
Monday, November 12, 2018

Where in the heck have I been?

I've received several inquiries about my lengthy absence, and figured I should at least offer up an explanation. The short answer is that I've spent the majority of the last two months on my couch. 

In early September I totally ruptured the Achilles tendon in my left leg. It actually snapped in half leaving my left foot dangling like a dead fish. The Achilles tendon is what attaches the bottom of the calf muscle to bone, so not only was my foot flopping around, so was my calf muscle. I had surgery shortly afterwards and until 10 days ago have been in various casts. Last week I was feeling pretty good about things, and what I thought was pain from the surgery turned out to be an infection! It was taken care of quickly and today I start several months of physical therapy. The surgeon said I'll be back to normal in about six months! 

Not only am I going to miss almost the entire "cool weather" exploring season in the desert, I also ALREADY have a major case of cabin fever! I've been physically able to post things and have a ton to post, but I just haven't felt like it. 

I'm starting to though...


  1. OMG does this mean you will not roam the wilderness any more?

  2. Ow! That sounds horribly painful. It will be a long recovery. Just do what they say and at the pace they recommend. Sorry you'll miss exploring the next few month.

    1. Thanks Alex! I will do what they say, but I'll be pushing it...

  3. HA! I remember when I did that. It took me nearly 2 years to recover. I was out jogging with our son when he was in high school (20 years ago) and I tore mine. I limped home, screaming in pain. It takes TIME and REST. I never had surgery on it. I'm sad to hear you will miss our season here, but there's always... NEXT YEAR!
    ~~Cheryl Ann~~

    1. Thanks Cheryl Ann, You are right, there is always next year. I'm not getting any younger though, so I gotta push it.

  4. Hey Pat.
    Was hoping you were ok, just off wandering the deserts of Somalia. Sorry to hear about the tendon. Do not, repeat do not skimp on the rehab PT. I did on my ankle and regret it to this day.
    Keep in touch, pal. Hope the fires stay out of your area. I'm not sure if I'm going to visit my friend in Ladera Ranch or not this winter, currently in Seattle until sometime in Dec.

    1. Thanks Mike! I promise I won't skimp on the rehab, in fact I'm pushing it. The Dr. said I could do that as long as it isn't actually hurting when I do it.

      We've had more than our share of the fires in my area, but nothing right now. Hope you are enjoying your time in the great northwest. If you do make it to Ladera Ranch this winter, maybe we have lunch or something. Thanks again Mike.

  5. So glad to see a post here, and really sorry that you had such a painful bummer of a tendon tear. So hard to be couch-bound, especially when you are so active. Sure hope everything heals well and quickly. I hope you'll start blogging more. There's so much to write about these days! Take care there.

    1. Thanks Robin, yeah it really sucks. The pain I can deal with, it's the down time that's killing me. I have plenty of stuff to post, I'll get back to it soon. You take care also.

  6. So sorry you have such a painful problem to deal with. Best wishes for the 6 months period of physical therapy and healing. I hope you have lots of good books to read.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I went to my first PT appointment yesterday. They said that based on what I could already do, and what they saw, I'll probably be done with the PT in 6 weeks! Of course, I'll still have to do the PT at home for much longer. We shall see!

  7. awwwwwww mannnnnn

    Hope you're back hiking soon.

    1. Me too Mac! Can't wait to hike, but for the short term I'd be happy to be able to walk normally.

  8. So sorry to hear this.... Knowing you though, you will bounce back quickly and before you know it, you'll be out hiking in the desert again...... My thoughts are with you..


    1. Hi Betsy! I sure hope to bounce back quickly. Thanks for the nice words. Hope you are doing well.

  9. I hope your recovery goes well and rapidly.

    1. Thanks Red, I'm hoping the same thing. I can't believe how out of shape I've already become. Gained about 6 pounds in the last two months also. Laying on the couch all day, everyday is not good...

  10. Replies
    1. That is what I said William. A few other choice words also...

  11. That sure is a super ouch and we hope you heal quickly Pat.

  12. So sorry to hear of your injury, Pat! It sounds so painful. I hope you heal quickly and will be back exploring soon.

    1. Thanks Pat! The pain I can deal with. Not so sure about the confinement though.

  13. Owwww!!! That's a pretty painful way to take time off!

    1. Yes it is Kathy! I guess I should be thankful that it happened at home instead out in the boonies someplace.

  14. I hate to hear that you are going through this Pat and I totally understand the simply not feeling like reaching out, just take care of yourself and know even though it doesn't seem like it, the next six months will be behind you before you know it.

