
Friday, February 18, 2011

Weekend Reflections - No Fishing

One of those photo opportunities that doesn't come along very often. 
No Fishing
(he is clearly fishing)

Weekend Reflections by other photographers at Newtown Area Photo.


  1. You could've had fun with that - it doesn't say no shooting, now does it?

  2. I should be a bit peeved Dad is showing his kid how to break the rules, but no, it's good he shares this moment in time.

    Great picture!!!!

  3. I guess some people just cannot read!

  4. Hi, Pat. You commented on my current post: "I think blogs can have a long future as long as the subject matter is interesting, funny, educational or thought provoking." Your posts are always one or more of these!! I particularly like your photographs that say visually more than words ever can. This one is thought provoking; funny in that head-shaking kind of way!

  5. Haha. Funny. Nice picture though. :)

  6. At first I thought too bad the sign got in the way of the boat reflection. Then I looked closer and realized how perfect this is.
    Dare I say great catch! :)

  7. You were at the right place at the right time! fabulous catch!

  8. Nah...he's not fishing, he's drowning worms! Great capture.

  9. Oh, Pat! This is priceless!! I love it! You're right, you don't catch one like this very often! Definitely started my day with a great laugh! Thanks! Have a wonderful weekend!


  10. That really is a fun capture Pat. I guess fishing outweighs reading!!!

  11. that looks like "no fish" to me.

  12. Is this perfect, or what? It's possible that they drifted there from another spot (?) but in any case, not only the subject, but the lighting and reflections are a remarkable opportunity :) You were there!

  13. Sometimes you just have to brake the rules.. especially if the law ain't looken.. shh!


  14. hahaha, that's great. reminds me of how at state parks i always have somebody take a picture of me in the bushes behind the signs that say things like "stay on path."
    obeying signs is for people without imaginatins. (or people with really good immune systems, as the reason for no fishing in that lake may very well be pollution.)
    on the other hand, it sure would be cool if i could put up signs on forests that say "do not build a parking lot here" and people obey them.

  15. Too funny, Pat... but why can't I enlarge the photo? protecting the guilty?... :-D

  16. Fun picture....clearly he is fishing. wondering if the no fishing sign is for those on shore tho. Who knows?

  17. That's the best right there! I love this picture on so many levels.

  18. That is a riot! But I bet that kid is enjoying the heck out of it!

  19. great shot...rule breaker or not...

  20. Great shot of a dad and son... perhaps he can claim that he did not see the sign?

    Lovely reflection and scene that tells a story!


  21. Gotta make you wonder if they still teach reading in schools. :)

  22. Wonderful one!
    Happy weekend reflections.

    " Regina "

  23. Alex - No it sure doesn't!

    Lynne - It was good for me!

    Tracy - Nope! But as long as they can fish, they are happy!

    Ann - Thanks so much for the nice words Ann!

    FD - thanks so much!

    Oilfield Trash - thanks, I appreciate it!

    Baby Sister - thanks! It is pretty funny!

    James - You may dare! In fact you did dare! Thanks.

    Malyss - I sure was. I almost walked right past it.

    Karen - He sure seemed to be enjoying the day, whatever he was doing...

    Sylvia - Thanks Sylvia! you have a great weekend also.

    Brian - I'd say you are very correct!

    budd - that's funny! It does look like that, but there are a TON of fish in this lake.

    tapirgal - I was a happy camper, that's for sure! The sign was meant for fishing off of the bank.

    Pam - Granny always said "stupid rules are meant to be broken!"

    m. - thanks so much! I was so happy!

    Lovkyne - the sign is really meant for for fishing off the bank. There are nesting birds in the vegetation there and they don't want people stepping on them. I also wonder why I'm not supposed to go off the path!

  24. Marie - Thanks!

    Francisca - I noticed that myself. Some will enlarge while others won't! I'm not sure why yet...

    Dorian - you are exactly right! There are bird nests in the reeds and bushes on the shore.

    Tim - thanks Tim! I was happy to find it.

    Sally - He sure seemed to be. Thanks!

    Rekha - thanks so much! I don't judge, I just take pictures...

    Genie - It didn't really apply to them, so it's okay... thanks!

    EG - I don't think they do! I think they teach "texting!"

  25. Wow, so funny picture Patrick:)
    Have a great weekend:)
    Hugs from Berit.

  26. well I guess the sign should be out in the water! LOL

    great picture

  27. Regina - Thanks so much for commenting!

    Dimple - thanks Dimple!

    Berit - thank you my friend! You have a great weekend also.

    cieldquimper - thanks so much!

    baygirl - Yep! It was really for fishing off that side of the lake only. thanks!

