
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up!

About 18 months ago I received a Facebook message from a lady who thought I might be an illegitimate member of their family. In fact, her family referred to me as "Uncle Pat." Here is my blog post relating to the incident.

A month or so ago (okay, it was October 27th to be exact),  I received a comment on that post, from a person who though she was my sister.  Okay, but I don't have any sisters! I didn't "approve" the comment to be published because there is too much personal information in it.  I did contact her though...

Quite a few of you have been following my blog for long enough to know that I am from the most dysfunctional of families. For those of you who don't know, this post is yet another entry into my crazy family history.  I have three brothers.  That's all...

Okay, so Christine and I exchanged several emails on the subject.
  • She was adopted directly from the hospital she was born in (in my home town). 
  • My mom had a friend with the same name as Christine's adoptive mother.
  • She saw what she thought was the name of her birth mother when she was a teenager.
  • She googled the name she saw (my mom's name) many times over the years with no hits.
  • My mom's first name (and our last name) is very unusual.
  • Two months ago she finally got a google hit on my mom's name.
  • It led her to this post about her.
We emailed and we spoke. This was all adding up to her maybe being right.  I was fourteen the year Christine was born. You would think I would remember if my mom was pregnant at that time. I didn't. This wasn't a very good year in my life and I spent a lot of it "under the influence" of anything I could get my hands on. I even flunked 8th grade that year.

We met about three weeks ago and took a DNA test. We sent it to the lab and waited. Before they sent us the results of the test, they said they would call and let us know. After meeting her and talking to her several times, I was really hoping we were siblings. I have no negative history with her (as I do with my brothers) and she is VERY nice. I like her  a lot.

Today the lab called. Christine and I have the same mother!
See?  You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up!



  1. WOW.
    Just WOW.
    I am floored!
    This is amazing Pat
    YAY for her persistence on the matter;D

    Oh MERRY CHRISTMAS....a wonderful gift!!!

  2. That is AWESOME, Pat. I hope that the two of you can develop a great friendship in addition to finding family!!

  3. WOW and congratulations! This is BIG, way too BIG for Santa to stuff into your Christmas sock, that's for sure. It was good of him to give it to you as an early Yuletidey present. Now git! You and Christine go out and make some lovely memories together. And, while you're at it, fill THIS. It's my Christmas present to you!

  4. P.S. I'm sorry your mother was such a "mother." (<--I think you know the kind I mean.)

  5. WHOA!

    Well Merry Christmas to you, my friend!! You've gained a sister!!


  6. wow. That's CRAZY! And it makes me want to ask all sorts of personal questions because it's like something you'd read in a story. Hmm, maybe you should make it a story? Anyway, glad you found a sibling to like :)

  7. seriously?! holy crap! how awesome that 1) she contacted you after years of searching 2) you took the time not to dismiss her as a crackpot and contacted her back 3) you've gained a long-lost family member that might just bring you joy!


  8. Wow! It could almost be a Jerry Springer episode. It's a good thing you kept talking to her and were able to confirm the relation. Have a great Christmas :)

  9. Wow, that’s an amazing story.

    It’s one more Christmas present to buy now though ;)

  10. Wow! That's incredible! Does she live near you?

  11. OH MY GOD!!! Merry Christmas, Pat, that's a gift you're sure to remember! I've got chills!

  12. WOWZA! An early Christmas gift! You're right - you can't make this stuff up. That's AMAZING. I'm so happy for both of you... that you've found one another. xoxox

  13. Bonjour dear Patrick,
    Glad you are happy!It's an awesome news, I'm sending good energies to you both!
    Love and lights to your beautiful family and Merry Christmas!
    Léia and little Luna ( We love Luna )

  14. oh my!
    WOW! my jaw dropped!
    this is amazing, pat!
    what a great xmas gift! you gained a sister! congrats!


  15. Certainly shocked me, in a good way. I am so happy for my hubby to finally have a good experience happen to him. (family related) Who could be more deserving than him? I am also so very happy for Christine to have found someone blood related. What a wonderful Christmas for everyone!!! YAY!!

  16. OMG Pat--what an amazing post! An an extra amazing gift!!!!! Please keep us updated on the new sister!

    I'm so happy for you my friend!



  17. My first reaction is a combination of most of the comments above. Truly amazing! I'd love to read updates on this. That said I'm sure I have SEVERAL siblings that I don't know thanks to my irresponsible "father" whom I've only seen a few times.

  18. That is too flippin' cool. I can't imagine how elated you must feel.

  19. Why shut my mouth and call me amazed! Your right, Pat.. you just can't make this stuff up!
    Family is a heaven sent Christmas gift. Congrats on having a sister you can enjoy a normal relationship with.
    Happily ever after, is my wish for you both.

  20. Holy Cow, Pat.... You HAVE a new sister.... SO your Mom was pregnant when you were 14???? Guess you just didn't notice...

    Glad you met your 'new' sister and like her... That is awesome. Glad she pursued all of this... What a great story!

    And you are right... You can't make stuff like this up... I am happy for both of you.

    Merry Christmas.

  21. Yes, after being a longtime reader of your motherly posts I am OMG'd, but not totally shocked. How are you handling it? BTW...I made you blog of the day and new blog of the day.

  22. Whoa!!! You have a sister you never knew about? Anyone else in your family know about this? Or is willing to say they knew?
    You're right, you can't make up this kind of thing.
    I guess congratulations are in order - you have a baby sister!

