
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Two Types of Reflections

Sunrise, January 1, 2012

For me, 2011 was a year for the ages...
  1. My wife and I bought an RV in April. Since the start of May, we've spent about 60 nights in it while away from home. We're getting reacquainted with nature.
  2. After three years of dealing with/ignoring it, my thyroid cancer is gone.
  3. Last, but certainly not least; a lady came out of the woodwork thinking we might be related. Three weeks and one DNA test later, I have a sister! I never knew about her and I'm happy as can be about it.  We've spoken and exchanged a lot of messages and soon we'll be spending some time together.
For reflections by other photographers go to Weekend Reflections by James.



  1. So glad to hear about the cancer gone! And beautiful morning light! It will be a wonderful year in 2012!

  2. Patrick, that is quite a year! All of those things are wonderful miracles.

  3. Wow that is a very good year. Here's to you Patrick!

  4. Fabulous, I never seem to capture reflections that well. Have a good time. :)

  5. Wong - Long time no see! Thanks so much! It sure is off to a good start.

    Alex - Amazing stuff, that's for sure. Thanks Alex.

    California Girl - Thanks and right back at ya!

    Rek - Thanks Rek! I guess it's all about being aware of them.

  6. what an awesome year for you Pat. I think it's so beautiful about finding a sister after all these years. What a gift. and congrats too on being rid of the big C. Wishing you joy, peace, and good health in this new year.

  7. some great reflections there. My brother just recently did the DNA thing, he should know if we are related to anyone else that has done it in about another month.

  8. I've always wanted to do what you and your wife are doing: buy an rv and travel around. I think I'll bring my dog :)

    Lovely pic.

  9. Ms. Becky - Thanks so much and much happiness and good health to you as well.

    Budd - thanks Budd. You mean there is a general search they can do? Wow... I had no idea.

    mshatch - It's a lot of fun. Most people seem to have a dog with them. We only have cats and I think four of them in our RV would be chaos! Thanks!

  10. your year ended with some wonderful surprises and good news. :) hope it carries right into 2012!

  11. Pat, this post made me smile because of the understatement. You took 3 major life changes that occurred in 2011 and put them down like a grocery list. I'm still smiling :) May you have an awesome 2012!

  12. A heartwarming recap and a lovely photo. Have a wonderful 2012!

  13. You did have a good 2011, Pat.. Glad you are enjoying your RV... Why don't you take off across the country and visit Tennessee??? We'll show you our Smokies...

    I remember reading about you finding your sister... That is AWESOME... Hope you two can spend some time together this year...

    Great news about the cancer...

    Have a wonderful 2012.

  14. That is wonderful news! So happy for you and glad you found a long lost sister, too. Life is really full of surprises! Cheers and all the best to you in 2012!

  15. An awesome photo and an awesome year for you, Pat! Hope 2012 brings you more wonderful things....

  16. It really was a miraculous year for you. Happy 2012!

  17. Both reflections are simply wonderful!!!

  18. I love when you buy things you use 'em to their fullest extent. The RV. The Camera. The water balloons for your neighborhood water fights. haha

  19. Gorgeous photo, Pat, and a beautiful post to go with. I'd say you have a great start to 2012. I hope it's an awesome year for you. You deserve it!

  20. You could not have asked for any more than that. Sounds like the RV'ing has been fun from all the posts we've seen. I am sure you cannot wait to enjoy time with your new sister, after not many people our age ever get new siblings! Have a great 2012, Pat!

  21. You know, reflecting on your last year, it seems all the more reason why you should write a book already. You've just had too many and continue to have many amazing stories.

  22. A beautiful picture and a wonderful year for you. :) Congrats!!

  23. what a wonderful year you have had

  24. Wow! A sister! You have had wonderful things happen this year. I'm so happy for you.

  25. That's a beautiful picture, Pat, and an even better year. I'm really happy for you!

  26. 2011 was a banner year for you! Hope 2012 is just as great!

  27. 2011 was a good year for you..
    nice to hear that good things still
    happen to good people.!!

  28. Beautiful frame, delicious light and reflection in this sunset, very nice photo. I wish you a happy and prosperous new year 2012.

