
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

London Bridge

To some of you, this post will not be a surprise at all. To others, it will be a TOTAL surprise. I'm sure most of you remember the song "London Bridges Falling Down" from when you were a child.  I'm also sure that many of don't know that the London Bridge now resides in the middle of nowhere, in the Sonora desert of Arizona! 

Well, the London Bridge didn't fall down, it was moved to Lake Havasu city in Arizona, USA.

It first opened in London in 1831 and spanned the Thames river. 

In 1968 the bridge was sold to an American entrepreneur for about 2.5 million dollars.

The bridge was taken totally apart and moved stone by stone to Lake Havasu City. It was re-assembled and opened in 1971.

When I said it is now in the middle of nowhere, I meant it. The place may be called Lake Havasu city, but it's small and most certainly in the middle of nowhere.
I still have several posts to put together relating to this trip, but we're already hitting the road on Monday morning. This time we're heading for Yuma, Arizona. It's a long ways from Lake Havasu and only about 5 miles from the Mexican border. I've never been there and have no idea what to expect. I'm sure I'll find some interesting things...


For reflections by other photographers go to Weekend Reflections sponsored by James.



  1. It is a gorgeous piece of architecture. Some people have way too much money I think

  2. Hi Pat,

    I believe the story is that the purchaser thought he was buying Tower Bridge, which is the one bridge over the Thames that everyone recognizes.

    On the subject of the old nursery rhyme: it commemorates a Viking raid on London. The raiders tied ropes around an earlier "London Bridge" and tried to pull it down (or so the story goes).

  3. so London Bridge does exist it's not just a children's song very cool

  4. I know the song all too well - but I had no idea it moved!

  5. I actually knew that. yay me! great picks

  6. can't wait to see pics. Love these. I had no idea London Bridge had been moved. I thought it had been dismantled and discarded and replaced.

  7. No I'm not surprised as my husband told me the story when we were in London in 2010. Great shots though Pat!

  8. i have heard the tale of this bridge before. amazing what some folks will do with their money...

  9. Yup, knew this one, Pat. Before you go on your next jaunt, link this post with Sunday Bridges; it will be a welcome addition.

  10. PS. I guess I was not the only one who complained to Blogger about the loss of email follow ups in this pop-up comment format: it's back! :-)

  11. Knew about the bridge, but not that it had been moved to Lake Havasu!!! Amazing how some people will spend their money???? It is a beautiful bridge though! Terrific captures, too! Enjoy Yuma!!?


  12. Indeed a very cool "read"! I must admit, I like to save the world one used-book sale at a time like the way some people do it via buying bridges. (SparkleFarkled Deep-Thoughted Question: If a bridge collector quacks, does that mean he or she is into viaducks as well?)

  13. Wow, I totally did not know that story but what a gorgeous bridge.

  14. Had no idea it had been moved!

  15. I remember my Ben and I went to London Bridge in Arizona about 37 years ago when they had first moved it there. We were still dating and had just gone over to Vegas and stopped by the bridge on our way home. At that time, there was nothing there but the buildings, shops, etc.

  16. I think we visited the London Bridge when I was a kid living in Arizona. Nice shots, Pat!

  17. hi pat, that brings me back so many sweet memories! this is a beautiful bridge, had no idea it had been moved.

    lovely photos as usual!

    hope you're having a great day!

  18. Well that is cool! I had no idea the London bridge wasn't in London anymore! Is Big Ben small too?

  19. I have always wanted to see this bridge. I know many people who live in Arizona and have told me about it but never been near enough to go see it. Thanks for the tour Pat! Have fun in Yuma...sounds very old west.

  20. It is an English joke that the Americans bought London Bridge and not Tower Bridge, as they thought they were buying.
    Sorry about that. ;)

    There are many beautiful bridges in England, Waterloo Bridge is another famous one.

