
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Laguna (north of Broadway)

A while back I did a couple of posts about Laguna Beach. One was related to before and after a MAJOR storm. The other was some general photos of the beach area south of Broadway, in the middle of town. At that time I said I'd do a post of the beach area north of Broadway.  Here are a few photos of that area. This is about two miles (as the crow flies) from our house. (any closer and we couldn't afford to live there)

Tropical Laguna Beach, last week in mid winter (sorry folks)

 Bird Rocks

A house in a very nice spot

 American White Pelicans

One of the very nice private coves

 Million dollar condos on the beach

Out for a sail (with no sail!)

 Looks more like the South Pacific than Southern California

Another Tropical looking cove

Another bird rock


  1. AS long as there is an ocean, I am there :) There's something about water that centers me...even though I don't know how to swim hehe.

  2. ha ha! oh my goodness i cannot believe those are winter shots!! well, i can ... obviously ... but i'm a tiny bit jealous!!

  3. this is why I miss California *sigh*

  4. Gorgeous pictures Pat!
    I'm off today (in the slush and barely above freezing temps) to.....

    are you ready?....

    COSTCO! To purchase a bubblepack of several pairs of glasses. After your Costco pack post awhile back, this amuses me to no end! ;-)

  5. I will not be jealous. I will not be jealous. I will not be . . .


  6. I think I live in the wrong part of the country.

  7. Ahhh ... thank you for the posts. I posted pics of Laguna Beach about a month ago with the tide pools and starfish and such by the Montage.

  8. Beautiful pictures! Thanks, Patrick!

  9. Those are beautiful pictures. Makes me want to go there for a vacation.

  10. Beautiful pictures Patrick. Looks like a nice place to live.
    Have a nice evening:)

  11. We stopped in Laguna Beach in Jan. and it was so nice. I want to be there now.

  12. Gawd, I am soooooo homesick right now. Very representative of beautiful Laguna Beach.

    I'm in 10 degree weather, freezing my you know what off. sigh.

    I'll have to make the trip home this year.

  13. I love those tropical looking ones. OK, so I love all of them. But the tropical ones? Hard to believe there's beachfront that HASN'T been lined up with condos and hotels...

    Ssshhhh, don't tell real estate people, they'll chew this place up!

    ツ my cyber house rules

  14. Absolutely beautiful. If it wasn't 70 degrees here today I would be spitting jealous. I'm still jealous, just not spittingly so.

  15. Seriously? You have to post this don't you.
    At least you could have said it was taken last summer;)
    (I'm getting another dump of snow from a very white sky as I type this.)

  16. Such beauty!! I would love to live near a place like that.

  17. These are gorgeous, with such vibrant colors. Palm trees are one of my favorite things about So. Cal.

  18. Thanks for a delightful tour. It's been decades since I was there (I think). Someday I'll check it out. I'm trying to remember if it was always the expensive beach, but certainly nothing like it is today. One thing I love about Oregon is, all beachfront is public property. You can own NEAR the beach, but you can't steal it from everyone else. What a concept! I spent too many years looking at the private property at Malibu and around, so I really appreciate this.

  19. I'm sitting here shivering and simultaneously crying with envy. :) Are those your photos, Pat? I saved a few of them to either paint or use as desktop backgrounds. Beautiful!

    GOD, WHEN WILL WINTER END? We had a temperature that wasn't in the minuses the other day for the first time in four months and I almost threw a celebration party. Of course it's gone now... Grrr.

  20. Jealous, jealous, jealous!

    I am soooo jealous. Trade you a tumble weed for a pelican or two. How 'bout it?

  21. Pat,
    That's funny that you as well like the sound of squeaking tennies on the basketball court!
    I love the photos...ahhh, I can sit back and feel the sun now! now, about that sailboat with not sail; perhaps they just didn't feel the need to go anywhere?

  22. The bird rocks are cool looking. The entire area is so pretty. Gimme an umbrella drink and I'll sit back and pretend I'm sitting on that beach!

  23. I haven't been to Laguna since I was a teen (the drive through on the way to San Diego doesn't count). I looks pretty, and much more expensive then it was in the 60's.

    I did go back and look at your photos of Morro bay and SLO. It is on my "go back" list along with about a hundred other places and an equal number to see for the first time.

  24. mice - I'm with you! Even if I don't see it everyday, I like knowing it's there!

    Wong - Thanks so much Wong!

    DOMSs - As I was talking those photos, it was about 70F. sorry!

    mshatch - this is why I may never move away also! Well, there is one place I think I'd move to...

    Nariane - Thanks so much! That's too funny! No multi-packs though! Concentrate on the free food samples!

    Lucy - It's okay! I'm darn lucky to be here...

    Budd - I'm sure there's a lot of that going on right now. You've all had a hard winter...

