
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Red Rock National Conservation Area - Scenery - Las Vegas Nevada

As some of you already know we've been in Nevada and Utah for about a month. We stopped in Las Vegas (outskirts) for a week and saw some great things while there. We never went to the strip, or downtown area even once! This place is actually right next to Las Vegas. I'm sure most folks that go to Las Vegas have never seen or heard of it. This is the first post from our time in the LV area. It is all scenery.

From the road it looked like we were going to love this place.

Embiggen please!
If you enlarge anything, enlarge this! The photo doesn't show how large these things are. Also, near the bottom and middle of the photo there are two people standing. They help give the place some scale.




  1. I see the people - yes, the mountains are massive.
    Desert mountains are beautiful.

    1. Beautiful they are Alex! There is also some great hiking there.

  2. Incredible scenery. So different from the green fields and forests that surround me here in Southern Ontario. And very different from the rocks of the North around the Canadian Shield. I drove through Utah and visited Zion just over 10 years ago, what stunning rocks!

    1. I agree! It is also much different from where I live (about 300 miles away). After we left this area we went into Utah and stayed very close to Zion. We didn't go there this trip, but it is an amazing all around there.

  3. Pretty amazing and just that close to Vegas!

    1. Just outside of town Brian. Of course Las Vegas has had some major spread over the last several decades. As crowded as it is in town, there was hardly anybody at this place.

  4. My son and I went out there some years ago, the year before he joined the Army. I liked the area a lot. Nice pictures, Pat.

    1. Thanks Mike! As many times as I've been to LV, I've never been there until just now. We also did some exploring there and found some cool places.

  5. These are the best views of Las Vegas I've ever seen! Truly beautiful there.

    1. I totally agree Robin. The only reason I like Vegas is to take photos, but that's about it.

  6. The landscape is amazingly colourful. I managed to spot the 2 people in front of the mountains, it's incredible indeed to realise the size of it all. A wonderful post, Pat!

    1. Hi Marleen! Kind of like the Grand Canyon. It's looks phenomenal, but you know when you take the photo that it isn't going to totally translate.

  7. Must be a fantastic geological history to this area.

    1. It's funny you say that Red. After a few minutes of looking around there, I told my wife that I wish I knew more about geology.

  8. That is the kind of visit to Las Vegas I would enjoy best!! It is really beautiful country. There is something so special about red rocks ... I feel like we might have driven through there, but I don't remember knowing about the National Conservation area, so I'm probably thinking about somewhere else.

    1. Me too Sallie! I agree about the red rocks. There are so many places named "Red Rock" this, and "Red Rock that" in the southwest. It's easy to get them confused.

  9. ...this so unlike my neck of the woods. A bit spark, but beautiful!

    1. Definitely beautiful Tom. I live on the coast, so its very different from where I live also. Strange that I'm drawn much more to the desert than to the ocean.

  10. The second photo is sooo gorgeous, Pat!

  11. Enjoyed seeing all your photos. They have very good view!amazing shots of them. Love the green grass double color mountain, combination looks awesome.
    You must have enjoyed your road ride:)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed them. We really did enjoy it, we also did some hiking in the area. It was also very enjoyable.Thanks so much for taking the time to comment.

  12. Hello, love these scenic photo. The mountains are gorgeous, love the rock color and formations. Las Vegas is not my favorite place but we have been there and driven to the Grand Canyon and Zion. We need to come back and spend more time hiking. Great photos. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Eileen! I agree with you about Las Vegas. After we left this area we went up to the Zion area. We didn't go there, but did go to a lot of places in that area.

  13. Wow, what a wonderful and exciting trip. You would never know that Vegas was just nearby. People that go to Vegas for all the neon and fun probably don't know what they are missing. Fantastic photos and thanks for sharing!

    Have a wonderful rest of the week!

    1. It sure was Bill! You are right, I don't think many people going to Las Vegas also go here. Thanks so much!

  14. Pat, I Embiggen each one of these photographs, but you're right....that second one down is AMAZING!'s such a gorgeous view. Incredible scale. Well done! I also love the second one below that one because you can see the scale of the mountain in contrast to the road (and cars) in front of it.

    Fantastic photographs! You live in such a gorgeous area of the States!

