
Thursday, May 27, 2010

You Can't Get 'em Just Anywhere

I received several awards lately. I greatly appreciate them, but I'm going to break the rules, by handing out some "new" original awards.

I only ask that folks who receive these things, display them with my link attached.  No questions to answer, no five of this, or 10 of that.  Pass them on if you like, keep them to yourself if you like, or shit can them.  My own link isn't even printed on them.  No strings...

The "Shutter Bug" Award is for photography or combo blogs. I've noticed that almost all the blog bling goes to "text" dominated sites. I follow some excellent photo blogs and would like some of them to get in on the action.  A couple of them even manage to combine excellent photos with great writing. Not an easy task...

The initial folks receiving the "shutter bug" award are:

Nat at "Just Nat."
Betty at "Bossy Betty."

The "White Russian" Award is for my favorite blogs. I'm sure it's no coincidence that they all have something unusual about them, are a bit quirky, or totally  offbeat, and I like them as folks. Some of them are mega-popular and some are undiscovered.  I'm sure I missed some, and I'll soon correct that.  If you're not on this list and I follow you, that means I like your blog.  My hope is that each person I give it to, "get's" the spirit of this award. If you get the award, but don't "get" the award, then you best be doing some google work and "getting it" soon. If you have to ask me what it means, I'm going to send the award revocation team out to your neck of the woods. (hint: "the big lebowski")

Once again, very few strings attached. In fact, there are only two. Attach my link to it and only pass it on to blogs the "dude" (who is  not me), would appreciate. 

 The initial group of folks (in no particular order) receiving the "White Russian" award are:

ASBLACKASOBAMA at "I think it's Interesting."
Ashley at "Stupid Girls."
Illustrious D at "Fleekin Floygn."
Why don't I know your name by now? at "Soft Nonsense."
Bendigo at "Bendigo's Rage."
Katherine at "TocaLaBocina."
Margaret at "Margaret Benbow."

If you don't already follow the blogs (above), in both categories, please check them out. I'm pretty sure you will enjoy them.


  1. Thank you! I'm absolutely flattered to be counted in with your group of "favorites". I accept this award with all the cocky grace I can muster. Will post it tomorrow. :) Off to check out some of your other faves.

    Oh - and you're one of my faves, too....which is obviously why I come here and snoop around.

  2. Thank you for the White Russian, Pat. I really appreciate it. (Is he single, BTW?) You are sweet and quirky yourself!

  3. Thank you for including me in the list. Although my time has sucked the life out of me I do come by from time to time...just not as often I should or like

  4. Awesome, thank you Pat, this is quite perfect I believe. the dude abides.

  5. Thanks Pat, for the bling.

    How sweet it is to have a PT
    original. And no strings..
    Priceless !!

  6. Marlene - The pleasure was mine! You site is great...

    Robyn - I don't know if he's single, but he did just win an oscar (not for his role in the big lebowski though...(too bad)

    Ian - No problem, senor! It's about your blog, not mine.

    Jhon - "the dude abides." that was a classic one...

    Faye - Oh yeah, a PT original and a nickle, will get you...a nickle!

  7. Patrick, I feel honored and I must thank you for the award you passed on to me.
    When I started my blog a few months earlier, as a way to do something in my spare time, I would never have imagined the acceptance I have met from you and other friends in Greece and abroad. This will give me the courage to continue posting images of Greece and other places i visit and try to improve the more "technical" details of my photographs.
    Have a great day Patrick and thank you again.

  8. Pat thank you so much for your generous award. I truly appreciate your acknowledgment. I am going to make an attempt later to post the image on my blog...I am a bit of a computer illiterate...but I am going to give it the college try!! thank you thank you once again. I truly enjoy your blog as well!!!

  9. Costas - My pleasure, your photos are beautiful. I've never been to your part of the world and you take me there, with your photos and words... Thanks for that!

  10. Thank You Pat,

    I am honored to be included in this list of blogs and very proud to recieve The White Russian Award from you.

    Being a bit unusual, quirky, and totally offbeat is a good category, I appreciate you my Friend.

