
Monday, April 24, 2017

We Already Have a Wall. A Big Ugly Wall...

California already has a wall on our border with Mexico. A wall that stretches as far as the eye can see (and further). If you don't live near it, or have never seen it, I guess how it looks doesn't matter much to you. However, if you have seen it, it looks like a big long scar across the landscape. Politics aside, it is ugly...

This scene was just screaming to be black & white

What does that sign say?

HA! I got closer than 100 feet...


  1. You rebel!
    I'd looked up online and we are one of over forty countries that have border walls.

  2. I love having immigrants in our country.. Many of us have friends and relatives who immigrated here from other countries... They went through the process; they work hard; and they are so happy to be in our great country.

    What I do not like are those who come illegally. Whether it is a wall or by other means, our country needs to find ways to make it harder to get here illegally. One way that would help is to make the entire process of coming here legally shorter and easier for them...

    Have a great week.

  3. Are you sure you didn't use a telephoto lens?

    I wonder what percentage of the border is walled today?

  4. I hear drumph is favoring patterns that look like the one that divided east and west Berlin, complete with guard towers and mines.......

  5. Hi Pat, man it looks like you would have to get closer than 100ft to read the sigh, at least I would.

  6. Alex J. Cavanaugh - I take that as a compliment! You are right about there being a lot of border walls out there. Some of them even involve mine fields.

    Betsy Adams - I pretty much agree with everything you said. However, it's very hard for me to condemn those who risk their lives (and many times lose them) to come here from Mexico to support their families. There simply isn't any work for them at home. Thanks Betsy, you also have a great week.

    sage - I'm pretty sure! I think that the percentage is a bit less than a third.

    Should Fish More - I hope that isn't the case, but I wouldn't be at all surprised.

    Jimmy - Hey Jimmy! Oh yeah, I just about had to get right on top of it. One thing about that section of wall. That is some brutal, unforgiving, and lethal country there. I'm not sure that kind of wall is needed there.

    Brian - On yeah! Not just in appearance, but also in what it represents.

  7. I saw the documentary of the wall, I think it was the old one though. It is ugly indeed, but...we will leave it at that :)

  8. William Kendall - I concur!

    Icy BC - I saw that also. Leaving it "at that" is a good idea. I don't want to get into the politics of it all.

  9. William Kendall - I concur!

    Icy BC - I saw that also. Leaving it "at that" is a good idea. I don't want to get into the politics of it all.

  10. I agree with you Pat. This wall is ugly. And you found the right words calling this wall the scar across the landscape.

    Sometimes I am wondering where we will be a few years from now. Sad....

  11. Gosh - that is an ugly wall! Hope no more walls are put up.

  12. Kaya - Thanks Kaya! I wondering also.

    Dennis Hodgson - It was paid for by the taxpayers of the good old U.S.A. Or maybe Lithuania...

    Lady Fi - I hope so also, but nobody is sure what is going to happen.

  13. No walls between people will ever look anything but ugly - as you have just shown.

  14. ...but our walls will be BEAUTIFUL.

  15. Hello, I agree the wall is ugly. I had a laugh over you getting closer than 100 ft. Personally I think there are many more important things to spend our money on here "at home" than a new wall. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  16. visualnorway - I completely agree!

    Tom - BELIEVE ME! It will be the best wall EVER!

    eileeninmd - That is so true, and it's a huge chunk of money...

  17. you live at those sandy hills??Amazing place!!

    I think I would be a little scared living there never knowing who you will meet late at night or early morning..Gosh we hear alot of things..May be its not soo scary after all

    Wish you a nice week Pat!Lovely to see your place..soo different from mine in the north :)))

    Greetings Anita

  18. Anita - I live close to this area, but not in it. It is usually not scary around the border. Most of the people "sneaking" in the country, are only looking for a better life. Most of them are very hard workers and are trying to take care of their families. Thanks for the comment, and you have a nice week also...

  19. Patrick, where (location - I have never seen it) is this wall? I read "somewhere" that in these days 65 countries have a wall!
    A noteworthy post and many thanks for sharing it with All Seasons:) Am thrilled you are becoming a "regular" to the Seasons hang out:)

  20. It IS ugly in and of itself and as a metaphor for everything that's coming down from Washington .... those guys have absolutely no heart -- no interest in the environment nor in the fact that nearly all those people are only trying to take care of themselves and their families.