    Stephen - I remember your posts! I see the Montage all the time, but I've never stayed there!

    Betty - My pleasure! Thanks!

    Oilfield Trash - Thanks so much! It will be here waiting for you!

    Berit - It's a very nice place to live. Hard getting in and out of though, but worth it.

    Cheeseboy - You should have let me know! We could have had a cup of coffee or something!

    California Girl - I'm sorry it's so cold where you are! Laguna is nice during the winter and mild during the summer.

    Jhon - Thanks so much Jhon!

    Nikki - They haven't allowed anyone to build anything new right on the coast for a long time! I hope it stays that way.

    Tim - I'm glad you have some warmer weather finally! You can spit!

    Dawn - I'm so sorry! Okay, it was taken last summer (not really). I hope you get some warmish weather soon!

    Baby Sister - thanks so much! I never thought I'd end up near there.

    becca - Thanks becca!

    Robyn - I love them also. If Palm Trees don't grow there, don't go there...

    tapirgal - My pleasure! It really hasn't changed much (except for the prices). There is public access to almost all the little coves. I guess I should have said "secluded" instad of private.

    TVA - Yes, they are my photos! Feel free to do either of those things. Thanks so much for the compliment. I hope it warms up soon for you.

    anna - I'm sorry! I also love the desert. I have many desert photos on here also! We talk about moving to Sedona Az quite often. Don't know if it will happen though.

    Tracy - That is funny! thanks so much! Maybe they were just enjoying the view!

    Sally - Thanks so much! I'm with you! Maybe a couple of drinks!

    Martha Z - It is more expensive, but the property values took a major hit in the last several years. The central coast is ALWAYS on my to visit list. We like to go up there at least a couple of times a year. Thanks!

  25. Your photos are beautiful...but....COLOR ME JEALOUS!

  26. Those are absolutely beautiful photos. I've only been to Laguna Beach a few times and that was usually passing through on my way to or from San Diego. Maybe I need to go there for a destination visit.

    Tossing It Out

  27. Looks like a paradise to me. Beautiful!!

  28. Fabulous pics! Breathtaking and beautiful scenery!

  29. Looking at those pics I am soooooo stoked about my Fiji trip in June! I am looking to buy a DSLR camera before the trip and since I don't dive, I will be relaxing and photoging while the wife is diving. Check out Beqa Resort, Fiji...that is where we will be staying. May not come back.

    Sorry, got carried away with myself...these are great shots as always, Pat.

  30. The pictures are all beautiful, but I had to go back to the first one, it's so good I can almost feel the ocean breeze!

  31. Oooooo, I simply MUST visit California!! The photographer inside me is screaming at me to get my butt there! What gorgeous landscapes and ocean views!!!

  32. I gotta tell you my dear, I LOVE when you post photos of where you live. It helps me to daydream!!

    Absolutely beautiful.

  33. Wow, that's so beautiful. Someday I would like to take a suntan on one of those private coves.

  34. What a lovely collection, a great visit to your part of the world. I love all the sunshine, up here in gray Seattle. Enjoy it!

  35. Laguna was my favorite beach when I was a teenager. My memories are fuzzy, but I thought it was just more beautiful. I remember people sold art there. I do miss the ocean.

  36. Marlene - Thanks Marlene! I appreciate it!

    N.R. - Well keep the light for ya!

    Arlee - It's one of those places that is fun to explore. It's not very big and very hilly! thanks!

    dot - thanks dot! it sure is!

    Jimmy - Thanks my friend!

    Blue Wave - thanks so much!

    Maarguerite - thanks so much! I appreciate the nice words!

    Chuck - Oh man! I'd love to go to Fiji! Someday... thanks Chuck!

    Brian - thanks Brian! I like that one also!

    Joan - It's a different world Joan! There is so much to see and it's a huge state.

    Kato - Thanks! We are so lucky to be able to live where others go to vacation.

    Clarissa - Thanks Clarissa! The north side of town has little coves and cliffs and the south side has large wide beaches!

    Sara - Thanks so much! It may be gray up there, but it's always beautiful!

    Belle - There is a lot of art there. Especially in Laguna Canyon. I'll be posting photos from there pretty soon!

  37. One awesome looking part of the world. Those pelicans are cool too. We don't have too many 'special' birds flying/walking around.

  38. Patrick, thank you so much for your kind words on the loss of my beloved Annie.

    Universal Blessings and Peace.


  39. What a beautiful part of the country.

    Not as beautiful as Minneapolis in winter, of course...



  40. Now that is truly paradise....that I can't afford. Maybe one day.

  41. Exquisite pictures of a beautiful place.
    Thanks for sharing, Pat.


  42. Ahhhhhh Laguna. I MISS CALIFORNIA SO MUCH when I see pictures like this. Luckily it's 60 degrees out right now and my window is open so I can almost pretend like I'm there.

