
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Where Clarity Remains

The Walk

The solitary old man
Finds himself
Retracing lover’s steps
In their old places
Where they once 
Stood together
Tossing stale bread
To busy ducks
Nine years later
To the day
He dissolves in tears
With his sight unclear
He shrinks upon himself
To the one place
Where his memories
Are handled and stored
With special care
To the one place
Where clarity remains

Soon my love
He whispers
Original artwork provided by Pam Tucker.
More of her fantastic art can be found at Pam T’s Art Loft.



  1. Very nice, Mr. Pat. I see your brain is still working just fine!
    I often see lonely old people and wonder what kind of lives they had...

  2. My wife is always complaining when I take pictures of her walking away [I try to explain that she's just a figure in a landscape], but this is a great stand-alone pic, very evocative, which would be nothing if the old man was walking towards the camera.

    The poem stands alone too, but the two combine in a superb synergy. Very poignant.

  3. Oh My...oh my..this poem reminds me of a recent talk I had with My Mum. My Father passed 6 yrs ago and she has been a real soldier..but oh how heavy are her beloved memories...

    this is a sad, yet beautiful poem..well done..

  4. This is so sad. And simply beautiful.

  5. The photo goes perfectly with the poem.

    "Tossing stale bread / To busy ducks / Nine years later / To the day"

    That's my favorite part.

  6. how sad i sense such loneliness in this. great job

  7. So sweet. You've made me tear up a little this morning, Patrick. Send over the make-up crew to repair the damage.

  8. That's beautiful Pat. You really know how to capture a moment. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Touching this one reaches deep as I could feel the emotion of this one in my chest.

    Well Done Pat

  10. I must be getting older, because I can relate and it almost made me cry.

  11. Is that a photo you took? I'm not much for poetry (that's a nice way of saying I don't get it)...but the photo and the words together really look great! (Does that sound elementary or what?!)

  12. This is very poignant, Pat. I especially like the verse "tossing stale bread to busy ducks."
    Be well. xo

  13. I like the happy bit - throwing stale bread to busy ducks.


  14. Oh, Pat, this is so beautiful. Made me cry. Simply, stunningly beautiful.

  15. Lovely...just lovely. I'm a recent subscriber and I'm patting myself on the back for joining your followers. I'm not big into poetry, but this creates a full picture with a few well chosen words. Nice job!

  16. Omigosh this made me cry. Well done. Now to go read it again.

  17. So sad! If it were me, I'd not last nine days.

  18. Poor old man. Is this a reflection on you?

  19. Beautiful! (And you now have the distinction of being the first blogger to make me cry.)

  20. How very sad. I know a few older people that are going through that type of feelings right now.


  21. Joe - Thanks Joe! I guess the dilaudid made me soft for just long enough to write this...

    dennis - hey dennis! They seem to work pretty well together. Thanks!

    Lynne - Thanks so much Lynne! It means a lot coming from you. You are a master at getting feelings onto paper...

    DiamondsOMS - thanks so much! I appreciate it...

    Sarah - Thanks! I almost broke this up into two different poems. thanks so much!

    becca - Thanks! I'm glad it came through!

    Bossy Betty - Okay they'll be there between noon and four PM, they'll call at least an hour before they come. If you aren't there when they arrive you will have to reschedule at your expense.

    Tim - Thanks Tim! My pleasure...

    Brian - All inspired by the photo!

    Jimmy - I'm glad you could feel it!

    Ren - Thanks Ren!

    tapirgal - If you only almost cried, you better go back and read it again! Seriously, thanks so much...

    Marlene - I didn't take the photo, I cut it out of a magazine and scanned it. It's okay that you don't get it! Sometimes, what I write makes no sense to me either...

    Robyn - Thanks Robyn! I'm happy that you liked it

    Lucy - That's why I almost made it into two different poems. the duck line sounded a bit too happy for my intent. but I also liked the line. Thanks!

    Rabbit - Thanks so much! I take that as a major compliment! Seriously...

    #1Nana - thanks for signing on and commenting. I appreciate it! To me, the fewer the words, the better the poem. thanks again!

    KarenG - sorry about that and Thanks for doing it! thanks Karen!

    Alex - Yeah, it would be a tough way to live, I know a lot of folks do it. My MIL lives in a big 62 and older complex, you see it a lot there. thanks Alex.

    PTM - Nah! It's not me. I just saw the photo and the rest just fell out of one of those holes in my head.

    Misfit Mommy - Thanks so much! That's a major compliment. I read a post that made me cry today also, it was about vasectomies...

    Clarissa - Now that is sad! I know it's part of life, but it's a hard and sad part... Thanks my friend!

  22. time will solve all our problems

    excellent write Pat

    only good thoughts to you man

    Peace, Rob

  23. Rob - It sure will...There isn't any escaping that... Thanks Rob!

  24. Pat, I was getting read to start working. Sort of half in the mode and half not. So, there you are :) Beautiful poem, yes!

