so blessed to have beauty, ocean and good weather!

  9. Only one more Kauai. Oh no! But I'm sure the next travel shots will be great as well.

  10. Well, I would be different, I love that last photo! You sure go lots of beautiful places, can't wait to see what you found while you were camping!

  11. I love sunsets, and these are no exception. Simply beautiful!!

  12. You people with a life, amaze me. I want one!

  13. Wow, Pat. These are the most gorgeous yet. Amazing shots.

  14. I'm so glad I came here late this evening. This is some awesome imagery to fall asleep to. :) Beautiful....simply beautiful.

  15. Super sunsets Pat! You know these type are my current enjoyment. I even went out tonight and caught a weird sky formation at sunset. Nothing beats the tropical setting and a good sinking sun. You had a great trip!

  16. I can see whay you are not complaining Pat, Beautiful pictures my friend

  17. the one in the middle actually looks like some kind of fantasy landscape from a calender or book cover

  18. These are spectacular Pat. I love the dark foregrounds against the sea and sky. Seems like you are really getting around too. Good for you. I'm looking forward to your mountain pics! Happy Trails!

  19. Hi dude...Never seen a pictures like this great collections.Thank you so much.

  20. Beautiful nature shots...I need to pen the thesaurus for better words,
    sorry for the delayed visit.
    Haven't been able to access blogs on Blogger for a week...a frequent problem with my Isp...anytime someone blogs against the govt/flaming stuff they block Blogger.

  21. Fascinating Pictures.
    It has been delightful
    to visit your gallery.
    Good Creations

  22. I love sillouettes in photos.

  23. stunning shots, pat!
    it's really hard to pick a favourite.

    have a great day!

  24. Kauai is seriously heaven on earth. I have to go.

  25. You used 'embiggen'! Ah! Thought you didn't like that word. :)

    Gorgeous photos, Pat!

  26. The sun is so huge in the second shot. All I can do is sigh and stare.

  27. Beautiful photos Pat, the second one is a real WOW shot. The sun looks absolutely enormous!

    From a tropical paradise to the mountains, that's the way to spend the summer. Enjoy!

  28. Three stellar sky shots. I'm not even going to try to pick a favorite. Glad you're having such a great time, Pat. It's what living is for. :-)

  29. Your photographs are so lovely. They put a viewer right there!

  30. I enbiggend, and now I am enjealoused..! That looks FAR too much fun to come home from.

  31. All three are so beautiful and scenic shots.

  32. Belle - They really do have a beautiful place to live!

    Sharon - I might even skip the last one. I've been on two other trips since I got back. I'm SO behind...

    Brian - thanks so much! Yes, we had a good time. We have another trip planned in August and another in September. I'm starting to forget what home looks like!

    Baby Sister - Thanks so much! I appreciate it...

    Ms A - Hey, it took me a long time to get here! I'm enjoying it while I can.

    Robyn - Thanks so much! All I did was push the button...

    Marlene - thanks Marlene! I'm glad you liked them.

    Chuck - Thanks so much Chuck! Yeah, I get hooked on them as well. Add an ice cold drink to that combo and I agree!

    Jimmy - Thanks Jimmy! I'm really happy to see you here.

    Ven - I like that one also. Like a sunset from a planet with a giant sun.

    Stickup Artist - thanks so much! I know, it seems we're always on the road.

    WHI - Thanks for commenting!

    Rek - thank Rek! Your government really does that? wow!

    Ann - thanks Ann! I appreciate it.

    BrandNewStudio - thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.

    Budd - Thanks Budd, I feel the same way.

    Betty M - Thanks Betty! I'm thinking that I'll do a post of my favorites from Kauai. I don't think I've posted any of them yet.

    Jesse - It seriously is! If you ever have the chance...

    Talli - Nah! I love that word! One of my new favorites...

    Mary Aalgaard - Thanks Mary, it was a pretty awesome scene!

    SQ - thanks so much! It looks like it's from a sci-fi movie. Yep! We can't seem to stay at home.

    Francisca - Thanks Francisca! Same with me!

    Elizabeth - Thanks! It so nice to really BE there!

    Mice - I'm with you! Even though I live on the coast, I don't ever take it for granted.

    Carola - thanks so much! I appreciate the nice words.

  33. Fantastic shots. What a gorgeous place to be.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  34. Gorgeous sky photos! I love the colors of them. I can see three people watching the sun in the second photo!

  35. Interesting blogpost to my mind. Thank you a lot for enlightning that info.

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