    1. Thanks my friend! Yep, I have definitely been down. I've been out and about a little this week, so that has helped. Thanks again Jimmy.

  15. I am so sorry! How painful! How maddeningly boring! I mean, I can spend a lot of time binge watching tv and writing and reading but even I need to air out a bit now and again. Two months is a long time to be laid up. If you need any tv watching recommendations let me know...

    1. Thanks! Thanks for the offer, so far I've found plenty to watch. Also reading quite a bit.

  16. I am sorry to hear about your pain. You may remember that in early 2016, I snapped my quad tendon in an accident on the deck of a sailboat and it took 6 months before I could even began to resume doing things, and over a year before I could walk a mile or more without my knee swelling up like a balloon. Today, all is well. Prayers for quick healing.

    1. Thanks Jeff, I do remember when you had that injury. I can't wait to recover and get out of here!

  17. What A Drag Brother. Damn These Aging Bodies!!

    Stay Strong,

    1. Thanks so much! It is a drag, and not for the faint of heart.

  18. I hope everything is progressing as it should. Whenever something bad happens, I always tell myself that there are people worse off than me and I find peace in that.
    All the best and soon you'll be back with the rest.

    1. Hi Bill! That is great advice Bill. Things can always be worse. I'm doing pretty well right now.

  19. Aging is not for the faint of heart, I think I saw that written down somewhere. There's a gravestone in a nearby cemetery.... below the names of the occupants it says "Old Age is a Bugger"! But you're not very old, just experienced and mature and if you're sensible you'll look after that injury and nor try to do too much too soon, just enough to get you off the couch! Follow doctor's orders.

    1. It is truly not for the faint of heart..
      I'm doing my best. I went to see the surgeon last week. He said I should be good to go around the end of March (gulp!). Now I need to get the rest of me back in shape as well.

  20. Oh no! Poor you. Feel better soon...

  21. Yikes! Keep on getting better. I’m sure PT will help (though everybody hates it at the time]. I’m glad you let us know...I hate when someone just stops showing up on my Feedly favorites and I never know why. (Even though, as is obvious, I don’t always have time to check it .). We’ve been busy moving house in Oregon and then our annual migration to Florida.

    1. Hi Sallie! Yep, the beat goes on. Just found out that I have three more months before I'm back to normal. Of course "normal" is a relative term... Hope you guys are having a great holiday season.

  22. I've mentioned before how my reading list is off the bottom of the screen on my blog dashboard, and now that your blog is the only one of those I follow that is still "live", I usually forget to check, so I've only just found out about your recent troubles. I can imagine how frustrating it must be when you're normally so active, and I hope that you will soon be up to speed again. I bet that you hate inactivity as much as I do. Stay positive my friend.

    1. Hey Dennis! Thanks so much for the nice words. Oh yes, I'm into major cabin fever mode. Sorry it took me so long to respond. Even though I'm sitting around doing nothing, I can't seem to get back to my blog. I have tons to post too. Here's to a great holiday season for us all.

  23. Best wishes for a terrific 2019 with lots of exploring and no more injuries! Happy New Year!

  24. Pat
    How's the rehab going? Hope you're well.

    1. Hi Mike!
      It's going slowly, but getting better all the time.
      My main problem is cabin fever. Hope you are also doing well.

  25. Pat, the leg cast was off a couple months back and I hope you're much more comfortable now. Let the healing roll! For cabin fever, there are great movies to watch, maybe with a Bullshot drink at side. I don't know how you feel about alcohol, but the hot Bullshot toddy is healthy--nutritious, even. You put a jigger of vodka in a mug of strong beef boullion. Delicious! Keeps the reindeer herders going on the Siberian tundra. Good for what ails you!

    1. Hi Margaret! So nice to see your comment. I am more comfortable now and have even started walking a bit of distance. Still a couple of months (according to the surgeon), I hope to be ahead of schedule soon. I have watched so many entire TV series that I've never even heard of (on Netflix and Amazon). I spent the first two months laying on the couch eating ice cream and drinking wine. I admit to gaining several pounds by doing so. I'll try the vodka in beef bouillon, it sounds good. Hope you are doing well Margaret. After all, you are one of my all time favorites...

