
Friday, December 17, 2010

Weekend Reflections - Alamitos Bay

click to enlarge

Weekend Reflections by other photographers at Newtown Area Photo.


  1. So glad you're back!!
    I love this B&W picture!
    Great reflections!

    Happy Friday, Pat!

  2. nice shot, good to see you are up and around.

  3. Love this, Patrick. There is a lot here to keep Betty busy for hours--so many details.

  4. I like the lines. Great reflection shot, Pat.

  5. Alex - thanks! they are usually around and we just don't notice them.

    Betty - Thanks! It's good to be back! Have a good weekend!

    Budd - thanks! I am up and around and almost back in the game!

    Oilfield Trash - Thanks so much for nice words.

    BB - I know just what you SQUIRREL!!!

    Francisca - Thanks! I wish one of those boats were mine!

    baygirl - Why thank you!

  6. So good to see you back! Hope you're doing well! Love the reflections of the boats on the water, perfect B&W! Wish I could sail off on one right now!! Have a great weekend, Pat!


  7. I am drawn to the chair in the lower left corner - Don't know why. It either makes the composition or breaks it. - I think it has the aspect of where my feet would be striding while looking at this scene. Don't know - maybe I'm just high again (no, I'm not).

  8. My eyes are going up and down, up and down.


  9. Looks just awesome there. You always make me want to go to these places.

  10. Very nice, Pat. Are those palm trees in the background?
    Be well.

  11. Beautiful picture Patrick. I hope you are feeling healthy again.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Greetings and a warm hug from Berit.

  12. How slow am I that I just now got that the title Weekend Reflections is because each picture has a reflection? My life needs a cup of coffee. And I don't even like coffee.

    Great picture. Really pretty.

  13. Chris Phillips - Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I appreciate it.

    Sylvia - Thanks so much! good to be back! Interesting that we both had sailboats in this thing...

    Jhon - I'm totally with you. The only reason I left it in, was because it was a metal patio chair sitting in the back of a boat. I also liked the piece of trash floating in the water.

    Lucy - I know! Too many lines.

    Cheeseboy - This is a pretty nice area. We were eating King Crab while I took the pic. Not a great photo, but a lot of good lines.

    Robyn - Thanks! They are indeed palm trees and they are my favorite part of the photo. in the midst of all those lines.

    Berit - Thanks so much Berit. Feeling pretty good. Have a good weekend and try to stay warm

  14. great shot- you always inspire me to try B and W- then I forget- yours always look so good!

  15. PAT- REALLY COOL REFLECTION OF THE MASTS! Sorry-CLA-- but then I just looked and looked and the DEPTH is astounding!

    Thanks Buddy!


  16. How have boats changed since the 1930s? Probably a lot, but it just has that feel to me. Nice one!

  17. Pat, thanks. I thought they were, but something about them looks so uniform and mechanical. They're my favorite part of the photo too! xo

  18. That looks like such a nice place, I'll bet there are lots of ><(((Âș> in there too!

  19. I think the zigzagy reflections in the water are really cool!!

  20. I'm a water baby,a sailor and loved this picture. Like Jhon, I love the chair in the shot.... like polar opposites with the boats..

    Thank you Pat for being so supportive of me, my words and just being a good friend. You needed to know that...

  21. Tim - That's funny! Wake up!!!

    Ren - Thanks so much! Somethings seem to be meant for B&W and some for color.

    John - Thanks John! there's a lot going on in this one for sure!

    tapirgal - I don't know! Electronics and much less wood now, I suppose!

    Robyn - Yes! I love the pattern of them also!

    Brian - Yep! I used catch crabs in just about that spot!

    Sarah - I think so also Sarah! Thanks!

    Lynne - Thanks Lynne! You write really well and get a lot of feeling from heart to paper! thanks so much for the nice words!
    You're so nice! Thanks for your support also...

  22. Nice shot Pat...reminds me to visit the harbor on Lake Erie when I go home next week. Hoping to get some good winter photos back in Ohio.

  23. This reminds me on one of my very first watercolors -what I love about a harbor is all the masts going up in the sky! Enjoy your weekend!

  24. Chuck - I used to live in Port Clinton on the lake a loooon time ago. Looking forward to some stories and/or photos! try to stay warm!

    jeannette - I totally agree. I also like how the masts move as the sailboats bob in the water...