  28. That's so funny! Did he get a ticket?

  29. maybe it is a racist ban on white fish.

  30. Some people think rules are only for others..... I see that a lot on the

    Nice shot ... now if you would just
    turn your lens toward that empty bench beside you.... haaa

  31. Beautiful reflections with spectacular colors, especially yellow on the right.

  32. Clarissa - Nah! The sign was really meant for fishing off the bank at that spot. (I had to tell the truth).

    Jhon - That's funny! No white fish, but this lake has some MAJOR trout in it. A 13 pounder was caught last week!

  33. Oh! Is that what that sign means? I thought they were promoting the area's striped bass. You know, "Hey everybody! Striped Bass! Right here!!!" Graphics can be so confusing.

    But let's cut the guy some slack. Good things come to those who bait.

  34. Great picture, I'm total dreamer - I'd like to think that its a memorable afternoon spent. Father and son or Grandfather and son. ;-)

  35. That's funny, and it's perfectly centered and cropped. Nice work, Pat. I kind of hope they caught some, too. They look like innocent rebels.

  36. Great photo! I thought maybe they were just sitting there, but now I see the poles. Looks like a beautiful place.

  37. We have a sign like that on the lake near our home. The fisherpeople are always RIGHT NEXT to the sign. Go figure.

    Great photo.

  38. Bud stole my thunder. I was going to tell you that this sign says NO FISH, as in NO FISH IN THIS LAKE! LOL.

    Ok - so - it is a fantastic pic! Great opportunity, and you snuck up and grabbed it, eh?

  39. The fish and game folks need to turn the sign around! LOL! But I must say that I see a lot of signs with the word "NO" or a slash in them that are ignored.

  40. Bud and Marlene and I are all thinking the same thing. If this photo were taken in Newfoundland (on the Eastern Shores of Canada)the sign would be classic Newfie, meaning there were no fish. LOL
    I only see no fishing signs here-abouts in the marinas.

  41. I love shots like these! I hope the local game warden doesn't read your blog.

  42. You have the knack for being in the right place at the right time...or at least making it the right time. Nice shot as always Pat!

  43. faye - You are so funny! The recent storms raised the water level quite a bit. There is one bench that is almost totally submerged, whenever I see it, I think of you. I might have taken a photo of it. I don't think it was much to see, so it probably won't show up here.

    Leovi - thanks so much! Yes, there is a hill full of yellow flowers on the far side. That is where the yellow comes from.

    Anna - That's funny! there are some bass in the lake also! "...those who bait!" That's a classic! A corny one, but still a classic...

    Talei - Me too! The sign wasn't really for them anyway.

    Robyn - There are a lot of fish in that lake, so I'm sure they caught something!

    M Pax - Thanks so much! A dad and his son! It is a nice place! It's only a short walk from my house also. I like to get there at least a couple times a week.

    OWT - I know what you mean! When there are too many signs, they tend to get ignored.

    Marlene - I'll give you half credit! thanks so much Marlene...

    marina - thanks so much!

    Lew - You are so right! this one is for people not in boats though! but i didn't say that when I posted it...(didn't want to ruin the effect)

    Rosemary - That's too funny! they just don't want people tramping in the vegitation on that side of the lake because of all the nests and such.

    Woody - It seems like they are interested in catching people feeding bread and things to the birds. They will ticket for that, whenever they can.

    Kim - I'm sure they didn't cause it was turned the wrong way!

    Chuck - Thanks my friend! I mostly try to be there at the right time of day, for the light! Everytime I see your name now, it makes me think of Fiji...

  44. Ruh oh. Did you narc on him??
    Hope the fish weren't poisoned or something! It would be a rough lesson to learn to follow the rules!

  45. Joan - Nah! Not this time! He wasn't doing anything wrong. The sign was to keep people from fishing from that side of the lake. Too many nests in the vegetation!

  46. BAD Fisherman!... another great photo, Pat! :)

  47. II had a good time "listening in" to all these conversations:):) - wouldn't be surprised if you could get a whole room of people laughing! But we need people like you in this economic time (that means: no fish)

  48. I thought Father was a bad role model. But I was wrong. Maybe it is better to put another sign by "No fishing" sign.

    Very intriguing and eloquent photo! Beautiful yellow reflection! I wonder what it is?
    I do love this photo.
    Have a great weekend!

  49. Pam - Thanks Pam! I almost passed this by...

    jeannette - Thanks so much! I appreciate the nice words! No fish!

    snowwhite - Thank you ! The yellow color is from a hillside full of Mustard Grass in full bloom! Thanks again!