  21. jeannettestgermain - This section is in the south-east of the state. Yep, there are quite a few countries with border walls, but not usually between major allies and trading partners. In 2015 Mexico imported almost 300 billion dollars in American products.

    Sallie (FullTime-Life) - I agree with everything you just said. Thanks Sallie!

  22. We have pylons everywhere, it's atrocious. And a large wall, it's madness.

  23. Now that's ugly. How long has this wall been up, Pat?

  24. I was an immigrant a long time ago.
    Really, that's the wall? What an ugly barrier.
    I crossed the border between USA and Mexico once, at Tijuana, what a scary place.

  25. Bob Bushell - That money could be so much better spent other things.

    Vid Digger - Yes it is! I don't remember exactly when that portion of the wall was built, but it was quite a while ago.

    Shammickite - I guess all of us were immigrants at one time in the past. I haven't done it in many years, but I used to into Mexico pretty frequently.

  26. Ugly shots ;) Reagan - "tear down that wall." Trump - "We're gonna build that wall." And people compare the two!

  27. Hi Pat,
    I am sorry about the comment box on Beyond Zephyr. Something went wrong when I changed the template. That should teach me a good lesson when doing thing in a hurry :) I will try to work on it a little as a time!

  28. Thank you, Pat. The whole time the orange mofo's been advocating for this, I was thinking: Does he not know that there IS a wall already? Apparently he still does not know this. He probably thinks the border is at the Taco Bell nearest the White House. That idiot!

    I hope you're well, Pat.

  29. Al - Yep! The dissimilarities are shocking.

    Icy BC - No problem! That is why I rarely ever change anything on mine. - You are welcome! He doesn't even know, what he doesn't know. That's how much he doesn't know.

  30. Walls are obstacles that can be challenging but the challenge will also be met by people who want a better life and what is wrong with that. Everyone wants a better life and we all do what we have to. The wall does not and will not stop people from attaining their "dream" for a better life. We are all immigrants.

  31. yes, the Hungarians, who were, no surprise there, always fascists throughout history, have built a wall on our border as well and now my peaceful city is filled with migrants from the Middle East. Some of them occasionally like to rob or rape someone, even little kids :(

  32. Goodness me that is a horrible sight Pat. Your new #45 is obsessed with building a stupid wall, imagine what really good things could be achieved for underprivileged citizens with that money. I get a strong feeling the Republican party isn't so much worried about the US citizens as they are about increasing their own personal wealth.

  33. What a crazy time we are living in. Talk of walls and nuclear bombs, destruction of national monuments and the EPA. I keep wondering how much worse it's going to get. Couldn't we just build a wall around the White House for the next few years, so life can return to some level of sanity?

  34. bill burke - Yep, there are walls in place already. Smugglers go under, over, and around them with ease. If it was really that big of a problem they would have seriously tried to do something about it decades ago.

    DEZMOND - Yes, that is the problem. There is no process in place to really screen them before they arrive. In our case, almost every one of the immigrants is here to find work. And they do find work. The work that Americans refuse to do. A lot of people (here) that are calling for the wall to built, and to deport the undocumented people, are very hypocritical in that they are also the same people who take advantage of them, by paying them terribly low wages to do the work (that the Americans won't do). The state of Arizona is the worst. It is the most vocal state about the immigrants. At the same time these are the people who are doing all the agricultural field work. If those people left, the state would have major financial problems.

    PerthDailyPhoto - It sure is! I totally agree with you. In addition, maybe if the U.S. would stop constantly being at war, we could use some of the troops to patrol/guard the border areas. You are also right about the rich making sure that they get richer. The most amazing thing to me though, is that a huge part of the republican voting base is poor white people. They have been bamboozled...

    robin andrea - It really is insane. It is also really damn scary! I find it hard to believe that there has been no attempt to remove him from office yet. Even if it's for no other reason,that he (trump) has been caught lying hundreds of times already.

  35. Interesting shots of the place.

  36. It sure is an ugly wall. Soon there will be a "big beautiful wall". ;-)

  37. Rajesh - Thank you Rajesh.

    James - That it is! Oh yeah, the best wall ever! "Believe me!"