  29. Beautiful shot Patty.

    Very apt considering your time traveling. It's great for the soul.

    Brilliant news re your cancer.

    May you have a happy year ahead.


  30. Beautiful reflections! The sunrise is very appropriate! The RV sounds like a blast. :)

  31. another amazing reflections photo. Just love them. Little confession, I was trying to channel you while attemting to paint reflections in my river painting. Ok perhaps a little weird but you inspired me.

  32. Perfect moment and angle to catch this sunset reflection in your RV, Pat! Gorgeous.

    I may have told you this before, but my honey and I have a wish to travel the USA à la Blue Highways (William Least Heat-Moon), one of my favorite travel books. You and your honey have done some of that this past 2011 in your RV. Perfect. Look forward to seeing and reading about more of your adventures this year. And again, I am tickled about both your clean bill of health and finding your sister. YaY!!

    Hope this is your Best. Year. Ever.

    [I am not in Dubai... those were shots from my archives. 2005 (and low grade digital photos). I note the place/year of my shots in small print under my photo series. I'm not fond of Dubai at all and have no desire to go back there, but it was interesting as a one time visit (for a trade show).]

  33. Great news on the thyroid front, hon, I am so happy to hear it. That's a beautiful photo up there, isn't it? Sounds to me like 2012 promises to be a wonderful year for you and yours.

  34. I read the post about your sister and that's so cool! Imagine!

    Also, I'm happy your cancer is gone. Scary to have to go through that.

    Beautiful reflections.

  35. The good, the better and the ugly. I am thrilled for you, Pat.
    Hopefully 2012 will be a great year for you and yours.
    Love the beautiful sunset and reflection on 2011.
    Pam :)

  36. Congrats on many counts....for a NED-no evidence of disease, for a new sister-how exciting, and for a beautiful image. Roll on-in many ways.

  37. The photo is excellent Pat, but your other reflections are better. Glad you are cured. Hope 2012 is as good to you or even better. Enjoy the journey.

    Thanks for dropping by. The girl behind the glass makes the photo and yes, she probably had no idea of what was to come.

  38. TexWisGirl - It sure did! Thanks so much! It was amazing...

    KarenG - Hi Karen! I guess that's the way I dealt with the huge negative things that used to happen in my life. Thanks! See you at your place later...

    tapirgal - Thanks so much my friend! Here's to a great year for both of us.

    Betsy - Well, we've talked about going to Kentucky for my family reunion, so who knows! Thanks!

    Marguerite - Thanks! It was sure full of nice surprises this year! the same to you my friend! I see your name and I think food... food food food

    Nat - It sure was awesome! Thanks and I hope it does the same for you!

    Sallie - It sure was Sallie! Happy 2012 to you also.

    Brian - Thanks so much Brian.

  39. Jesse - Me too! A lot of folks buy them and don't use them much. Except for several days, we are currently in it for 5 weeks! Gotta start filling up baloons!

    Pam T - Thanks so much Pam. I appreciate the nice words and wish the same for you...

    Chuck - I know, what a shock it was to find out about her. We've been having fun and hope to continue it. Here's to a great 2012 for you as well.

    Tim - Thanks Tim. I really am trying to get it all together, but I'm seriously too A.D.D. to sit down and stay sitting down and doing it. I'll keep trying though. Thanks for being here with me while I recounted all those stories.

    Baby Sister - Thanks so much! Here's to a great year for us both!

    becca - I sure have! I hope your 2012 is as kind to you...

    Belle - Thanks Belle! It's been amazing... One good thing on top of the next.

    Robyn - Thanks my friend! It was indeed an amazing year. Thanks for being here since the "olden" days.

  40. Jesse - Me too! A lot of folks buy them and don't use them much. Except for several days, we are currently in it for 5 weeks! Gotta start filling up baloons!

    Pam T - Thanks so much Pam. I appreciate the nice words and wish the same for you...

    Chuck - I know, what a shock it was to find out about her. We've been having fun and hope to continue it. Here's to a great 2012 for you as well.

    Tim - Thanks Tim. I really am trying to get it all together, but I'm seriously too A.D.D. to sit down and stay sitting down and doing it. I'll keep trying though. Thanks for being here with me while I recounted all those stories.

