
Monday, January 19, 2015

If Your Desk Looks Like This - You Might be A.D.D.

You've all seen the badge on the right hand side of my page, right? I joke quite a bit about being ADD in my posts. I really am ADD and I think this photo proves it. It was my desk at work, on a good day. Being ADD actually helped me a lot there, because I always had about 20 irons in the fire at the same time.  I am so glad that I retired!


  1. Wow. My barren desk would scare you.
    Glad you retired and can travel and share photos with us now. Much better view than looking at that desk.
    And thanks for posting my upcoming book in your sidebar - you rock, Pat!

  2. Pat, I think that you terminally damaged your argument by showing me a picture of a tidy desk. For a really disorderly desk, you should see mine.

  3. Hope you're enjoying the no work days, Pat

  4. This could be my husband's desk! I'm going to show him this picture right now, he'll get a kick out of it!

  5. HA! You should see my desk at school! I've drive two different principals OUT of my room with it! But, you know what? I know where EVERY single piece of paper is. In fact, one time my current principal lost a planning sheet that I gave him for a drop-in visit. HE LOST HIS! I went to my desk and pulled it right out and gave him my copy! He, he!

  6. And, you remember what Einstein said about a clean desk? "A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind!" Or something to that effect.

  7. LOVE the UCLA coffee mug! Our daughter went there.

  8. these days i can't multi-task to save my life, so i commend you for it. :)

  9. Hmmm! Does look familiar! I thought for a moment it was my old desk where I worked!! Hope you have a great new week, Pat!!

  10. My entire house looks like that!

  11. Pat, at least your desk looks organized. I bet you could put your finger right on whatever you needed!

    I'm working on my (home) desk today because it is a mess and *not* organized! Right now, the waste basket is my best friend. :D


  12. Oy. I have a little bit of ADD, but that coupled with the little bit of OCD that I have and I go back and forth between a desk similar to what yours looks like and a mostly clean one. I have a really hard time working when it's cluttered, so luckily it doesn't stay that way for very long. Good luck with that. :)

  13. Well, I can say that the top of my desk is pretty tidy....

    ....the desk drawers on the other hand look like a tornado hit them!

  14. Tell me about it! I've been on and off Ritalin since the age of 8. I plan to return to it and soon as my HMO gives me the green light.

  15. You have made the ADD work out pretty well for you. I like a desk that looks like there's a lot going on. It's a fun and challenging way to stay engaged.

  16. Maybe one day I'll have the self-confidence to photo my desk... but I might be designated as ADDx10...

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Alex J. Cavanaugh - I'm sure it would. If I have everything neatly in it's place and filed away, I'm afraid I'll either lose, or forget about them. My pleasure about your book Alex.

    dennis hodgson - HA! That's funny Dennis!

    DEZMOND - DEZ, I am totally enjoying not working!

    Karen Jones Gowen - I'm glad I'm not alone!

    trav4adventure - Whatever works, right? As long as they left you alone about it. I'll bet he was surprised that even with "the mess" you were still more organized than he was. I do remember what Einstein said. The mug came from one of my girls who also went to UCLA>

  19. TexWisGirl - You should probably commend my medication instead!

    Sylvia K - I guess it could a lot of people's desk. Thanks Sylvia! You have a great week also.

    Ms. A - HA! Sometimes, ours does also.

    thirtysevenandcounting - You are right about that (to a point). I know what you mean about the waste basket.

    Brian - Why thank you Brian! It does have a certain beauty to it!

  20. Baby Sister - Amanda, I have a little some OCD mixed in there as well. Things are good now, but only because I don't even have a desk!

    William Kendall - My desk drawers were full of folders to put the stuff ON the desk into. I just couldn't do it, until each thing was finished.

    Pasadena Adjacent - I started taking Adderall about two years ago. I can honestly say that it changed my life. Instead of making lists of what I have to do, I just do them. For the most part anyway! I hope your HMO takes care of that for you.

    robin andrea - Thanks Robin! As I said, it worked for me. I wasn't about to file away something that wasn't totally done.

    Sage - HA! ADDx10! Now that would be a challenge.

  21. Pat, your desk looks just like mine! I never thought about having ADD, I just thought I was disorganized. Retirement has been a relief. I'm still disorganized, but I always have hope that tomorrow will be the day that I'll get everything done.