  38. Wow that looks fascinating. How long does it stretch for? Don't know anything about it.

    I think wherever there's wealth bordering with poverty you're going to have issues. Probably been going on for thousands of years. Castles vs commoners. You can't blame them for trying. Alternatively I understand the frustrations of those who are already doing it tough. They're not really saying I don't like foreigners. They're really saying. My life is really hard. What about me?
    I think the racism card gets bandied about far too often and easily. It's far more complicated than that. People just want jobs and safe environments. Nothing wrong with that.

    Anyway, great shots as always Pat. Those ugly electricity towers dot the world unfortunately. Maybe in a hundred years we'll be a lot smarter and have our own energy making facilities, kind of like solar panels but more efficient. But then the bastards wouldn't be able to make money out of us, so they'll keep us consuming and driving fuel reliant cars as long as they can. And find other ways to make profits and keep us poor.
    Essentially the world has not changed at all and won't.

  39. Anthony J. Langford - If all the immigrants (documented or otherwise) that came over the border from Mexico, magically disappeared one morning, a good portion of this country would be in chaos by the next morning. The southeastern part of California, and the southwestern part Arizona is a gigantic agricultural area. Combined they produce over 90% of this countries winter vegetables.

    "California alone produces most American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99% of artichokes, 99% of walnuts, 97% of kiwis and plums, 95% of celery, 95% of garlic, 89% of cauliflower, 71% of spinach, and 69% of carrots. There are many more. Some of this is due to climate and soil. No other state, or even a combination of states, can match California’s output per acre." California is also the top dairy producing state (by a huge amount over Wisconsin) in the country.

    Guess who is doing almost all the field work for these products? Yep! It's the same group of people I mentioned in the first sentence. Most kitchen workers (including many chefs) are also in that group. Hotel/motel maids, gardeners, laborers, etc., are also in that group.

    Despite what many people claim, Americans refuse to do most of that work. Most farms are now owned and operated by corporations (republicans for the most part). As republicans they have been screaming for years about locking up the borders. Now that there is somebody in power who might actually do that, they are screaming that there aren't enough farm workers, and that problem is growing. Major hypocrites.

    California has the 6th highest GDP in the world. I promise you, if those people weren't here, it would grind to a halt. Whew!

  40. Totally understand what you're saying Pat and I agree. We have the same problem here. Lazy Australians won't do the jobs that foreigners/backpackers are doing but complain. I imagine a lot of those workers are being exploited though.

    All I'm saying is this is where the majority of the fear comes from. Not saying it's realistic or informed. Quite the opposite. When you have someone who comes along and promises to wind back manufacturing and wages fifty years, you can't blame them for believing it. Never going to happen of course.

  41. You are living dangerously. Ugly indeed. I read your comment above. I couldn't agree more. They are a hard working people.

  42. ..J. Langford - You are so right Anthony! I'd bet that most of them are being exploited. Thanks for the follow up comment Anthony!

    Sharon Wagner - They are very hard working, and also family oriented.
    Living dangerously? That's how I roll girl.

  43. Closer than 100ft - I always knew your were a rebel!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  44. You're a rebel with a cause, Pat :-)
    Interesting photos.... all this talk about building walls, though, makes me very sad. There is enough hatred and division in the world, without the world's leaders seeking further segregation. It feels like we are heading ever further away from peace and unity...

  45. That is a big ugly wall. I wonder if it runs the full length of the CA/Mexico border? I'm guessing not. I've never seen it up close, and bully for you breaking the 100' rule! Glad La Migra didn't swoop in and grab you!!!

  46. that fence is a shame :( It should not be there.

  47. I think that sign it meant to be read with binoculars. They should have another fence that is 100 feet from that fence so you don't get too close.

  48. Stewart M - Yep, I'm a scofflaw to the bone.

    Nat - Scary times right now. I think I need to be in charge for a while...

    Spare Parts and Pics - It is indeed an ugly thing. It runs a good portion of the boundary. The rest is filled up with all manner of things. All of it is ugly. I agree that things need to change, but this isn't the way to do it.

    NatureFootstep - I agree! It is such an oppressive and ugly thing.

    Powdered Toast Man - There you go! And fill the area between them with a moat full of alligators.

  49. That is an ugly wall, so ugly that it shouldn't have happened.

  50. Bob Bushell - I totally agree! Ugly ugly ugly

  51. Haha. Scandalous. ;) I've seen it, it is very ugly.

  52. Baby Sister - Yep! It's like a big scar ripped across the landscape. Thanks so much for all your comments Amanda!


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