  26. Oh no Pat.. I know how drastic that is, my husband, also named Patrick 😊 did the same thing a few years back while playing squash! In plaster from ankle to above knee for ages. Hopefully you are well on the mend by now ✨

    1. Hi Grace! So sorry about the delay. I just now found this. Blogger put in the with the spam! Thanks for the comment. I agree, the recovery was much worse than the injury. I've recently gone on my first hike since the injury with Pete. Getting better all the time. Maybe the worse thing is that I became dreadfully out of shape while recovering.

  27. Spring is coming. Are you back on your feet yet?

    1. Hi there! Just found your comment in spam! I am indeed on my feet again. Getting better all the time. I actually hope to post again very soon.

  28. This sounds awful. Have myself been in hospital for three and a half months (with leukaemia) and am catching up with posts so am only reading this now - though it was written before I went in. Seem to have missed it at the time. It was weird - was in a room of my own and could only see another part of the building outside my window. Even had to bend down to see the sky. No plants or flowers or fruit allowed for fear of infection. Never has life been so unnatural! So I'm feeling a bit of fellow feeling for your immobile time. You must have been absolutely champing at the bit when you wrote this post. Hope you will be properly better soon and able to resume your exploring and blogging. Best wishes.

    1. Hi Lucy! Long time for sure.
      I'm so sorry to hear to hear that you have leukemia and that you had to be isolated for so long. I feel guilty for complaining. I hope that you are improving at this point. Being confined like must drive you bonkers. You also really enjoy being out of doors and exploring. All the healing and positive thoughts I can muster up are flying your way right now. Please take care...

  29. Sorry about your California basketball team..... all I can say is GO RAPTORS!!!!

  30. Time to start posting again Patrick!!!!!!

    1. Hey there! Yep, I am way overdue. I'm about ready to start again, but still have too much going on here. Hope you are doing well! Thanks for reaching out...

  31. Pat, are you healed? If not leaping around like a mountain stag, still, on the move? Photographing the world? I miss your pictures. Be well.

    1. Hi Margaret! So nice to hear from you. I'm pretty much healed and now trying to get back in shape. I don't thing I'll ever be leaping around like a mountain stag though. I have a lot of things to post (pre-injury), but have been pre-occupied with other stuff. We have some trips planned. I can't wait to get out there again.
      I hope you are well and doing some writing. Thanks so much for checking in on me.

  32. It will soon be a year since your last blog post.

    1. Hey there! I know it has. I'll be back soon. I promise! Thanks for reaching out.

  33. Please, Pat, start again. I miss this blog!

  34. Hmmmm.... looks like you are NEVER EVER going to get back to blogging.
    Well...... Happy Star Wars Day anyway. May the Fourth be with you.

    1. Hi there! The fourth was with me! Today, the 13th is with me.
      I really do intend on getting back to my blog. Sooner, rather than later I hope.
      I have so many blog posts in the works, but can't seem to get any done. I seem to be paralyzed by inactivity (if that makes sense). Hope you are doing well. Please stay tuned.

  35. Hi Pat, still looking forward to The Return of the Tillett. Your posts and pictures are cut from a different cloth, and are sorely missed. I hope you're well, or if not quite well, then healing! All the best.

    1. Hi Margaret!
      I am doing pretty darn well for an old guy.
      I am however, suffering from a paralyzing case of cabin fever. Mostly I've been working on our RV. Lots of repairing and replacing things on and in it.
      When not doing that I've been binge watching TV on Amazon Prime and NETFLIX. Oh yeah, and also drinking a lot of wine. I guess I should be working on the house, but nah...

      I still have tons of things to post. We were out exploring quite a bit last year, but I've barely started sorting out the photos. Maybe I'm getting lazy. I love my blog, and I love reading the blogs of other folks that I like. Maybe a shrink could tell me why I haven't been doing it. I promised myself that I would buckle down and do some writing also. So far, not so good.

      I hope you are safe, healthy and doing well. How are you staying occupied while all this craziness is going on?

      I will really try to do some blogging soon. Take care!

  36. Replies
    1. Hey! I'm here, but laying low. Have had a lot of things going on for a while. I have plenty to post, but just haven't been doing it. How are you doing? Hope you are well and staying safe.

  37. Hi, Pat! Hope all is good. I can only imagine the cabin fever you might be feeling right now from keeping stay safe from Covid. How about a short post?

    1. Hi there! Sorry for the delay. Things are going well for me. My wife and I have avoided covud, but most of family has caught it at least once. Hope you are doing well


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