
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Summer Time Memories

One hot summer day (many years ago), John Avoletta (RIP), Scott Jamison, and myself were out in Scott's ski boat all day drinking and cruising around. We started at the Long Beach Marine Stadium and drank our way about 20 miles south to Huntington Harbor and back. There are a few bars along the way that have their own docks for those who feel the need to drink and navigate the high sea.  That is what we did.

On the return trip, we were already "three sheets to the wind" when we arrived at Marina Pacifica in Long Beach, to stop at yet another watering hole. Houlihans was a very large and crowded bar that had it's own dock. Scott and John went directly into the bar. Because I had very recently "checked the prop" and was still wet, I told them to go ahead, because I wanted to dry off and change out of my trunks and into my shorts.

A few minutes later, I entered the very crowded bar. When I came through the door, everybody stood up and gave me an loud ovation. I didn't understand, until I looked to my rear and noticed that the wall facing the water was all glass. the entire place saw me in my birthday suit while I changed.  I never even noticed the windows...


  1. Love it! What a great laugh to start the day. Thank you.

  2. LOL you're summertime memories are SO much different than mine! I hope you post more of them!

  3. Wow! Too bad you didn't go below deck to make your change.
    My my my.

  4. Puts new meaning into "give them a thrill"...

    At least they didn't boo or sneer.

  5. Oh My Gosh, Pat..... That is so funny!!!!! I hope they bought you a FREE drink --for that demonstration.... ha ha ha

    OH--don't we all have some memories!!!!

  6. Kimberly - I'm sure if hadn't been so drunk, I might have been embarrassed.

    Jenny - My pleasure!

    KarenG - Different than most folks, I'm sure...

    Brenda - That's what I said!

    Joe - I would have, but it was a ski boat, with no "below" to go to.LOL

    California Girl - I think they were mostly clapping at my stupidity

    RA - thanks... alchohol can be a very bad thing...

  7. Oh My Gosh, Pat..... That is so funny!!!!! I hope they bought you a FREE drink --for that demonstration.... ha ha ha

    OH--don't we all have some memories!!!!

  8. LOL... I would have loved to have been a patron that night.. Too funny!!!!

  9. Yikes! I would literally die on the spot if something like this happened to me... oh my God! I can't even imagine it. My cheeks are burning just thinking about it.


  10. That is hysterical. I'm so glad you you shared that one with us. If that had happened to me I probably would have left that buried in the chest of things not to bring up.

  11. Hey Patrick, I notice your buddies didn't rush out to warn you! :^)

  12. Betsy - The bartender actually gave me a couple of free ones. I remember because they were "long island ice teas" and I'd never had one before then...big mistake drinking those things. but hey, I was already well beyond drunk.

    Lynne - Me too, but at somebody elses expense! LOL

    Ren - I probably should have cried.

    Nevine - If it had been today, oh yeah! But back then I looked a lot better...LOL

    TS - Then, not so much! today, yeah...

    Margaret - Not a word!

  13. at the least you didn't notice the windows - another sheet into the wind and you wouldn't have cared!

  14. Hahaha! Hilarious, Pat :-) Thanks for sharing your tale of dire embarrassment with us...

  15. Ahhh, the good old lazy, crazy summer boating days, I do miss them.

  16. Oh you exhibitionist you ...
    After a few drinks , my concern
    would be that I had just forgotten
    to put on any clothes.

  17. That's it? You don't continue on to tell us that's how you met your future wife? haha

  18. John - I was back there once when I was sober and I couldn't understand how I missed them! They were floor to ceiliing...oh yeah, three sheets is plenty!

    Nat - Thanks! I wasn't really that embarrassed! But I should have been...

    dot - glad you enjoyed it!

    Chuck - Oh yeah! I especially enjoyed the part where I didn't drown!

    faye - No kidding, just changing my clothes in a ski boat was bad enough...

    Copyboy - I may do that someday, but it certainly wasn't there! LOL

  19. LOL...thanks for the laugh...I needed it! What a great memory to share with everyone!

  20. Oh, goodness! I'm blushing for you.

  21. Too good Pat, I can just see it now everyone poking each other and pointing and not a soul running out to warn you Ha Ha, gotta love good friends.

  22. Awesome! I feel like standing up and cheering for you right now.

  23. I'm badly as I feel for you, I still laughed...OUT LOUD!

  24. Insomniac - I'm happy to have been of service! It's something I'll never forget, that's for sure

    Ms A - No need to blush. I didn't!

    Jimmy - They had a lot of fun at my expense. Oh well! No harm done...

    Cheeseboy - Thanks you sir!

    Marlene - No need to feel bad! I didn't... I'm glad you got a kick out of it!

  25. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, priceless! I hope someone bought you a drink?

  26. OH GOSH I just love the stuff stories like this are made of.

    Since there is nowhere else to write this without being murdered in my sleep by my own issue...

    My daughter was managing a large ferry company's restaurant chain years ago. She could, when she chose, hop the ferry and be transported over to Long Island when the longing struck her.

    She took her car over one day to see what the 'Hamptons" was all about. After wandering one summer day, during which she had driven back to the ferry slip to use the restroom ( the restaurants were so fancy she didn't dare park her car near them she informed me later)she had been sitting on a beach drinking a large bottle of gatorade when the need to 'go' again struck her once more.

    She looked around, found a huge stand of sea grass and squatted (TMI I know, but what are ya gonna do). She went as fast as she could, but you know once you start there is no stopping, and when finally done let out an audible "Ahhh." stood up and fixed her shorts.

    Only problem was, when she turned to her left there was not only a big gaping in the bushes she had missed in her desparation, but a large beach party - big white umbrellas, white tablecloths, champagne flutes set, the whole nine yards. The coup de grace was Richard Geer standing behind her with a flute of champagne. "He said something FUNNY MOM, oh gosh, he said SOMETHING FUNNY AND WAS SMILING AND I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT IT WAS." She went on to describe that feeling of fog that takes over, everyhing is in slow motion, peoples mouths move but the sound isn't sounding the way it is supposed to. The women in our family have all had it. She was mortified, scarred for life even.

    I was still being overcome by fits of giggles late into the night...

  27. Oh precious, an the party goers probably are still doing a 'remember when' story on it! Ah, life's adventures, I wouldn't be here today had not my mother taught me to laugh at myself (oh yeah, and others....) while finding humor in every situation.

  28. PTF - now that's funny! I don't remember...

    Shrinky - I think they bought a couple!

    Entre Nous - Fact stranger than fiction, that's for sure.
    Oh man, that was a great story! Too bad you can't post it on your blog....that's one of the funniest things I've read in a while...Richard Gere! Wow...

    I totaly agree, laughter is the best medicine for everything.

    BB - I guess i did, but they didn't schedule me for a repeat performance, so I guess it wasn't all that good....LOL

  29. haha this is great - thank you for the link!

    My girlfriend was standing over my shoulder and wondered if you then waltzed in the bar and tried to get a number or 2. Though based on your responses to other comments you were possibly too intoxicated to talk. ha.

    Also the Richard Gere story/comment was great!

  30. Brad - My pleasure! Glad you liked it. I have no idea what happened! I remember having a couple more drinks there and after that, it's all fuzzy.... Thanks for coming over!


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