  21. Havasuuuuu! Back in the day when we raced, we'd hang out in Havasu twice per year. Each time spending about a week there, with about 10 race teams, putting away their competitive edge to go out and play in the water. I've got nothing but fond memories of this quaint little town!

  22. Really Arizona? That is just kinda weird....

    oh this just in the Egyptians are selling a pyramid!!!!
    And.... the early front runner to buy it is Vermont!!! Way to go Vermont!!

  23. You'd think that would be a tourist attraction of the kind that would make it a bigger city. I'll have to add that to my list of places I'd love to visit. Great pictures Pat!

  24. And people say the Japanese are buying everything up.
    Hey, fair's fair, though.
    We gave the Brits McDonalds and Madonna.
    Although I think they gave Madonna back.

  25. Sounds like Havasu is still the same. That bridge seems out of place like a failed dream. You captured it nicely. I look fwd to your upcoming posts. Isn't Yuma Spring training for one MLB team?

  26. Nice to see you back in action, My nephews will be happy to know, the bridge got saved and a new home. Fab piece of history glimpsed through your pictures.

  27. always do! I did know this about the London Bridge. It seems like a lot of work to disassemble a bridge then put it all back together again. Why not just build a replica?

    Play off the Page

  28. I HATE it when they do that! Turns out now it's a BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER!

    Oh come knew it was coming!

    Great shoya as always Pat!!


  29. I hate it when Bridges do that! Now it's a Bridge OVER TROUBLED WATERS!

    Oh come on--You asked for that!!

    Blessings and great pics Pat!

    Did this post twice?


  30. Ha!! I had no idea it actually existed. That is funny. :) I'm sure you will find a lot of interesting things, you seem to have a knack for that!!

  31. I have a vague recollection of the London Bridge story but never saw pictures and didn't know it was in the middle of nowhere. It's both somewhat disillusioning and entirely fascinating.

    Keep enjoying, and sharing with us, Pat. Thank you!

  32. Mynx - I'm totally with you on the money part! I also agree with it being gorgeous.

    dennis - Hey there Dennis! I've heard that also. The guy who bought it, denied it. Thanks for the history. I didn't know where the song came from. I do know that there have been several incarnations of it.

    becca - It sure does! It's huge!

    baygirl32 - I saw it right after it was put back together. It looked even bigger and better back then.

    Budd - You get a gold star by your name!

    mshatch - I'm surprised that so few people know that it's in Arizona!

  33. Liz - Thanks so much! I would have been a lot happier if there had been some clouds in the sky.

    TexWisGirl - I wish those folks would shovel some of it my way!

    Francisca - I figured you would know! I'll have to find that blog first. Can you give me the URL? Oh yeah, I meant to tell you about the comment emails being restored.

    Sylvia K - The bridge really helped the town grow. There are several resorts now, right around the bridge. We had to cancel our Yuma trip! Major electrical problems with our RV.

    SparkleFarkle - Why thank you! You are so "punnie."

    Clarissa - I'm happy to be of service madame...

  34. Ms. A - Well now you know! It's pretty cool to see in person.

    Kay - I saw it back then also. You wouldn't recognize the area now. The town has grown all the way to the bridge.

    Alex - Thanks Alex! I felt like a kid when I saw it. It was an amazing sight.

    Betty M - Thanks Betty! It truly is a beautiful thing.

    Brian - That's pretty funny Brian!

    Chuck - I've only seen it a couple of times, but was enthralled both times. Alas, Yuma is cancelled or at least delayed until next winter. It is old west. One of the things I want to see there is the old territorial prison. It's still there...

  35. Megan - I've heard that, but I figured it was just some sour grapes caused by that little revolution incident...
    I hope to get to England someday to see some of them.

    Nikki - I believe that because Havasu is loaded with water sport opportunities. It's not very quaint now though.

    Madman - It is kinda weird! I go to Vermont to see that pyramid.

    Tim - It's never going to get very big because it's one of the hottest places in the world. If you do go, do it during the winter if possible.