  22. Clearly, you snuck into my office ...

  23. Hi Pat!! I definitely have to agree with you. Having adult ADD gave me the ability to do a great job at management in a high volume, fast paced environment. At home, I drive myself nuts and now live with someone who is 10X worse than I ever could Fun is!

  24. I'm not quite sure what an A.D.D. is, but this could have been my desk :-)

  25. That's called Multi-tasking, Pat.... Before I retired, I would have about 20 irons in the fire also each day... Like you, I'm glad I am retired --although I'm busier now than ever... ha


  26. Glad you are answering that windowless existence by roaming free in the fresh air and wide open spaces. One can fully appreciate your wanderlust after seeing this. I am so happy for you!

  27. It exhausts me to even look at that desk. I can't even use my kitchen to make breakfast if it's not cleaned up.... Not that I'm OCD or anything. :)

  28. Holy Shit! haha I bet theyre glad you retired too! haha

    Seriously, Ive always wanted my own desk. Ive always worked in an open plan type of situation. Strange that.

    Thanks for sharing!

  29. We're in the same tribe. I read six books at the same time.

  30. I fall somewhere in the middle between you and the lady above who said she couldn't even make breakfast unless everything was cleaned up and put away. I needed a little desk clutter to feel like I belonged (and now kitchen/house clutter, the same). But not quite as much as you did apparently!

    Anyway, whichever, aren't you glad you are retired and it doesn't matter a hoot~ I know I am.

  31. #1Nana - We all have our issues, that's for sure. I knew I had it, as soon as I first heard about it. I really knew I had it after I retired.

    Wayne (Woody), whatever - I did! My desk looks nothing like that!

    Bouncin Barb - Hi Barb! yep, it was great while I was working. Not now though. I started taking some medication for it and it changed my life.

    visualnorway - It is "Attention Deficit Disorder." Desks can be our friend, or enemy.

    Betsy Adams - Oh year! I was the master of it on my job. At home though, I was good at making lists. Now, I just get things done.

  32. Stickup Artist - Thanks so much! Even though I really liked my job, but I am VERY happy to be free to do what I really love.

    Rosemary Nickerson - HA! It does the same to me. I'm also a bit OCD, but only about a few things.

    Anthony J. Langford - Some were happy and some weren't! My pleasure Anthony, thanks for the comment.

    altadenahiker - I do the same thing! No problem with it either.

    Sallie (full Time-Life) - I tend to clutter also, not because I'm messy, but because I usually have a lot of things going on. You are so right about being retired!

  33. I don´t know what an ADD is but I presume you had a lot of work.


  34. Yeah, that's me too. Recently I cleaned off my home office desk to set up my new computer, but now after a couple of weeks it's starting to pile up again. You should see all the space around my desk. My wife won't even come in here anymore. This room is alive--in a chaotic scary way.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  35. I'm so glad you retired too, Pat. I'd much rather enjoy your travel photos than this one. Smiles.

  36. Japy - ADD= Attention Deficit Disorder

    Arlee Bird - I know what you mean. If I could have my way, I'd have all my stuff gathered around my favorite chair, both at home and in our RV. - Thanks Robyn! If I couldn't only find the time to post more of them... I seriously believe that I'm busier now, than when I worked!

  37. I'm glad too. Now I get to travel the southwest with you! On the computer anyway.

  38. Some nice pictures, interesting place! I would like to visit Antelope Hill Petroglyphs !!

  39. You must like the desert so much because you are lucky enough to live in Laguna Niguel. Right? Am I right?

    I thought so.

  40. Pat, before I let this comment, I went over to the website on your sidebar and took the ADHD quiz because I was curious to see where I was on the scale.

    I came out moderate, which surprised me because I thought I would be more extreme.

  41. Sharon - Thanks Sharon! Plenty more to see out here.

    Leovi Leovi - Thank you Leovi! If you ever come here, I will show it to you.

    EG CameraGirl - Hmmm... Maybe you are! Actually a lot of people are and don't even know it. I am so happy that I found out about it.

    California Girl - You are funny! I love where I live and I busted my hump to get here. It may be on one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in the country (if not the world), but I'm still ALWAYS drawn away from it, to the desert. My granny was a desert rat and she had a profound influence on my life. I owe my love of the desert to her.

    Ron - I think I'm moderate these days also. Thanks to the medication I'm taking. Love your blog Ron...


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