
Monday, December 14, 2015

Black and White - group 9

 Kyoto, Japan

 Anza Borrego SP

Point Loma
San Diego, California

Las Vegas, Nevada 


  1. What a gorgeous set of photos. I like the Kyoto one best.

  2. I agree with Mandy - Kyoto for me too, though it was tough choice.

  3. Great photos, the one of Anza Borrego looks like an scene from an old western.

  4. Always interesting. Beautiful photos :-)

  5. Ansel Adams knew something when he focused on b & w photography. Nothing reveals composition and contrast in quite the same way. Nice work here.

  6. Color me speechless: These are breathtaking in their diversity, their depth and their sheer emotional pull. The headstones alone made me stop in my tracks: I'll never look at a cemetery quite the same way again. And that's a good thing.

    I love how you view the world through glass.

  7. I really do admire black and white photos but never really paid much attention to my own camera. Now with my iPhone I can play around and I'm enjoying the B&W feature. These pics are great but something speaks to me with the Point Loma one.

  8. Lovely black and whites. Really like the San Diego one! =)

  9. I love your black and white posts. You always post such beautiful pictures and this time is no exception. Beautiful!! I would hang the Anza Borrego photograph in my home. Well done.

  10. Mandy Southgate - Thanks so much Mandy! I have a lot to choose from that I took in Kyoto. A photographer's dream.

    visualnorway - Thanks! I think I agree.

    sage - Thanks! There is a great campground at the base of the mountain, also a fantastic canyon (that ends at a palm oasis to explore.

    tapirgal - Thanks so much my friend! There are a lot of amazing places out there.

    The Geezers - I agree! One time I stood in line for a LONG time to get his signature on a first edition, first printing of "Yosemite and the Range of Light."

    William Kendall - It's one of my favorite desert places, I've been going there since I was a kid.

  11. Carmi Levy - Thanks for the nice words Carmi. Color me thankful! That cemetery is exactly where I will rest forever, when I leave this mortal coil. It is already arranged (while I could afford it).

    Bouncin Barb - Thanks Barb! I totally prefer black and white over color, but most folks don't.

    Brian - Me too! It's a beautiful place, and the weather can't be beat.

    Sandy - Thanks so much! I love that spot. Nice to see you here and I'll be over very soon.

    Baby Sister - Thanks Amanda! I really appreciate that.

  12. These are beautiful photos.

  13. Ah, nice selection.

  14. Pat, I like your photographs so much more than most. Your
    technical skills are obvious, but it's your eye that makes them
    so memorable: unsparing, honest, recognizing beauty, seeing the essential, not flinching from what is there. So we see it too.

  15. Robin Andrea - Thanks Robin! So you has a white Christmas. Maybe hail instead of snow, but still white. We have actually been getting some rain down here.

    altadenahiker - well, hello there! Thanks! Happy Holidays...

    Margaret Benbow - Hi Margaret! Thanks so much for the nice words. I really appreciate it. Hope you are doing well.

  16. De retour sur les blogs, je viens te souhaiter une belle année 2016 remplie de joie dans la création et de petits bonheurs au quotidien.
    J'ai beaucoup de posts en retard.
    Back on blogging, I just wish you a great year 2016 filled with joy in creation and everyday small and great pleasures.
    I have a lot of late posts.
    Bises- Cath.

  17. I was in Point Loma just a few days after you posted this. Happy New Year and I hope your health continues to improve.

  18. You've given me some ideas and much needed inspiration and motivation. I admire your drive and consistency of quality. All the best and Happy Trails!

  19. These are all great Patrick. I can't believe how alive the desert looks in B&W. Good monochrome photos always surprise me because I'm old enough to remember when that's all photos were...and most people's photographs were boring. Unless you were another Ansel Adams . I think you might be!

  20. Just noticed this post I was done awhile ago. I'm still catching up from our December roadtrip and some computer problems when we got here. Hope you two are well and just out exploring the desert! I looked again at the Chloride "downtown" post and loved every whimsical thing about it. Back roads Alaska was almost this great as far as finding examples of unique self-expression!

  21. you are so lucky to have been in Japan, Pat!

  22. chc Photographie - Hi Cath! I'm happy to see you here (sorry about the delay). I hope you are also having a great year.

    Pasadena Adjacent - Well then, you weren't too far from where I live. And Point Loma is where I will live after I die. Ha! It's already arranged. I just went to the Dr. today and after the latest tests, he decreed that I was "cancer free!" Maybe I should post that...

    Stickup Artist - Thanks so much! That is really a compliment coming from an amazing photographer such as yourself. I'll be over soon!

    Sallie (FullTime-Life) - Thanks so much for the nice words Sallie. I also remember when photos and TV were black and white. And TV was new! I think you are totally on point when you said some of the "street art in Alaska and the U.S. deserts are similar. I agree!

    justsomethoughts - Thank you so much!

    DEZMOND - I agree Dez! Very lucky.

  23. Yes, I love them, especially the photo of Anza Borrego!

  24. Leovi - Thanks! Anza-Borrego is a special and amazing place.

  25. TexWisGirl - Thanks! I like that one also. It is an amazing place.

  26. What a great collection of black and whites. They are all so different. I think I like the cemetery the best...but then I love to visit old cemeteries. The detail you were able to capture on the Venetian is pretty impressive.

  27. Genie - Thanks so much Genie! I really like that graveyard also. In fact, I like it so much, that my wife and I have already arranged for it to be our final resting place.


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