    Baby Sister - Thanks so much! Here's to a great year for us both!

    becca - I sure have! I hope your 2012 is as kind to you...

    Belle - Thanks Belle! It's been amazing... One good thing on top of the next.

    Robyn - Thanks my friend! It was indeed an amazing year. Thanks for being here since the "olden" days.

  41. Ms A - It sure was! Here's to a banner 2012 for you and your family!

    faye - Very nice of you to say that Faye! You are also one of the nice ones.

    Leovi - Thanks Leovi! I woke up to take that photo. When I was young, I would still BE up at that time...

    Anthony - Thanks Anthony! Travling is a great thing. I hope you and the family have a great 2012 as well.

    James - Thanks James! We are having a blast. Right now, we are only 100 miles from home, but by ourselves sitting on a mountain top. Thanks for continuing to hold "Weekend Reflections" also!

    Mynx - Thanks so much! I am honored and flattered. BUT, take care when channeling me, you might find it a bit (or a lot) scary in my brain...

    Francisca - The photo worked out just right. I think I got some better ones of the the sunrise on the second day of the year, but I wanted to keep it "real."
    I hope you do get to do that someday. If we had somebody totally reliable that would take care of our four cats for a year, we'd probably do take a full year tour of the U.S. As always, thanks for your continued support and nice words. I really do appreciate it.

  42. So much WONDERFUL news, Pat! I am so thrilled for you! May the cancer continue to stay out of the picture -- and you! I'm so glad you're enjoying your RV, they are wonderful to travel in, aren't they! AND finding a sister!! That is terrific! And again, I am so thrilled and happy for you! Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy every moment!


  43. What a remarkable threesome! So happy for you, Pat. Gosh, I can't imagine what a weight the second one takes off your shoulders.

  44. clean bill of health and a sister!!
    all the best for a happy 2012
    your photo is golden

  45. Life is filled with wonderful mysteries and learnings!
    Big hugs to your heart,

  46. Reconnecting with Nature after being found out you beat cancers ass! Awesome!

    Live and enjoy Pat--and keep sharing your journey with us! We really appreciate it!


  47. Very inspiring to read that your cancer has gone.

    Love the picture of the sun rising on the new year too.

  48. You've had quite a year! Congratulations again on your cure!!! And on gaining a sister! I hope you and your wife enjoy your communing with nature and have a healthy and happy 2012!

  49. That is a great image and some wonderful happenings to reflect on.

  50. Pat, life is so precious, I believe you have so many wonderful surprises the past year. A lot of accomplishments in your RVing. I am not a brave driver, but I want to own a mini RV if there is such a thing...and hope to travel like you both do.

    Thanks for the heads up on the monarchs, we are headed early tomorrow, and hope to stay for sunset by the beach.

    I wish you the best of health, joy and happiness (...and bonding with your sis).

  51. An amazing year ... may it continue into 2012!

  52. what a great year this shall be! congratulations, Pat...enjoy!

  53. beautiful photograph; good news on all three reflections on 2011

  54. That is a great way to end one year and start another. May the coming year bring you even more blessings.
    Happy New Year!

  55. Real beautiful reflection what more can I say.

  56. one DNA test later, I have a sister! did she get the TV to look for you. These shows are very popular here and Australia. I have been watching them. Very tear jerking,, and I mean it. How was yours?

  57. Best news I could have read today.. Yeah, Cancer Free!!!

    Enjoy that R%V and your sister.. wonderful blessings indeed..
    Happy New Year my friend!!


  58. Best news I could have read today.. Yeah, Cancer Free!!!

    Enjoy that R%V and your sister.. wonderful blessings indeed..
    Happy New Year my friend!!


  59. Great way to start a day and a new year! Beautiful sunrise, a new lease on life, and a new family member!

  60. Shrinky - Thanks so much! It will be tough to beat 2011, but I'm willing to try!

    Clarissa - It is pretty darn cool! Thanks so much Clarissa!

    Pam - Yep! The ugly is gone, that is very good! Thanks Pam!