  11. Hey a toast to you as well. It's nice to receive a free caucasian. Wait! That didn't come out right.

  12. Pat, coming from one who is as talented, witty, and strong as you are, I am flattered that you even mention me.

  13. Hey Pat! Thank you ever so much...I am flattered to be given an award by someone with your amazing writing, story telling and photography skills, and feel completely unworthy :-)
    Nat x

  14. I love this award! Thanks, Pat!! And when I finish the rather unpleasant tasks i've set for myself today, I will come back and follow all these links to discover some new blogs!! (This is the first ever award given to my Shadows to the Page blog. So double thanks!)

  15. Patrick! Thank you SO much! I am flattered beyond belief!

  16. Jimmy - My pleasure! And I you!

    Jesse - Kanpai!, to you my friend. It came out fine, as Jhon said "the dude abides."

    Joe - Oh psssshhhh, if I was that good, I'd have given myself one... Oh wait, I can!

    Nat - you are more than worthy. You are one of those who can show us great photos and tell a story at the same time!

  17. Thank you, Pat! I love a no strings award! I'm still incredibly grateful for all the followers you sent over my way from before. Congrats on all of YOUR awards, as well!

  18. Karen - my pleasure! I like your other blog a lot also, but the "shadows to the page" has a lot of personal history to it with old photos, that enthralls me.

    Bossy Betty - Don't be flattered, you and your blog are awesome!

    Lindsay - Thanks! Happy to be of service!

  19. I hope you know you mean the world to me. Your ability to write about your earlier life, moves me to tears. The fact you have risen above it, lets me know, it is, in fact, possible. Your photography takes me places I will never, in a million years, be able to visit and the introduction to Ashley, priceless. Thank you, Pat, from the bottom of my heart. Cyber hugs!

  20. Yay, you like me, you really do. That is an awesome award. I love The Big Lebowski and I "get" the award. Some of those blogs I don't follow and I need to check them out.

    Thanks Pat!!

  21. Patrick:

    Thank you for your gift of curddled cream & vodka in beard man award. So sweet.

    Also, I would like you to know that I visited every single one of the blogs in the same category, read a minimum of three entries and have never felt more alone.

  22. Pat,

    I will display it proudly and with honor!

    Thank you sir!!!


  23. Ms A - you are much too kind! My pleasure for sure!

    PTM - I really do! You might not like them all, my taste is all over the place.

    ID - I think I'll have one of those tonight, maybe several.
    I don't know if your last statement says somthing about you or me...But it doesn't matter!

    John - My pleasure! Keep it up...

  24. Wow Pat, this is what you meant with "bling", ha ha. Thank you so much for this award! I really appreciate your support and acknowledgment. This is my first award! I'm very flattered. Congratulations on your awards too!!


  25. Pat, I'm blown away! I've always thought of you as a "too cool to like my blog" kind of guy. Don't know why... though you always leave me amazing comments. I truly feel honored to have received such recognition from you. You are an awesome photographer, and do you write? Why haven't I read something from you, yet? I'll have to watch carefully for writing... I would love to read you! Again, Pat, I'm so very thrilled you thought of me... you are truly a talented artist and to be recognized by such an artist as you is a huge honor!


  26. That's one big award-giving event :)

    Take a look over at: Nicole mobile for another cool photo-blog. It's not mine, but it's one I've been enjoying for a year or more.

  27. Biana - You are welcome! Thanks to you for having just a great blog!

    Nevine - I don't see how anybody could be "too cool" for your writing. It's brilliant. As a matter of fact I do write. The photos on my blog are a very recent thing. I recently closed down my total photography based blog. I'm now moving the photos into this one. I have a few projects going (they always seem to be going).

    One on my childhood, one on my time in the military, and one my mother in law, who was a world war two, Japanese war bride.

    I have a lot of stories on this blog about the military and childhood. They are posts, but someday they'll be woven into a book as "chapters." Lot's of work to do first. (may never happen).
    If you go to the labels on the right side of the blog. They are under Vietnam, USMC Boot Camp, Childhood stories, and family stories. The miltary related ones are numbered. If I could advise you start on something here, it would be the Vietnam entries. Watch out though, I think there's about 35 of them. I'd be interested to know what you think of them.