  50. He couldn't see the sign from the boat... could he?

  51. I would have liked to have been able to click to enlarge as, from this distance, it looks tranquil and cinematic. (At first, I thought one was supposed to click on the fish to work a video clip!) What an oddly constructed notice. I haven't read all the comments and replies (so many, how do you keep up!?) but I went on to assume you had put it there yourself. All in all a tantalising picture.


  52. if you'd change the scenery to a store with a 'don't park your bike here' and someone having parked their bike there is a véry often seen thing overhere :P

  53. Carol - Nope! He sure couldn't!

    Wong - thanks Wong!

    Lucy - I don't know why it wouldn't enlarge! I need to check it out! Thanks Lucy!

    Arjan - Same here! There are too many signs everywhere...

  54. I love a dad that can go beyond society's rules sometimes to enjoy a day with his son. Really sweet!

  55. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Sometimes you have to be in just the right time at the right place, don't you? Excellent shot!

  56. Great shot! I think they didn't see the sign..hehehe

  57. What a great time to have your camera! Maybe he's not fishing; he's just taking his pet worm for a swim.

    Great shot.

    Darryl and Ruth

  58. Extremely peaceful and beautiful!
    Love it. :)
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  59. Yes, that is a funny one ! I just love this kind of picture, when people are caught doing exactly what they are not supposed to...

    And lovely reflections too, here...

  60. Good timing! Reminds me of my old man.

  61. Gattina - Thanks so much!

    the elder - I agree! Somethings are more important than others.

    Shrinky - Thanks! I almost walked right by this one!

    Eden - I don't think they did either. Especially since it's pointing the wrong way! LOL...

    D&R - He had his priorities together and it was time to exercise the worm! Thanks!

    Wick - Thanks! It was a great moment!

    betty - Thanks Betty. I hope you have a great weekend also!

    'Tsuki - Thanks so much! I was lucky!

    altadenahiker - Fishing or breaking the rules? thanks!

  62. Love this!!! In late summer I posted a fun fishing sign...


    Hi Pat,

    This same train crosses the bridge at Parnell, and I was lucky to be there when it was crossing.

    Your photo is spot on. When I was young, my grandpa and uncle had a private fish pond. Harvesting time was one of my joys. But they lived surrounded by the Ibans/ Sea dayaka. (I supposed you heard of the head hhunters in Borneo.)

    They openly came to fish at my grandpa's fish pond. My uncel went with a gun to threatened toshoot them, saying, Get off my land.

    They just said," Shoot me."

  64. The shot is beautiful with its color and reflections, but the sign really makes it all an awesome one. It looks like Dad is not bringing up his son to be a law abiding young man. Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog. Please come back.

  65. A beautiful and peaceful scene - if it wasn't for the sign :-)
    Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog :-)

  66. TheChieftess - thanks so much! I'm on my way to check out the sign!

    Ann - I haven't seen any guns here yet! Thanks for the great story! A little bit scary! "just shoot me!"

    Genie - Thanks! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting!

    Inger - thanks so much! Right back at you!

  67. He is not fishing but finding out how deep the water is.

  68. Maybe he is just testing the waters?

  69. maybe he was just pretending to fish.:p

  70. Reader Wil - Maybe! Thanks for commenting.

    JunieRose - Thanks so much!

    Luna - that might be it! Thanks for commenting!

  71. That was way too good to pass up. He saw the sign but it meant everyone else except him.

  72. Maybe they came in the "back way" and never saw the signage?;)
    Serene picture for breaking the law:)) I kind of like it...unless of course he really does know the rule.....

  73. I think he just has a soft drink tied to that line and is pulling it up.

    Surely no one breaks no fishing rules!!!!!!

  74. Well-----maybe he didn't interpret the sign to say No FISHING... Maybe he interpreted it to say "NO FISH" ....... ha ha ha...

    Nobody reads signs anymore!!!

    Cute post.

  75. Here's Your Sign!!!!

    Bill Engvall, via,

    John Boy

  76. ODP - Yeah! that was probably it!

    SQ - Isn't that how it always is? His side was blank I think.

    Blue Wave - It has so much irony that a magnet almost pulled it off the page.

    Dawn - that is exactly right! It's a very serene place! I'm going to see if I can get another pic, but this time focused more on the sign.

    Jenny - Oh yeah! Nobody would do that!!!

    Betsy - that is probably right! He was just out for a little cruise!

    John - Too funny John!

  77. Great photo. It kind of tells a story.

  78. Rebecca - thanks so much! It sure does!

  79. HA! That's pretty funny. He knew what he wanted and he went for it! Regardless of the signage!

  80. Kato - Some rules are meant to be broken!

  81. :) Maybe he's just missed the sign.


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