
Monday, December 20, 2010


please enlarge this photo
My photo won!

Joan Hara at The Retirement Chronicles, sponsers a monthly themed photography contest. It has judges and the monthly competition is fierce. The theme for November was "clouds" and I'm happy to report that my photo won!  The "fire" look to the clouds is caused by the sunset reflection off of the pacific ocean, which is just the other side of that hill. Thanks so much to Joan and to the judges!

If you are interested in photography and don't know Joan already, she has a great blog. She lives close to nature and takes great photos of it during each season. You just may love it there...


  1. Congrats!
    Your photo is really stunning!

    Happy Holidays dear Pat.

  2. That's a gorgeous photo, Pat! Congratulations on winning the contest! A deserving shot, truly!


  3. Congrats, Pat!
    It is a stunning photo...

  4. COOL photo, Pat! Congratulations!
    Where did you take this - So. Cal?

  5. I'm not have beautiful photos!

  6. Congratulations Pat - It's a beautiful picture!

  7. Congratulations! That is an amazing photo and totally deserving of the WIN. It really does look like the hills are engulfed in flames - I probably would have been calling 911 to report a forest fire. . - G

  8. Gorgeous photo! No wonder it won! :)

    I'm now following Joan too...

  9. I love that photo. I would hang a big one in my living room. Brilliant colors. Congratulations, very well deserved.

  10. Congratulations Patrick.
    It is a glorious photograph and it was worth winning.

  11. Congratulations, Pat! What an honor. It's a fantastic photo.

  12. They made the right choice. Lovely.

  13. Way to Go Pat! It certainly is a glorious sunset and I can see why it garnered such accolades. Bravo!

  14. well...its worth the prize....absolutely stunning....

  15. Hi Pat. First I want to say that is a beautiful photograph and I can see why you won. Somehow the clouds look like lava to me. Second, I hope you are feeling better. I read about your surgery and it seems you are on the mend which is great. I have not been on the computer much in the last month as we traveled to see Katie and my son. Now I am back with loads of work and very long days. But I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and the very best in the New Year. You are a talented man and I have really enjoyed your blog, insights into my thoughts and your friendship. Thank you!

  16. Congrats on winning with that superb photo! I love clouds and weather pictures, I can lay back and stare at clouds any time.

  17. Congratulations Pat! That picture is amazing. Just beautiful.

  18. That is a stunning photo! I love it- Congratulations on winning- you so deserve it!

  19. Fire in the sky. Congratulations Pat, that picture is due. Very good.

  20. Beautiful photo Patrick, congratulations.
    Wishing you and your family a merry christmas, and all the best in the new year.
    Christmashug from Berit.

  21. Beautiful Picture Pat, I can see why it won, Congratulations my Friend.

  22. Another side to the Patrick we have come to know and love...the photographer extrordinaire. Congrats!!

  23. Beautiful photo Patrick, congratulations on the win!

  24. Congratulations! And I can see why your photo won. It looks like the sky's on fire. Gorgeous!

  25. Congrats man!! I just love that fiery effect. Apparently I'm not alone in that decision.

  26. Congrats man!! I just love that fiery effect. Apparently I'm not alone in that decision.

  27. salarsen - thanks so much!

    Betty - Thank you! Happy Holidays to you also.

    Nevine - Thanks Nevine! Nature provided, I took advantage!

    Nat - Thanks Nat!

    Brenda - Thanks Brenda! I did take it in Socal. I'm very fortunate to be able to say that I took it from my backyard! Laguna Beach is on the other side of that hill.

    Lisa - Thanks so much for saying that!

    Cake Betch - Thanks so much! Just seeing that name makes me smile and wonder what you've drawn and written today!

    Georgina - Thanks! If there are more clouds the colors are even more amazing. I do like the fire look best.

    Nariane - Thanks so much! I'm glad you are following Joan now. She's very nice and takes a TON of photos!

    Cheeseboy - this one may be the first one of my photos that I print and frame. Thanks!

    Costas - Thanks so much! It was very nice to win because some of the other photos were amazing!

  28. It looks like a volcano . . . certainly deserving of win! I'll be anxious to go to the site and check it out after a busy workday. Santa's work is never done - until about December 25th, that is :)

  29. bilsot - Thanks so much!

    Alex - Thanks! I'm glad you like it!

    altadenahiker - Thanks so much!

    Stickup Artist - Whoo Whoo! Thanks!

    Rek - thank you!

    DrSoosie - Hey there! So nice to see you! I hope you had a nice trip and that your daughter is enjoying herself. I'm doing pretty good, the surgery seems to have worked, so I'm pretty happy! I hope you and your family enjoy the holidays also! Thanks so much for the nice words my friend.

    Joe - Thanks Joe! I'm with you!

    Tim - I'm glad you liked it Tim! Thanks...

    Ren - Thanks so much! I appreciate it.

    Leovi - It does look like fire! thanks!

    Berit - Thanks for the nice words. Happy Holidays to you also.