    My style is much more narrative than yours. I probably should be writing technical manuals instead.

    Oh yeah, it was my pleasure! thanks for the kind words...

  28. Thank you so much, Pat! I love your photo's and yours was the first photo blog that I followed.
    Sorry I've not been around that much lately, but I'm not too well at the moment, and I'm just trying to keep my own blog going.
    Hopefully things will get back to normal soon.
    Yes, you are a very sweet and good looking man! {blush!}

  29. Wonderful -- now I have a catalog of new bloggers to visit. Kinda' like walking into a mysterious new library.

  30. Found your site through my friend Karen (From the Shadows to the Page). Glad I did! These photographs are wonderful.

  31. Mostly because I'm the best. And you aren't trying hard enough.

    Also, you shower me with far too much praise. Though I haven't yet scoured the other awarded blogs, I highly doubt that my dumb, nerdy, rambly piece is worthy.

    Also D, though you may not see this, you hush yourself.

  32. The Big L is one of my all-time favorite movies. Everytime I watch it I'm quoting the Dude for a week. I am so honored you thought to include me in the award hand-out. I will display it proudly! Fuck, Donnie!

  33. Thank you SO much! It is truly appreciated! You have been such a GREAT supporter & i am EXTREMELY thankful!!!

  34. Hey Patrick ~
    Thanks so much; that is very kind of you! You have always been very supportive, not just to us but to many and we all appreciate it.
    You are a clever writer and we love your pics and stories.

    Thanks again for the "no strings attached" that is much appreciated because of our time constraits - but we are all too happy to link back to your awesome blog.

    Have a great Memorial Day Weekend.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  35. Alice - You are welcome! Thanks for the nice words!

    Jerry - LOL You follow quite a few of them already, me thinks...

    Ann Best - thanks for the comment and for following! I'll be checking you out as well...

    Softy - Nah, you are funny as hell and an awesome writer!

    Kimberly - My pleasure!

    Chuck - One of my favorites also.

    What do you do? The dude was asked, "Oh, the usual, I bowl, Drive around, the occasional acid flashback."

    Darryl and Ruth - thanks for the nice words. Love your blog.

  36. Arjan - thanks, I'll check it out!

  37. You have got a awesome blog.

  38. Thanks Pat! What an awesome award!!!!

  39. congrats on all your awards you are most deserving!!!

    A big thanks also for thinking of me, I as always greatly appreciate the notice :)

    Keep doing it and we'll keep reading it....

  40. Very cool list Pat. So many of my favorites in there and so many I need to check out!

  41. Thank you very kindly sir. Yours is one of my favorite blogs so I take the compliment of being included as very high.

    Cool looking award too.

  42. Rajesh - Thanks!

    ABAO - Thanks! And thanks for being one of the best ones out there...

    Bendigo - My pleasure! You've got a great blog.

    Cheeseboy - Thanks! I think yours is becoming a favorite of mine as well.

  43. TS - My pleasure!
    thanks for saying that. I'm pretty good at recounting events and telling stories, but you are creative beyond belief...I wish I could come up with half the stuff you do!

  44. I have to say I am deeply honored by the award and mention! I also like applaud you for the awesome picture for the award and not requiring anything other then the link back to you which will be done. I will post this bling this weekend with pride!

  45. WOOT, woot and WOOOOOT!
    Thanks so much!!! I usually don't accept awards, but this one I will definitely and honorably accept as it is especially for photography blogs which is sooo rare....and now, I am going to visit each and every blog you listed for photography too...I love seeing what other folks are capturing out there and you are doing such a great service to all of us that love to capture amazing things with our shutters.
    Love it!
    thanks, Pat...and please know you are followed every time I read blogs to see see what images you captured.
    Much gratitude from the U.P. coming from me...
    I will post your link daughter and newborn baby are here from Florida, so I will be behind in things for about a week...but it will be going up then.
    Oh, and I'm waiting for your May's photo contest entry...and anyone else reading comments today? Please know that I host a FREE PHOTO CONTEST every month on my blog and if you win you get a bragging rights widget to display on your blog FOREVER!!!
    Thanks again Pat, sure appreciate the recognition!!!!

