
Monday, October 20, 2014

Black and White - group 1

As a change of pace, I thought I'd start sharing some of my B&W photos. These are from "The World in Black and White" website. A few of them have been posted here before. Some are old, some are new, and some are middle aged. Counting me, there are currently 13 people who contribute to the site. No narratives to read. A title, a photo and a name. That is it. Of course, comments and generous gratuities (20% please!) are always appreciated...

 Port San Luis

Sequoia National Park (in May)
My wife was prepared for all potential emergencies... She had an umbrella! 

 Oceano Dunes

Little Miss Attitude (she was the one daring lightning to hit here a couple of posts ago) 

Pismo Beach


  1. Those are incredible! The one in the snow is haunting.

  2. awww, that is the cutest seal ever!

  3. little one has grown a lot! :) nice set!

  4. These are terrific, Pat!! Of course I always love your captures, but these are pretty special and wonderful B&Ws!! Thanks as always for sharing and have a great week!!

  5. Great pictures, Pat. The granddaughter looks sassy indeed. Are you still roaming the SW?

  6. Pat, these are spectacular photos in B&W. I always loved your photos on the site The World in Black and White.

    This creature is pure tenderness, he is bathing on the sun, I think. I smiled when I read about your wife, umbrella and emergency situation. I still do.

    Ok, too many emotions! I love this post with all my heart!

    Wish you a nice week and creative1

  7. Awesome photos, Pat! Somebody sure has grown a lot since that photo was taken.

  8. Beautiful, particularly that one in Sequoia.

  9. Great B&W shots. I've got some Pismo Beach photos I need to post.

  10. That seal looks very happy. Love Little Miss Attitude :)

  11. I love the picture of Little Miss Attitude, you have to love the determination of kids.

  12. Alex - Thanks! An unexpected and large blizzard blanketed the place. Most of the park was closed, the parts that were still open, were empty. It was a bit spooky trying to stay on a trail that was pretty much invisible.

    DEZMOND - I also thought she was pretty darn cute.

    Sylvia K - Thanks Sylvia! I appreciate the nice words.

    Should Fish More - Thank you so much, my friend! Yep, we just got home from a trip last Monday. I'm out again as of yesterday. Hey isn't 6 days at home enough? Had a long, hot and difficult hike today. Got a great workout, but unfortunately, found very little of what I was looking for.

    Kaya - Thanks so much! I loved that seal. She looked so cute and so comfy. Oh yeah, I think my wife has at least five umbrellas. I don't even have one!

  13. Ms. A - She sure has! She is such a great kid also.

    Brian - Thanks so much Brian!

    William Kendall - Thanks! There are millions of great photos there, just waiting for people to take them.

    Al - Please post them! From your last trip out here?

    mshatch - He looks to be in paradise.
    I'm happy to say that she's lost some of that attitude. Not too much though.

    Jimmy - Hey there! You are right about the determination. Nice to see your comment. See you soon!

  14. I'm very fond of b & w photos and regularly take part in the weekly meme called «The Weekend in B & W» myself. Some (all) of these you show here hold a very high quality. My personal favourite must be the one of the person (carrying an umbrella!) disappearing into a misty, snow-cowered wood. Just the right mixture of grey tones, depth and mystery. I'll have a peep at the site.

  15. Never, and I mean NEVER, set foot out of doors without and umbrella - you know it makes sense!

    Nice set of pictures.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne (who may be having word verification issues!)

  16. Gorgeous photos! I don't think I could possibly choose a favourite! Oh go on then - maybe the top one. Great capture!

  17. I always enjoy your black and whites Pat.. it made me smile when I saw your wife with umbrella in the middle of what looks like a blizzard :) I love doing The World in Black and White, must be more regular about it, goodness knows where the time goes!

  18. Everything is wonderful -- the ripply dunes especially show up better than they ever would in color. It always amazes me how beautiful nature can be in B&W, I only think of it for mechanical sorts of things and I am so wrong!

    Your granddaughter was born with an attitude wasn't she! And good on her.

  19. Hi Pat! Just stopped by via Jimmy's blog to say hello!

    Fantastic photographs! The one of the seal is so beautiful!

    I love black and white photography.

  20. visualnorway - Thank you! The photo you like the best, looked exactly like that in "real life." The only thing missing is how cold the freezing mist felt.

    Stewart M - Thanks Stewart! I guess it would, if you lived in a place where it rains. Unfortunately, we don't live in one of those places.

    Mandy Southgate - Thank you Mandy! I can easily understand why you picked that one. That seal is so cute!

    PerthDailyPhoto - Thanks Grace! I understand about the time. I know I don't have enough of it.

    Sallie (FTL) - That is very nice of you! I agree about mechanical things. Some nature scenes are perfect for it and portraits are the best! That girl does have an attitude. Right now, she has hi-jacked my favorite cat, while I'm gone.