    Jimmy - Thanks Jimmy! I'm glad you liked it.

    Rosemary - Oh shucks! Thanks so much! Now if only I could cook like you do!

    Jhon - Thanks my friend!

    Nicole - thanks Nicole.

    Jesse - Why thanks! Nature provides, I take advantage!

  30. tapirgal - A volcano! I guess it does! Thanks for the nice words!

  31. Pat- (you know I write long comments..ha!)..I stared at that picture for a full 5 minutes and then it hit me.. That beautiful picture reminded me of my internal emotions of late.. Firery, mysterious, yet full of such gorgeous new-birth colors.

    Thank you for this post and CONGRATS!!!!!

  32. Lynne - Thanks! Glad you liked it! If it gets too firery in there, try some Tums...

  33. What an inspiring shot! You live in such a great place to be able to capture all the beauty around you. Just fantastic!

  34. Thanks so much for the shout out in your blog about the contest on my blog!
    I hope some of your readers will get inspired to enter some future photography contests..the more the merrier, right??
    Congrats. again on your gorgeous photograph, a well deserved is gorgeous!! Hope you are feeling better with each day, too, Pat!

  35. Wahooooo!! Congrats - the photo is fantastic!

  36. Chuck - Thanks Chuck! I'm pretty fortunate, that's for sure.

    Becca - Thanks so much! I appreciate it!

    Joan - My pleasure Joan! A couple of them have said they are going to enter! Thanks for sponsering the contest! I'm doing better every minute...

    Elaine - Whoo Whoo! Thanks Elaine!

  37. THAT is one incredible capture Pat! A win well deserved. Congratulations!!

  38. Fantastic photo, Pat. Congratulations on the win.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  39. Such a DESERVING award for an awesome photo!!

    Good on ya Pat!!

    Be Blessed,


  40. Congrats Pat - The award is well deserved. I love the tangerine orange colour you were able to capture. Usually sunsets (that I see anyway) have a more pinkish hue.

  41. Congrats... and what a great shot.

  42. Dawn - thanks so much! I'm pretty happy about it!

    D&R - Thanks my friends!

    John - Thanks John! It was just sitting there waiting on me...

    Warren - thanks Warren! We get the pinkish also, depends on the time of year and how high the clouds are I think.

    faye - I was happy to see it and even more happy that it turned out. Thanks faye...

  43. Congratulations, Pat! You deserved it. That's an amazing picture. xo

  44. Robyn - thanks Robyn! I appreciate it!

    Blue Wave - Thanks so much!

  45. Kudos... it's a real beaut, Patrick. For you I wish a lovely and pain-free holiday season.

  46. Congrats! That is a gorgeous photo. We just had an ice storm and so the photo is extra appealing :) California dreaming...

  47. that is an AMAZING shot! no wonder you won. Congrats

  48. Awesome! It's a beautiful photo! Just gorgeous!

    Happy Holidays!

  49. Congratulations! It's a beautiful photo. I'm always amazed at the beauty around me when I take time to notice. How many of these beautiful sunsets have I missed by not paying attention?

  50. Francisca - Thanks! Feeling pretty darn pain free at the minute. First follow-up appointment is tomorrow!

    Sarah - Thanks Sarah! No ice or snow here, but it's been raining for three days straight, with very little break.

    Sharon - Thanks so much!

    Ree - Thanks Ree!

    Brian - Thanks for saying so.

    baygirl - I can't take too much credit, all I did was snap it!

    Kato - Thanks so much! Happy holidays to you also.

    #1Nana - Thanks! I know what you mean.

  51. I love that photo, and you deserve to win..

    Happy holidays!

  52. Congratulations on the award!! That is an amazing photo and it's incredible how the sky actually looks like it's on fire! Nature has a way of being surprising ;)

  53. Congratulations.
    This is a wonderful sky.

    Merry Christmas to you.

    Thank you.

  54. Kitty - Thanks so much!

    Icy BC - Thanks for the nice words. Happy holidays to you also.

    Sarah - Thanks! It does look like fire!

    Miss Nikki - Thanks so much! Hope you're able to stay dry!

    ruma - Thanks so much! Same to you!

  55. Of course it won, goofy man! It's amazing. I'm glad to see you're getting some recognition for your talents!



    WOO HOO!

  56. Congrats on the win Pat, that is a beautiful photo. When Joan posted them I scrolled down and almost gasped when I saw yours.

  57. Jenny - Thanks Jenny! The only thing I'm halfway proud of with my photos, is that I refuse to photoshop them! thanks for the card!

    SQ - Thanks Judy! Your photo was also very good!

  58. HI Pat, Congrats!!!!!! After seeing all of the pictures on Joan's blog, I would have chosen yours also... I wasn't a 'judge' ---but they did good picking yours....

    CONGRATS... Happy New Year.

  59. Betsy - thanks so much! I appreciate the nice words! Happy new year to you also!

  60. Congrats! A beautiful photograph.


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