    SKIZO - Thanks so much!

  25. Ah, you have a great eye for a good shot - well captured, my friend. Wishing you all that is right in the world, and a fabulous Merry Christmas, hon. (x)

  26. You know, for some reason this picture is mesmerizing to me. Maybe it is the symmetry of the masts, both up and down. I like it.

  27. Excellent shot! I like the lines of the reflected masts and the palm trees in the distance. Oh and b&w works very well!

  28. Love that shot. Looks actually like the beginning to the opening of gilligan. No joke.

  29. Gorgeous! Makes me long for water instead of ice!

  30. OHMYGOD!!!! I was going to tell you how awesome this pic is (I know, "tell me something I DON'T know" right?) and then I say what is one of MY favorite movie and my favorite quote ever: "The Dude abides" I love this movie. Booby and I are constantly quoting it, most of our ringtones are Big Lebowski clips! "No Walter you're not wrong, you're just an asshole" hahaha!

  31. What a beautiful architectural shot. Love this. Glad you see you're up an around! Take care of you!

  32. Shrinky - Thanks foor the nice words! Happy holidays to you and your family as well...

    Jerry - Me too! It keeps drawing my eye up and down, but I always end up at the palm trees in the background...

    James - Thanks James! I'm betting most folks don't even see the palm trees!

    Jesse - Thanks! Oh crap, now I'm whistling the theme song...

    Lorac - Thanks Brrr! We are in the dead of our winter right now...a couple of days of rain...LOL sorry!

    Miss Nikki - Thanks so much!
    "The Dude Abides!" It's one of my all timers also. I may watch it again real soon! Thanks for commenting and signing on. I appreciate it.

    Jenny - Thanks Jenny! I'm doing pretty darn well!

  33. What a great reflective shot. It's wonderful in black/white.

  34. Forgot to ask how your recovery is coming....
    Running laps by Christmas?:)

  35. Dawn - thanks! What made it better was that I was eating lunch when I took it. Recovery is going great! I should be totally back in the groove by christmas...

  36. Beautiful shot. Glad you are back in the saddle.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  37. Outstanding water reflections of pick-up-sticks and sail boats, Pat.

    be well, be happy,

  38. there is something poetic in this shot, as if in their stillness, they are evoking some narratives

  39. That is a very nice shot indeed... Thanks for the lovely sharing !

  40. Beautiful composition with a great frame and great reflexes.

  41. Jolie composition, j'aime beaucoup l'effet des reflets. Superbe.

  42. D&R - thanks so much! Good to be back...

    Pam - Pick-up-sticks! I never thought of that. you are right!

    Jazzy - Thanks so much!

    DeLi - thanks for commenting!

    'Tsuki - Thanks for the nice words!

    Leovi - Thanks Leovi!

    Anne-Ma - Thank you! Much to see around a marina...

  43. Gorgeous photo - makes me feel calm.

  44. Kitty - Thanks! Nice to see your comment!

    TBFKA - Thanks so much! Me too...

  45. I Loved the "trash" in the water! Ahh, Man's mark! But I just imagined it was a fish!

    Yuk--which is worse-trash or a Dead Fish! LOL


  46. The combination of the B&W and the Reflections make for an amazing picture, well done my Friend.

  47. This is the sight I long to see soon. We leave home Dec. 30th to drive to Florida to get aboard Steadfast. Hurray! Can't wait to say good bye to winter and it isn't even officially here yet. Lovely photo.

  48. John - Thanks! I'll take a little trash over dad fish!

    Jimmy - Thanks so much for the nice words!

    Rosemary - I hope you have some good weather for your drive! Thanks!

  49. Great reflection & choice to go monochrome! :-)

  50. California Girl - Thanks so much!

    Blue Wave - Thanks! I agree on the mono!

  51. I just had a really weird world-is-so-small moment when I looked at this photo and recognized that I see this place, every Sunday, when I visit it for the local farmers market.

  52. Katherine - wow! I had no idea. We used to go to that farmer's market all the time.

  53. Love the monochrome of this picture, and the reflections are awesome..

  54. Icy BC - Thanks! It was all just sitting there while I was eating!


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