
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Poetry - A New Page

A New Page!

From time to time I've posted original poetry on my blog. It's been quite a while since I've posted any, so I'm sure most of the folks who follow my blog now, have never seen, or read any of it.

Taking advantage of blogger's new page options, I've created a new page that contains links to all the poetry on my blog. It also has the names of poems, not yet posted, or in some cases, not yet finished.

If you'd like to catch up, or read some of them, you can click on the word "poems" that is right below the header (and above this post).

Thanks!  I hope you like it...


  1. I'm really digging your use of creative blog functions, Pat.

  2. Cool! I'm off to see right now. :)

  3. Hi Pat

    Just wondering how you added all those links to your posts to the separate pages?

    It's a great way to organise your blog :-)

  4. Lovely poems, Patrick! Aren't you proud of me for finding them?

  5. groovy set up. i like! ^_^

  6. I'll admit I'm not really big on poetry...but I come check you out regardless...cuz you're one of my favorite bloggers. :)

  7. You are a multi-talented man Pat. You are a writer, a poet and a photographer! I am impressed.

  8. Hi Pat, I like the idea of pages---but haven't tried any yet... I will check out your poetry. I have NO talent when it comes to writing poetry--but I admire others who can do it.


  9. Hey, Pat, I'm with did you do that? Blogger's help files are not very helpful.

  10. Lovely idea to make the best use of the new features. Thank you for the header links you have!

  11. At Christmas I made a card that would open when you put your cursor over it and you could read the poem inside, so is it just a case of adding more pages?
    The card took some time to do, but I now find it easy, after some practise!
    I'll have to check this out! You are clearly a man of many talents, Pat.
    Very interested!

  12. Sarah - thanks! Hope you like it.

    ID - The ones I use are pretty easy. I'm not too good at following instructions

    RA & Talli - thanks, hope you like them.

    Nat - To make a page, go to your post editor, just to the right of the "edit post" button there is a "edit page" button. It takes you from there...

    BB - Thanks! And you did it without written instructions! Good job...

    Vencora - thanks! me too

    BD - well, thanks for following this one. The pages aren't to other blogs, it's actually just an improvement on the "labels" function.

    Marlene - Why thank you! It's almost all based on real things.

    DrSoosie - "jack of all trades, master of none..." I hope you like 'em...

    Betsy - After reading some of mine, you may think I have no talent at it as well...LOL

    Joe - see nat above...

    Brenda - Thanks! And thank you for reading and commenting here!

    Alice - That sounds very creative (the card). All i did was add pages. It's pretty easy...Thanks!

  13. Now you know I want to be the Line Leader.. how exciting.. and i had no idea we could do links, etc.. Trs Cool!!!

  14. Great poetry you should start submitting them.

  15. That's awesome. I love your poetry. I'm still trying to catch up on the Vietnam posts as I have time, but the poetry will be next.

  16. Thats awesome you have SO many things going for you!!!

  17. Patrick, I've been away for 2 weeks and so I did 2weeks of reading tonight....all on your blog. There is so much here! I read the poetry and saw an old comment of my own. Then I did the elephant (who says just because they remember you they don't remember you came at them with a knife?) the dog with the lipstick on his paws and snout (mine goes for wool from my knitting bag), the glorious sunsets, and fast food in Japan. In the Vietnam section, I got to the North Hill. I decided to leave something good to come back to. Amazing. Rosemary
    ps. everyone must tell you this, but your photo looks just like....

  18. Very cool Pat! When I grow up (in blog years) I am looking forward to using the page function too. I went into it last night only to realize...I have nothing to page!

  19. Lynne H - It's a way to more easily find old things than using the "label" function. I'm not sure if you could link to things "not" on your blog...

    Warren - Thank you so much!

    TS - Thanks Tim, I appreciate it.

    Kimberly - Everything but wealth!

    Steadfast Ahoy - Thanks for that! Which photo?

    Chuck - It's really pretty easy. If I can do it, anybody can...

  20. Psyched about the poems, but more psyched that they have a page feature on blogspot.

  21. Oh great, just what I need... more reading.

    No worries though, your stuff is worth it Patrick.

  22. Jesse - Thanks! It took me a while to decide to use it, but you are right, it's a good feature.

    Cheeseboy - Thanks so much! I appreciate it...

  23. I felt something, deep in the black hole that began to develope early when I became familiar with death of "someone I know,' something about Coffin Full of Hate that dug deep. I'll be haunting all your pages...

  24. Entre Nous - Haunt away! Thanks so much for reading. That subject in that poem was my mom...


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