    Al - HA! I thought it was amazing that Madonna started talking with an English accent.

    California Girl - It's MUCH bigger than before. That is due mainly to the bridge, I'm sure... I'm not sure about a bb team in Yuma, but our trip is cancelled for the time being. Alas...

  36. Rek - Thanks! I still have too much going on right now to post as often as I'd like to. I think you put your finger on it. It's English history sitting in the middle of the desert.

    Mary - Thanks Mary! I'm thinking it was an incredible amount of work and organization.

    John - Oh, you are so punny! Thanks John.

    Baby Sister - Truth is stranger than fiction! I do look for the odd and unusual.

  37. Robyn - I think disillusioning and fascinating describes it pretty well. Thanks Robyn!

  38. Hi Pat, great pictures! I have been there a few years back in the winter time. Fortunately, we were on a tour bus, no worries about driving the distance.

  39. You have clever eyes, this bridge is impressive!Thanks so much for taking us with you in your adventures!You always find beautiful and interesting things to share with us!
    I like a lot the last composition, the details of the bridge and the blue horizon is an adorable combination here!
    Happy Easter to you and all your family!

  40. Wow, I had no idea that was done. Fascinating.. what an enterprise!

    Great shots as usual Patty, covering all angles!

    Sounds like a great trip youre on Pat. Are you going into Mexico? Be safe my friend....

  41. I was a teenager when they moved it an thought it was very odd to move such a large bridge so far and to Arizona to boot. Cool pix!

  42. Been there! Have the shops under the bridge been renovated? When we were last there it was kind of a mess underneath the fabulous bridge. Our brother and sil used to live in Havasu City (crazy place... we laughed and laughed at the a historical museum that dates all the way back to the (gasp) 1960s.)

    Happy travels!

  43. Ebie - Thanks Ebie! Winter time, is the only time! Too hot any other time...

    Wong - It is indeed an odd thing!

    Leia - Thanks Leia! I'm happy you like the odd things I find. Happy Easter to you as well. Give Luna a scratch for me...

    Wayne - I was pretty young as well. I thought it was odd then and I still think it's odd!

    Sallie - Some have and some haven't Sallie. I love the bridge, but the "old english" shops were pretty cheesy. Really just for tourists...You are right about the history. Other than the bridge, they don't have any.

  44. It's an imposing bridge, looks at home where it is and it was an impressive achievement to get it there!

  45. Very cool post! This brings back childhood memories of the song and of when the bridge opened in Arizona.

  46. Hi Pat... Just read your post about Lake Havasu and the London Bridge.. I went there for the first time a couple of years ago while I was down in Calif visiting my friends. Did you know that each one of the stones have a number on them? If you looked close enough you could see them. While there we also went onto the ole Route 66. It was a side trip well worth it. A little town called Oatman was quite the booming metropolis! ;)

  47. Pat, in case you didn't get my email, do also link with Sunday Bridges. :-)

  48. Excellent pictures, I especially like the last one with that beautiful view, delicious light and color. Greetings.

  49. Lucy - It's huge! I agree that the bridge looks good there. The poor attempt at an "English Village" shop area next to it, not so much...

    James - Thanks James! Same with me.

    Michelle - I did know that the stones were numbered, but I didn't see any of the numbers. I should have looked closer! I have some posts coming about route 66 in that area and about Oatman. Loved the burros...

    Francisca - I got the email and thank you! I'm going to link it there on Sunday. It may not be welcome though, as the gentlemen there and I had a considerable falling out a couple of years ago. We shall see...

    Leovi - Thanks Leovi! I appreciate it.

  50. a wonderful history; I too remember the song from childhood years, but had never known it had been relocated. Fabulous photos; thanks for sharing

  51. You just don't like to stay in one place. Have a safe journey.

  52. Suas fotos são sempre lindas e seus relatos interessantes.

    ♫♫° ·.
    Páscoa é renascer.
    Feliz recomeçar!
    Feliz Páscoa!