  25. Great picture of life and love Pat.
    You truly captured the emotion and heart of what it is.

  26. The solitary old man,
    soon, he will pass through
    the road she has taken,
    these etchings will be passed on,
    from father to son, mother to daughter,
    and those memories of an era long gone
    will be spoken of now and then....

    thank you...for these words and the image....

  27. Sad .. bittersweet.
    Very emotion charged.

  28. The only comfort for such a loss is that he knows he was well-loved...and has beautiful memories. Thank you for the moving poem, Pat.

  29. Beautiful poem, but the last few lines are my absolute favorite! Soon, my love, soon..

  30. This is sad and beautiful. Nice picture too.

  31. Sigh.
    What the picture doesn't say, your words do.

  32. Oh gee, I love this, my father would buy day old bread and go to the river to feed the ducks when he was alone. He was just waiting for the day he would rejoin my mother.

    Wonderful Pat.


  33. You just blew me away with this one, you really did....

  34. Whew!!! This was just in time for us both to get GREAT Dr Reports!!!

    Missed ya Man!

    Heal fast!


  35. Wow! That powerful, beautiful, and bittersweet.

    Tossing It Out

  36. Great picture and poem. All too often we shove aside the poignancy of loss and the heaviness of our memories. Especially this time of year when forced merriment is upon us and the season is changed because someone is no longer here with us. This post is beautiful and tender in its depth.

  37. tapirgal - Thanks so much!

    Dawn - Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

    Rek - My pleasure! Thanks for feeling it...

    faye - Yup, that's what I thought after I wrote it. the photo did it to me...

    Margaret - Thanks Margaret! I'm happy to hear that you like it!

    Icy BC - thanks so much! Yeah, it kind of gets to me also...

    Minoccio - Thanks my friend!

    Brenda - Thanks! I appreciate it. they go pretty well together

    Entre Nous - That's so sad! Talk about devotion to the person you love. I'm glad you connected to the poem...thanks!

    Joan - Thanks Joan! Right back at you, what you and your husband did for that poor racoon was amazing!

    John - Yeah! I'm really glad you got a good report! Thanks!

    Arlee - Thanks so much! I appreciate it...

    Stickup Artist - I agree, I thought this was an especially sad time for a lot of folks...Sad...

  38. Oh my gosh, that is wonderful writing. You MOVE me! No, really. Very poignant. Nice work.

    Hey, your man, Jeff Bridges, is THE guy right now, isn't he? On the cover of Men's Journal, two big movies out. Who's the lucky one? YOU ARE!

  39. All your poems stir. They do something. No frilly words. Each one stirs an emotion a thought. Talent. Pure talent. I love the ending. It's as if he's looking forward to leave this life to be with her.

  40. Cali Girl - Thanks so much for the nice words! Yep, he is hot stuff right now, that's for sure....

    Jesse - Thanks buddy! You hit it on the head, he's just biding his time. I apreciate that you apprecitate these things. Too bad most of them that I ever wrote were lost... oh well!

  41. Great photo Pat, I can see how it would have inspired your poem. You always paint a vibrant picture with your words even when the picture is sad.

  42. Beautiful and nostalgic poem. Greetings

  43. I trust that time is still a long way off for me, Pat, but I know one day that old man will be me (yeah, I know I am a woman). A few months ago a clairvoyant told us that my soul mate would leave before me but, "not to worry, she will come find you; you can't run"! Fortunately for me, he was thrilled to hear that. :-D Lovely poem matching a fine photo.

  44. SQ - Thanks so much! I really do appreciate it! Sometimes a photo just gets all juices flowing...

    Leovi - Thanks! yeah, a bit sad...

    Francisca - I hope the same thing. It's too bad folks have to sometimes end up being so lonely. Very sad! Many years from now, right? Thanks!

  45. Oh wow that is so sad..and really so beautiful at the same time. I love those last three lines--and the picture accompanying the words is breathtaking.

  46. Sarah - Thanks so much! It all seems to have come together pretty sell...

  47. Great to have you back.
    Another beautiful poem Patty.

    I wrote a story very similiar that was published this year..The Long Jetty... It must be so hard after a long life together to be suddenly alone.. Ive heard that many couples often die within months of each other..isnt that sad...

    as im only here once or twice a week, if i dont get back to you, i hope you and yours have a lovely christmas.


  48. Anthony - It's great to be back! thanks so much Anthony! In the news here recently there was a story about a murder-suicide involving a very old couple. One was sick and one was sad...

  49. I am haunted by this. I don't like it. I do like it. I guess it makes me think...

  50. Absolute professional caliber word crafting here. Amazing.

  51. Jerry - Yep, it's a touchy subject for sure. We all end up in situations something like this...

    Jenny - Thanks Jenny! I really appreciate the nice words.

  52. You're such a softy. I loved this poem. Rosmary

  53. Rosemary - Thanks so much! I can times and when nobody is looking!

  54. Pat, I LOVE this poem so much! I'm so glad you gave me the link to this! And you're right. It fits my painting perfectly! Thank you for thinking of this! Big Hug to you!!


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