    Nat - Thanks so much Nat!

    Ron - Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I'm pretty sure I remember you from a couple of years ago. I'll be over to check out your blog. Thanks again!

  21. They are fantastic in black and white, Pat!

    I might try to use the umbrella like your wife next time it snows here :)

  22. These are GREAT. Each one tells a story--or is that just me? Lil Miss Attitude is a favorite.

  23. These are beautiful. At first glance I didn't know what the first photo was. I love photos like that.

  24. These photos are exquisite. Makes me want to shoot in black and white. Truly stunning.

  25. Today was a traumatic day in my usually peaceful little country of Canada. It's not everyday when a gunman storms your House of Parliament and shoots a soldier dead. Coming on the heels of an radicalized murdered running down and killing another soldier, it's left us all wondering why the world has to be this way.

    So imagine my pleasant surprise to load your site up and see these incredible pictures. Beauty always finds a way to trump darkness. You've just proven that. Thank you!

  26. Icy BC - Thank you! My wife said it was supposed to only rain that day, but instead there was a blizzard. I think she just likes having an umbrella!

    T. Powell Coltrin - Thank you so much! Not only for the nice words, but for commenting and signing on. I am very appreciative of both.

    msmariah - Thanks! I'm glad you figured it out.

    robin andrea - Thanks Robin! I love black and white a lot.

    Carmi Levy - Hi Carmi! I read your comment a few minutes ago and turned on the radio. I haven't heard the news or seen a newspaper for about four days (and only occasional internet). That is terrible and crazy! The world is a scary place these days... Thanks for the nice words Carmi. I'm so happy you liked them. Hang in there...

  27. There's just something about black and white photos that gets me every time. Beautiful pictures!! I love the first one.

  28. Love B&W. That's where I started. I have such love for colorless photos. They offer a lot of depth and detail.

  29. Baby Sister - I totally agree! They feel more honest or something. Thanks Amanda!

    Laura Delegal - Me too! It is like all the stuff that you don't really need, is stripped away. Your left with the truth. Oh man, I am so deep!

  30. Wonderful artwork, exquisite photos in B & W!

  31. Love the black and white and yes, they are a fabulous change of pace. Beautiful images all but that seal, the pose and facial expression, encourages me to share a blissed-out serenity.

  32. These are fantastic photos, Pat. You really work the black-white factor with artistic talent. I laughed out loud at little Miss Attitude. She's the most photogenic of all.

    On a different note, I really appreciate you and the fact that we go way back to the beginning of blog-time. I saw a comment you made to that effect on Margarette's blog. You're one of the very good ones. xo

  33. Leovi - Thanks Leovi! I appreciate that.

    Stickup Artist - I agree with you and in what seems to be the HDR era, I'm liking B&W more and more. I know what you mean about the seal. If I could just relax half that much, I'd be happy!

    Rawknrobyn - Thanks Robyn! Yep, she is totally photogenic. I just realized that I've posted photos of here many times. We do go back a long ways. You are one of my favorite people in all of blogdom.

  34. I´m not a fan of seals as I find them boring, but your image of this one is a winner :)

    Re Yellowstone question. No I have not posted the trip yet. I was on it before I started my Travel Blog started. But, some day, when I got lots of time..... :)

  35. I think the seal composition is outstanding, likewise the dunes are beautiful.

  36. The last shot is fantastic Pat, such beautiful formation...

  37. What gorgeous shots!

  38. Some of these, especially the seal, are worth the 20%!

  39. wow, amazing shots, pat! loved them all, especially the seal.

    happy halloween! (in case you celebrate it.)

  40. NatureFootstep - Thanks! I hope you get the time to post them. I'm betting you have some great ones.

    Wayne (Woody), whatever - Thanks Wayne! It looked mighty comfortable laying there.

    Siddhartha Joshi - Thanks Sid! I appreciate it.

    ladyfi - Thanks so much!

    sage - Thank you! Cash, check or a gift card will suffice!

    Betty Manousos - Thanks for the nice words Betty! We do celebrate it and it just ended here!

  41. Wow, these are all great! The snow scene is rather spooky.


  42. I guess it's a human thing to always choose a favorite, or see a collection of five and rank them. This is just to excuse what I'm about to write: I'm in love with the sea lion.

  43. thirtysevenandcounting - Thanks Lindy!

    altadenahiker - I really like that one also. If it wasn't for the extreme fish breath, I would have loved to give it a hug.

  44. I know, really. Forget dog breath, seal breath is the absolute worst.

  45. Oh yeah, seal breath is the worst, ever!

  46. Umbrellas are vital to snowish type situations.

    Or so I think I kinda/sorta remember from my Girl Scout manual.


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