  53. Beautiful and not falling down, how delightful!
    cheers :)

  54. Great post. Stories like this sound to odd to be true, but the proof is in the pudding, or in this case, the photos.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  55. You surprised me. $2.5 million is unthinkable to "waste" on nowhere, in my opinion, but then when you have lots to spare, I guess .... well it's so far out there, I can't even come close to guessing what that all means.

  56. You surprised me. $2.5 million is unthinkable to "waste" on nowhere, in my opinion, but then when you have lots to spare, I guess .... well it's so far out there, I can't even come close to guessing what that all means.

  57. Carole - My pleasure Carole!

    Martha - After working hard my entire life, we finally have the time to do some things. We're not happy that we had to cancel our latest trip. The moss is starting to form....

    Magia - Thanks Magia! I appreciate it! Happy Easter to you!

  58. What a gorgeous bridge that is! And I learned something I never knew. So it's in Arizona. I sometimes wish I still lived in the West so I could see such amazing things. I'll just have to rely on you for the pictures, which are always awesome coming from your photographic eye!
    Ann Best, Author of In the Mirror & Other Memoirs

  59. Hey Pat, great pictures, as always! I've disappeared from the Internet because my husband and I are expecting a baby, I'm 6 months pregnant now, so my mind is kind of set on other things. But it's very nice of you to ask though =) We've almost finished watching all the movies from the list, got only two left. Who knows, may be one day I'll get back to my blog.

  60. Yep. Been to London Bridge many times when going to Parker with the friends back in the day. Travel by boat and beer. Good times!

  61. Great bridge shots. Funny to think of moving something all the way from London to Arizona. Can't imagine that it would really be cheaper!

  62. You go to the coolest places! isn't the American West quirky? Have fun in Yuma. Can't wait to see what you end up finding there! Always a pleasure and Happy Trails!

  63. Great photos and info....didn't know that about London Bridge!

  64. Spectacular photos! Learned so much!

  65. I know the song, too, but your information on London Bridge is remarkable..

    Beautiful photos!

  66. Wow, that London Bridge is sizable!
    I once was in Yuma (in the 70ties I believe) -back then it looked like Mexico. so, I'm curious to see if it changed. Have a great trip!

  67. Pam - Thanks Pam! And not falling down...

    Darryl and Ruth - Thanks! It is an odd thing! Odd things are good and interesting!

    Rosemary - Well it did make "nowhere" into a "somewhere." I'll never know what it's like to have money to spare, but things are great. No bridge, but still great.

    Ann - It sure is Ann! It's kind of amazing that most people have never heard about this. I'll try to keep you up to date on the "odd" happenings out west!

    Svetlana - Hey there! Long time no see! Congratulations on the upcoming amazing event! I hope you find the time to pick up where you left off on your blog. You bring an interesting spin with your reviews. Good luck and again, congratulations!

  68. Stephen - Travel by boat and beer! I hear that!. I used to love going to the river "back in the day." Now, it's too loud, people are too drunk, and it's too hot. Man, I'm getting old.

    Halcyon - Thanks so much! I can't imagine that somebody had enough money laying around to do it.

    Stickup Artist - Thanks! I try...
    I still have a couple of places to visit that you told me about. Yes, the southwest is very quirky... I have a list of things to see and to investigate... Thanks so much!

    Carol - Thanks Carol! You are one of many that doesn't know about it.

    BragonDorn - Thanks so much! I appreciate it.

    Icy BC - Isn't though? I remember when it was being built, or re-built I should say. It was an amazing project. Thanks!

    Emile - It's very big! I don't think Yuma has changed much, which is why I want to check it out. thanks!

  69. I remember the first time I saw that was astonishing!

    You have such a good time living your life!

    I admire that about you!

  70. Yes, it is a surprise, awesome job ... stone by stone ...


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