
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Road Trip Teaser

My wife and I had just finished a rough drive to get to a remote part of Oak Creek, about 10 miles outside of Sedona, Arizona.  We were hiking a creek side trail when this guy landed on a branch less than 10 feet from us. We think it's a Coopers Hawk. Whatever kind it was, it was HUGE!  Talk about death from above! This guy was pure predator.  He couldn't care less that we were so close to him.  I took so many pics of him that I got tired of it.  We have Internet for a couple of days, so I thought I'd post him as a teaser!

When we were in the Sedona area last year, I posted a bunch of photos of the red rock formations. This year I'm concentrating a bit more on the back road places and things like that. Of course, I'm taking some pics of the formations and will post them because I think Sedona is one of the most beautiful place I've ever seen.  I'll catch up on responding to comments and commenting on your blogs (if you have one) as soon as I have a chance.



  1. What a beautiful predator. Love the eyes. Can't wait to see more.

  2. Great shot, Pat. I envy you being in Sedona... I once spent a day there and it left a huge impression on me, really need to go back some day!

  3. What a beautiful bird! Michael loved Sedona, keeps telling me I need to go because I will never want to leave. Thanks so much for bringing us along on your trips!

  4. Great shot! I wonder if it was a Goshawk? Same size and similar colouring as the Cooper.

  5. That its a bold shot. Could easily be the cover of a National Geographic. Can't wait to see more from the series.

  6. Great shot of the big guy! They are true predators. I've lost a couple of doves in my back yard due to these guys.

  7. You big tease! That's okay, because I love ya, I'll wait.

  8. Beautiful clear photo. You are so talented! I've only passed thorugh Sedona once and would love to return to explore. I'm looking forward to the photos.

  9. Not sure what he is, but he's a handsome hawk!

  10. I don't care what he is called he is awe inspiring. Great shot pat. Hope you're having fun!

  11. What a beautiful bird. Hawks are amazing. Love this.

  12. This is amazing Pat! You are definatley a talented could be in National Geographic! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your pics..have a wonderful adventure!

  13. What a great shot Pat!! I don't think it's a Cooper's Hawk though. But can't tell unless I see the whole body. I have lots around here but they aren't that big.

  14. gorgeous shot, Pat!
    i love Hawks. thanks so much for sharing.

    look forward to more!
    hope you're having a great time.

  15. When I was 17, in 1978, I flew from Chicago to Phoenix to spend time with my grandparents, who had retired there. My grandfather and I were driving around in the desert, checking on my grandfather's mining claim, when a bird that looks a lot like that one flew right up in front of the truck I was driving. It had to have had a ten foot wingspan. I was, needless to say, awed.

  16. A majestic bird! I love Arizona and Utah, they are beautiful states.

  17. I've been to beautiful Sedona, a good friend of mine lives there, but I've never been this close to an eagle. Great shot, Pat! Look forward to seeing more from your trip.

    [There IS a shopkeeper in my kitchenware shop... smiling... he just got a little dark with the contrasting. ;-) ]

  18. Just friggin WOW! I mean----WOW!!!!!

    Thanks Pat!!!! WOW!!!!


  19. Sedona is so gorgeous! Oak Creek is really a dramatic place!

  20. What detail! Just look at the business end of that beak.

  21. What a great photo Pat, she is a real beauty. In the hawk world the females are larger than the males. We have Red tailed hawks here and the females are huge!

    Can't wait to hear about your adventures.

  22. Sounds like a wonderful trip! This guy looks like he has bad intentions! Great shot! I look forward to seeing more!

  23. Awesome shot, I have always been fascinated by the intent look in their eyes. (can birds have that?)

  24. gorgeous!!
    Raptora are such beautiful animals... erm... birds.

  25. I wouldn't want that beak anywhere near my flesh.
    I look forward to seeing Sedona through your lens. We've only been through there once and didn't have a chance to explore.

  26. Dang he's gorgeous. Sounds like fun!!

  27. Too bad one couldn't tame them. They'd make a beautiful and cool pet.

  28. Nope, 'snot our hawk, never had one either..


    Shrinky (Cooper)

  29. What a teaser! He is GORGEOUS, and he's in focus, which I always think deserves a big round of applause (especially when it happens to me :)

  30. That's a great macro of the hawk, and you're quite close to it indeed.

  31. What a beauty! and your photo as well! Pat. I too would have taken one photo after another. We have Coopers Hawks around here, but they look a bit different than this one.

  32. What an amazing shot, Pat.. nice of him to pose so close.


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