
Friday, August 12, 2011

Weekend Reflections -- Santa Ynez River

The Santa Ynez river in Santa Barbara County, California.
I left the thick stuff at the left in the photo to show you what we had to battle through to get to this reflection.

For reflections by other photographers go to Weekend Reflections by James.



  1. I very much like the colours in thus photo!

  2. love this picture, the colors just pop.

  3. That is a stunning photo Pat! Have a great weekend!!!

  4. Nice photograph Pat. Have a good weekend.

  5. What a lovely place! Beautiful watery reflections, Pat! They're my favorite kind! Hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy!


  6. Colors are amazing on this one, Pat... I specially enjoy this vivid blue of the sky reflection.

  7. The 'thick stuff' you left in the image helps this excellent composition Pat. Ceres, where I go a lot, is thick with vegetation this time of year. I don't mind the heavy growth -- the mosquitoes and ticks keep me away.

  8. A very beautyful scenery, worth to be painted.

  9. Santa Ynez is one of my happiest places on earth.

  10. And how did you make it though the thick stuff, Pat? On a canoe/kayak? Even if you had to walk on water, your photo of this colorful scene was worth it. I really enjoyed my visit to Santa Ynez Valley some years ago - we went organic vineyard hopping.

  11. Very green for SoCal in summer but then, this is the coast range and it was a wet winter.

  12. Worth whatever tangles you fought. That is a fantastic shot.

  13. this is an exquisite landscape Pat. those grasses reflected in the water with the blue sky and hills behind - great capture. I can see why you'd choose this as a camping getaway. have a fun weekend Pat!

  14. we're talking about ending up in Ojai or somewhere in Sta Barbara Co. I have my father's place up in Lompoc but I don't think either of us want to live there. This photo is wonderful. It's frameable.

  15. Beautiful ... yellow muck not so! Especially if I had to wade through it!

  16. All those shades of green are wonderful. I also really like the leaves resting on the water. Beautiful, Pat!

  17. I'm guessing your legs are shredded from that grass??

    Lovely view!!!

  18. Looks like some lost, forgotten world straight out of a tourist guide....impressive shot given the navigational constraints. Enjoy your weekend.

  19. Very much worth the battle!! (Even though I'm sure as you were battling you were questioning that.)

  20. A great shot, Patrick...such vivid colours! And I do like your perspective on this one...

  21. ahhhh adventures in photography!
    love the shot

  22. It was worth the battle through the reeds - beautiful reflections!
    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  23. Amazing, beautiful reflections Patrick.
    Have a great weekend.

  24. Alex - My friend's dog was the only one smart enough to go in the water.

    EG Wow - thanks so much! It was really a vivid green.

    Budd - They sure do! Thanks Budd.

    Lolamouse - Thanks Lola! Next time, we'll find a better way.

    Brian - Thanks Brian! You have a good weekend also.

    The Abbot - Thank you sir! I intend to! You do the same...

    Sylvia - It sure was! I agree, water is amazing.

    DD - It is even better than it looks. Thanks!

    'Tsuki - Thanks so much! It's amazing how much more vivid colors look when you get away from the pollution in the air.

    awarewriter - Thanks for the nice words. the mosquitos weren't bad at all, but I did get some little cuts and scrapes. I was okay with it, but my granddaughter didn't like it much...

    Malyss - Thanks so much! that is very kind of you to say.

    altadenahiker - It is indeed a great place. Pure country, but pretty close to the coast.

    Francisca - We we forcing our way through on foot. The photo was taken from a outcropping of rock. There are some great vineyards there. A few of them now have tasting rooms in Solvang.

    Martha Z - It seems like a lot of SoCal is staying greener now that we seem to be in several year long period of rainy winter and springs.

  25. Tim - It was indeed worth it. I was only bleeding from 5 or 6 places. Thanks!

    Ms. Becky - Thanks Becky! It really is a great place. A bit dusty and quite a few flies from all the horses, but still very nice.

    California Girl - Ojai would be a great place to end up at. Lompoc is okay, but I'd opt for Ojai. Thanks for the nice words.

    missing moments - thanks! Hey, a little much doesn't hurt much!

    Robyn - Thanks Robyn! It was just about perfect looking.

    Woody - Just a little bit! It reminded me of the elephant grass in Vietnam. thanks so much!

    Rek - Thanks so much Rek. No tourist guide for this place though!

    Baby Sister - Nah! Sometimes you gotta work for the good stuff. thanks!

    Lynette - thanks Lynette! My perspective was laying on a rock!

    dianne - Oh yes! It was worth the effort I think.

    Blue Wave - thanks so much! Right now, I'm missing your great state.

    Bossy Betty - Thank you madame!

    Dianne - Thanks so much! It was worth it.

    Costas - Thanks so much Costas! You have a great weekend also.

  26. gorgeous! I think it's been too long since I have been out there :)

  27. Hope you didn't get any bug bites!

  28. Simply beautifully captured shot...lovely!

  29. Color, shapes, and textures, this photo has it all. Well worth the effort.

  30. Oh wow, how breathtaking! This shot could grace any calendar, what a great capture, Pat!

  31. This is so peaceful and beautiful!

    I was in your neck of the woods yesterday morning. At the Laguna Niguel surgery center getting anthother injection in my back.

  32. The trek was worth it though, eh? Hope you checked yourselves for unwanted tag know, like ticks! Aaack!

  33. That's a great shot Pat. Seems you had to work hard to get this one. But it was so worth it.


  34. diane - Thanks! Lot's to do and see in this area.

    Ms A - I did manage to get a few!

    Kalyan - Thanks Kalyan! I appreciate it.

    Roan - thanks so much for the nice words!

    Shrinky - You are too nice! Thank you madame!

    James - It sure was. I have lot's more from that trip, but I think I've posted enough. You were only about a mile from my house. Sorry about the back. After many years of shots and epidurals, the surgery I had last December fixed everything.

    Marlene - I'd say it was worth it. I haven't found any tag-alongs yet!

    Anthony - Thanks Anthony! Next time I'm taking some shoes I can go in the water with and try to get something even better.

  35. Thanks Pat! You just continue to PISS me off! LOL

    Be Blessed my friend!

    Cameraless John! (But not for long!)

  36. Nice shot Pat...I like the mountain off in the distance. No gators in that water, right?

  37. Wow that is one beautiful shot...

  38. This photograph is extraordinary. It would look nice blown up into a wall mural.

    Tossing It Out

  39. Oh...this is beautiful. Suffering from monsoon heat insanity here so this was lovely and cooling. The Oso 2 pictures were glorious, too!

  40. Oh my, the things we do to get a photo. Great shot Pat!

  41. That is a gorgeous peaceful and serene.

  42. Gorgeous, gorgeous photo, Pat!


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