    (Until my view of the palm tree-less office park outside ruins it.)

  43. Oh, gorgeous, gorgoeus, gorgeous! :) Thanks, Pat.

  44. Oh Pat, That looks so fabulous... You are right. It looks like the South Pacific!!!!

    Are you telling me that you can't afford one of those beach homes?????? Gosh Fella, Get with the program!!!!! ha ha ha


  45. Oh, this is so gorgeous! To live in such a place must be heavenly. Pat, thank you for posting these... I love your photography. All of it!

  46. It's beautiful there, and I'm so envious of the good weather and blue sky. Lovely photos!

  47. I love these views and I can't wait to see them again. Your photos are excellent.
    It's hard to imagine but today and tomorrow Newtown is warmer than Laguna Beach. :) Today got up to 67F.

  48. I have to admit i felt just the slightest tinge of jealousy...(more like a slam to the stomach)...A picture truly is worth a thousand words...

  49. Arjan - thanks! It's a great place to live and/or visit.

    Kea - It was my pleasure. I know just how you feel.

    Pearl - So true! Especially when all that stuff starts melting...
    thanks Pearl!

    Jesse - No, paradise has hula girls! but this is close!

    Betty - thanks so much Betty!

    Salt - It will all still be here next you're out this way! At least it's warming up a bit for you now where you are at...

    Talli - Thanks Talli! We're very lucky...

    Betsy - Thanks Betsy! The only thing non-tropical about it is the water. It's cold... Nah, those houses are just a bit out of my range...A huge bit!

    Pam - Thanks so much! I REALLY appreciate that. Coming from someone as artistic as yourself!

    Alan - Thanks Alan! I pinch myself all the time!

    James - Thank you my friend. I glad that you're getting some warm weather!

    Tess - I'm SO sorry! You'll get some good stuff soon!

    Bendigo - Thanks! You can head over to the coast from where you live, right?

  50. Beautiful shots of a beautiful place. Makes me want to hop in the car and drive down. You really did the area justice by capturing its essence.

  51. As I write this it is -26 C. Hope you're happy ;o)

  52. These tropical images could indeed have been taken right here, Pat! Except those bird rocks, that is different. Being a water baby, I could easily live in that house in a very nice spot, but I think one has to be insane to pay a million for a condo. I'd rather live in a nipa hut in the Philippines! And for a million I can build a castle here, not that I would want to. Give me a million and I'll build myself a nice little bungalow on a beach in Batangas, and use the rest in some philanthropic way. Enough rambling. Gorgeous photos, Pat. I need to get to the beach, and my nearest one is a bit farther than two miles...

  53. beautiful place well are lucky to be living amongst such beauty definitely the BEACH...something which made Mumbai a great place to live in despite the noise and pollution.

  54. ...I like the house in a very nice spot. These photos make me want to move ... and we just moved to what I thought was a warm area, but the snow seemed to follow us for a bit. Not now, though. Weather is looking very promising.

    Your photos are amazing and thanks for rubbing it in!

  55. I see you don't lack for comments on your posts, but I will still add mine. Those are some tremendous shots of Laguna Beach and the ocean. You could make a lot of people want to move to CA. So beautiful--I'll check back often to see more of your great photos. Mickie

  56. Stickup Artist - thanks so much! It's a good time to go there. During the summer it's foggy a lot of the time in the morning.

    Warren - Oh BRRRR... I'm sorry!
    (and happy)

    Francisca - Yep, it's pretty expensive here to get close to the beach. I'm not a big fan of humidity, so I'll have to pass on the hut on the beach. Although, I would like to get back to there someday. Thanks so much my friend!

    Rekha - Believe me, we feel very lucky. It just feels good to have access to the ocean without having to go too far.

    Margaret - thanks so much! I'm sorry! The weather is what everybody here likes the most. That's people keep moving this way.

  57. Mickie - I appreciate the heck out of every comment I get! Please don't refrain because there are a lot of them here sometimes. Thanks so much for the nice words...

  58. In New Zealand, there is NO private beach.

    I look at your photo of the private coves and think of the story of my grandpa's fishpond. Imagine if one of those went to the private coves, and say, "Shoot me"

  59. great sunny day! Those look like some well used bird rocks ! :)

  60. Ann - that was a good story! Scary, but good! I guess i should have said "secluded" coves, because there is beach access to most of them. The private ones can only be accessed by the publich from the ocean.

    Johnny - Thanks! There were some other ones also. Covered with Pelicans!

  61. I really do like the part of the country we live in now but after seeing your photos Pat I am so wanting to go back to Cabo.

  62. SQ - It's just a plane flight away!

    SKIZO - Thanks so much, it's my pleasure!


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