    1. Hi Ron, Thanks so much for the kind words. I truly do appreciate it.
      Yes, the area in the second photo was a bit overwhelming. There are a couple of trails that go into the canyons between those mountains. Next trip!
      Strangely, this beautiful place is right in the middle of the desert.

  15. Wow. Majestic formations! I'm impressed with how much green there is too, especially in the one you suggested we enlarge.
    Thank you, Pat. This is way more impressive than Caesar's are the Stardust.
    Be well, friend.

    1. Hi Robyn! I just found this in my spam folder. Weird!
      I totally agree about the comparison with the part of LV that most people know. You are welcome, and thanks right back at you!

  16. Hi Pat. I remember driving by this area with my wife on our way to Rhyolite and Death Valley. I also remember being upset because we didn't have time to stop. You photos make me want to go back and take the time to really explore!!

    1. Hi Pete, it is certainly worth the time. Lot's of beautiful scenery, rock art sites, and some nice hiking. There is also a state park across the road from there. Spring Mts SP (I think). The photos I saw of it are beautiful. Next time!

  17. Hi Pat, what a beautiful landscape, terrific.

    1. Hi Bob! It sure is, and I'm really looking forward to going there again.

  18. Jaw dropping and magnificent! Beautiful shots, Pat.

  19. a wonderful landscape. And I did enlarge them :) Amazing!

    1. Thanks! I was surprised at how beautiful it was there.

  20. Since we drove twice back and forth from South. Calif. to Utah and back, we also passed Las Vegas, only stopped for coffee (per cup $2- more than regular price)!, but this landscape looks familiar - Nice shots!. I took lots of drive-by's! Can't wait till you show the ones of Utah - I left a part of my heart there. Thanks for visiting me!

    1. Hi Jeannette! We go to LV and actually stay in a hotel about once every five years. I really don't like it at all. From SoCal to Utah is a lot of of desert driving. I love it, but I know a lot of people hate it. Oh well...

  21. Ever since we lived in Arizona, I have had a soft spot in my heart for the desert. A special sort of raw beauty. Great for hiking since many folks don't think to hike in the desert!! I love these shots; so many of them I stopped trying to count or describe them! I have visited Las Vegas, but I can only stand so much of it - I prefer your sort of visit. Thanks for sharing!

    1. My pleasure Angie! I also have that soft spot for the desert. My granny was a desert rat, and I spent a lot of time with her. Needles to say, I spent a ton of my childhood in the desert. This post had twice as many photos in it. After I had it ready to post, I pared it down to what it is now. Thanks for comments Angie.

  22. Stunning scenery! I would prefer this to the strip any time!

  23. Glad you got us to make it large-it's certainly a spectacular shot Pat! One for the frame. Great that you got that scale. All superb photos as usual mate.
    Looks like a fantastic trip.

    1. Thanks for the nice words Anthony! It was fantastic.

  24. Awesome scenery. One of these years I want to get down to the Oregon/Nevada border.

    1. I like to get to that area again also. It's a long haul from here.

  25. Lovely photos as always! When I was in LV a few years back I never did much on the strip either! Mind you it was a heatwave at the time. Red Rock Canyon was my favourite part of the area too, it's just stunning, from the vegetation and views from the road, to the rocks themselves. Loved the 13 mile loop road thingie. I'm so glad you went there! Did you check out Bonnie Springs nearby? That was cool too for some old historic stuff and lots of turtles in the pond. It's such a lovely area and so close to the city, I'm surprised it's not busier!

    1. Thank you VEG! We didn't go to Bonnie Springs, but will next time! Have you been to Valley of Fire SP?

  26. Remarkable set of pictures - I really want to get back to this general part of the world. One day, one day!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. Thanks Stewart! Like going to your beautiful country, a person needs to be here for a month or two to even scratch the surface.

  27. Fantastic vistas! I can't wait. We'll be there soon. Happy travels!

    1. I hope you do Sharon! Happy travels to you also.

  28. Hi Pat, Absolutely beautiful scenery and your photos are awesome. That second photo … OMG! And I love the way you pointed out the two people to give scale. Thanks for sharing, Pat!

    1. Thanks so much John! My pleasure! In that second photo you can see a line of pine trees in an arroyo leading up to the canyon between two mountains. There is a trail that follows the same path. Can't wait to get back there and hike it.


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