    Dorian Susan - Thanks so much! I intend to keep on rolling!

    awarewriter - Life is like photos I guess. Some days and photos are better than others.

    Sylvia - Thanks so much Sylvia! I'm thrilled also. Lot's of guess stuff isn't it?

    altadenahiker - I really do appreciate it. Yes, it was a weight, but I really refused to worry about it.

    Dianne - Thanks so much! Here's to a good year for you also!

  61. Cezar and Leia - Thanks so much Leia. Big hugs right back at you!

    John - Yhanks for all the nice words John. Also, thanks for your support!

    TBFKA - Thanks so much! It sure did inspire me!

    Lolamouse - Yes I have! Thanks so much Lola, I really do appreciate it. We are having a blast. We're communing a lot at this minute! Five weeks worth!

    Martha Z - Thanks Martha! I'm reflecting on it all.

    Ebie - It sure is! It doesn't take too long to get used to driving an RV. My wife likes doing it. You are probably in Pismo Beach at this moment. I hope there many butterflies for you to see.
    Thanks so much and I hope the same for you.

    missing moments - Yes, it was! Thanks so much and Happy New year to you as well.

    Carolyn - Thanks and I sure hope so! I hope you have a great year also!

  62. Carole - Thanks so much! I appreciate it!

    SQ - It sure is! 2011 is going to be a hard one to top! Happy New year to you also.

    s.c. - Thanks so much!

    Ann - That's all it took! No TV involved, she found me through my blog. It's the first and only place she ever saw what she thought was our mother's name, and she was right.

    Lynne - Yay! Thanks so much my friend and Happy New year to you and your family!

    Lew - It sure was! I don't know how 2012 will be able to compete, but we'll see!

  63. Yes.. stunning and more stunning, Pat.

  64. Wow Pat! That's an awesome year! I hope that 2012 is just as good to you, or even better! Have a fantastic time with your new found sister!

  65. So absolutely wonderful how life never lets us know what will happen the very next moment. Onward.

  66. Just can't beat any of your reflections! It's so wonderful to hear good news like yours. May you and your family be even more blessed in 2012!

  67. A sister! How disconcerting. How exciting. How interesting. Hope life is fine.

    Happy New Year!

  68. I think your year could easily be a box office hit! I've got Spielberg's number if you want it. Let me know.

    P.S. Happy 2012!

  69. Pam - Thanks so much Pam!

    Eve - If 2012 is even close, it will be an amazing year also! Thanks Eve!

    pitchertaker - Onward and upward!
    No script for this trip, that's for sure...

    Lindy - thanks so much Lindy! The same for you and your family.

    Esther - Life is indeed fine! Happy New Year to you also Esther.

    SparkleFarkle - It's a hit already in my house. You just can't make up the stuff that happens in my life. Happy New Year to you also!

  70. °º♫ Olá, amigo!
    °º✿ Que notícias boas!!!
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·. Espero que 2012 seja melhor ainda e mais cheio de alegrias e saúde.
    ✿⊱╮Beijinhos de sua amiga do Brasil.
    º° ✿♥

  71. Magia - thank you so much and Happy New Year to you also!

  72. wow! that is quite a year!

    btw, great reflections!
    lovely shot!

  73. Beautiful pic, Pat. So glad you're enjoying the RV. It's a different world out there. Happy HAPPY about no more cancer!! PTL. And especially, the wonderful news that you have a sister. I hope it's a perfectly made connection. :)

  74. Sounds like you've had a great year!!! Last night we went to a party celebrating a new friend's one year anniversary of her breast cancer diagnosis which, thank God, she has been cleared of!!!

  75. These accomplishments alone made for a fantastic year. We hope you have a great 2012 and share it with the rest of us.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  76. These are two best reflection, Pat. I'm happy for you. No more cancer, but gain a new sister!

  77. wow, quite a year! and good for you, for all the things you mentioned. ^_^

  78. Sounds like a great year. Love the reflection. Glad to hear that you are travling, healthy, and have more family!

  79. OMG! So happy to know that you're healthy! Looking forward to reading your posts about your new-found sibling!

  80. 2011 was a big year for you! Congrats on all! And that photo is beautiful.


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