  46. Thank you so much Pat!!It means a lot, especially when it comes from a blogger whose posts I thoroughly enjoy! :D It's going in my next post!

  47. Thank you Pat! You're a gentleman and a scholar! I like your photography. Glad I found you over at W of B&W!

  48. Jerry - Thank you my friend! It was my pleasure.

    Joan - You deserved more than this. your photos are beautiful and plentiful. You are right, the photo blogs are all kind of by themselves. You do a good job gathering some of us together.
    I will enter the contest, but scenery and landscapes are not really my forte, I'd rather take pics of "things." If I do a good landscape pic, it's usually because it just happened to be behind what I was really shooting.LOL

    Sarah - You are Welcome! And thanks to you...

    Mike - I've been called many things, but I don't hear those two very often. Thanks and you are welcome!

  49. Omigosh so many new blogs! I will try and visit them all!

  50. WOW! Thank you! I'd be drawing smiley faces galore but obviously The Dude would be way too cool for that. So I'll just say, I'm really flattered, especially since I always thought YOUR blog was the sweet quirky one!

  51. Megan - it is a lot, thats for sure.

    Margaret - Thanks so much, but the pleasure was all mine!

  52. What a surprise and honor, thanks for the mention Pat! Im glad to be in such awesome company, the HBA wouldnt be what it is without your support =D

  53. Patrick - muchas gracias on the award mi amigo. I'm so happy, I'm typing in another language.

  54. Carl - You're one of the hardest working folks I've run across on here. And I SWEAR, I'm going to start posting some chapters soon on my other site. I'm just finding no time to review and edit, and it needs it!

    Geof - No problema senor! I knew you had to get one!

  55. Aw Pat, I am speechless. Thank you for including me in the photography blogs and especially for the no strings attached. I will proudly display this award on my sidebar.

    I know I haven't been around much lately but it has been such a busy spring and my computer time has been short. I really enjoy your photos and writing.

    I am going to check out the blogs you have listed, some I know but many I haven't met yet.

  56. Hi Patrick, Wow---congrats to all of your favorite blogs. Joan featured you on her blog post today--so I decided to check it out. I need to check out some of your favorite blogs --since I don't recognize ANY of them except for Joan's. I follow about 100 people so I'm surprised we don't have any common ones. Shows how BIG this blogger internet is!!!

    I don't give or accept awards simply because I don't want to give them. It's hard to pick and choose--and although I 'do' have favorites---I wouldn't want others to get their feelings hurt. ALL blogs are good --in their own way!!!!

    You yourself do have a wonderful photo blog.

  57. Thank you very much Pat! It's very nice to get an award that wasn't given out of obligation and/or with alterior motives. I know that I have plenty to learn about photography, this is very encouraging.

    This really made my day!
    Have a great Weekend!

  58. SQ - My pleasure! Thanks for the nice words.

    Betsy from TN - Thanks! You are correct, it can be a chore, but its a good thing because we get exposed to other folk's favorites that way.

    James - You have plenty to learn? You could have fooled me. In all the kabillions of pics I see on various blogs and websites, your banner pic is the absolute best one. You have tons more besides that...I hope to some day be as good as you are...

  59. Thank you, Pat!!
    Talk about a unique presentation, yours is it! Thanks.
    And you have led me to some great new blogs. You are right on to include Costas at, as I have been following him for a long time, and never ever have I been disappointed in his works.

    Thank you Pat! And I love your WMD story... we had completely different childhoods!

  60. Brenda - My pleasure! Love your blog. I enjoy his site (costas) a lot. I don't know if you read any of the older stuff about my mom/childhood, this was just one story of many...

  61. As always, Pat, you are such a sweetheart! I really appreciate you thinking of me!

    *internet hug* and thankfulness! :)


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