  23. Hi Pat: Having read most of your posts about your family, I figured it was true right away. I'm happy that you have found a "nice" sister after all these years. I love my sisters....but it took some glitches along the way to become as close as we are now. I don't know what I would have done without my sister, Jackie, during Carl's illness and death!

    Buon Natale! We leave Saturday for our Italian Christmas....could NOT be here during Christmas without Carl. I miss him with every breath!

    My love to you, Paula and the "whole" family that you have right now....many blessings for a wonderful Christmas!


  24. PAT! That is C-R-A-Z-Y!

    But nice. I'm so glad you like her, and I hope you guys have a grea relationship!

  25. Wow Pat... this is huge news!! To discover you have a sister after all this time? I just can't imagine how amazing that must be! Hope you can get to know each other and form a friendship....

  26. This is like a reward for tolerating and learning to cope with your history. I hope that you two develop a good relationship over the rest of your lives.

  27. Yay for a new sister! Man that is crazy though. Another chapter to the family.

  28. Que sorpresas nos depara la vida... Maravilloso.

  29. that life holds surprises ... Wonderful.

  30. Way Cool!!! How exciting to welcome a new full grown sister to your family! Awesome! Sisters are wonderful to have and especially when they are all grown up. Joyeaux Noelle to you and yours!

  31. me too...I got goose bumps when I read the last line! I am so happy for you, Pat. "All Good Things Come To Those Who Wait". Now you can start over with your very own new/old family. :)

  32. oh wow that is huge. congrats on finding your sister i hope things work out well for you both. I'm stunned

  33. Wow that's amazing Pat!
    See it as something good to come out of your past. That's how I would look at it.

  34. wel I'll be damned.. as in good damned.. holy smoly.. talk about a skeleton in the closet.. and a wonderful one at that...
    see Mom gave you a gift ..
    wow, just wow!!

  35. OMG!!! That is AMAZING and BIZZZZZZARE!!!!!

    I so much see a book in your future...

  36. Double WOW ... no you can't make that
    stuff up....
    I hope your new found sibling is as
    nice as her big brother....
    Keep your readers posted ... please...
    and congrats on the reunion.

  37. Jesus, God, and the holy virgin Mary - bloody hell, Pat - my jaw just hit the floor!

    I CAN'T BELIEVE your mother never saw fit to even tell you you had a sister. Gosh, your head must be spinning in all directions just now. I am so glad you and her finally managed to find each other hon, lets hope some good can come out of this, eh? Congratulations on finding your blood, I'm so happy you and her seem to have made a good connection.

    I'm still in shock - you must be reeling! ((x))

  38. This story gives me goosebumps. I'm so thrilled for you. At least you are reaping a few benefits, albeit years later, of being in that horrid family. I'm so glad you have a new (to you) sibling and she's a good one!

    I'm going to email you back soon. Thanks so much for the link.

  39. The amazing things the internet brings about apparently are neverending. This seemed like such a stretch and may very well have never happened with out good ol' Google. You seem extrememly excited about this, Pat and as Christmas presents doesn't get any better! Congrats my man

  40. IT'S A GIRL!!!

    Seriously, Pat, this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't posted that picture of you...OUR...mother. And, I have to thank you for not blowing me off as some kind of nut!

    This is just the beginning; not only of a relationship and getting to know my big brother, but also of sifting through many clues that seem to continually float to the surface (pardon my mixed metaphors).

    I think I told you before, but if I had to pick someone to have as a brother, I'd pick you.

  41. Dawn - Wow! That's what I'm saying! She did keep at it and I'm glad she did.

    laughingmom - Thanks! I think we're on our way.

    SparkleFarkle - Thanks so much! I think what makes it so good is that it's out of the blue. Thanks for the photo album!

    SparkleFarkle part 2 - Thanks for saying that! She was AT LEAST that...

    Pearl - Thanks Pearl! I'm totally happy with my present this year!

    mshatch - Yeah, it's crazy alright. You can ask anything you want. If it ever does become a story, there a TON of chapters in my old blog posts.

    TexWisGirl - That's what I'm saying! It's all working out so far. Seriously!

    vanyelmoon - We joked about that already. As soon as I first spoke to her, it was clear that there were many things that added up to it being true. Thanks so much for the nice comment.

  42. The Blogger Formerly Known As - It sure is amazing. I hadn't thought about the gift slant. Maybe I need to reconsider this.... Nah!

    Ani - Hey there! It sure is incredible. We live about 150 miles apart. It's too bad Los Angeles is in the middle!

    Ms. A - Oh yeah! As far as gifts go, this one is a classic...

    Marlene - Truth stranger than fiction. Thanks so much Marlene!

    Leia - Bonjour Leia! Thank you very much! Merry Christmas to you and yours also.

    Betty M - My jaw dropped also. In fact, it's still on my shoes. I gained a sister. That is amazing...

    BMB - Thank you my love! I don't know how much I deserve it, but I'm more than greatful it all happened. Whoo Whoo!!!

    John - Oh Em Gee! I will keep you updated! Thanks so much John...

    James - Sorry to hear that about your father. I'll make sure to post updates. Thanks James...

    Tim - That it is my friend! I've VERY elated.

  43. Pam - I know! Right? Truth is always stranger than fiction. You hit it right on the head. She and I have exactly no history. That means no dysfunctional history from living in that insane house. Thanks so much Pam! I really appreciate your kind words.

    Betsy - Honestly, I don't remember her being pregnant, or I do remember, but I'm not sure what year it was. She gave up one of my younger brothers up for adoption also. He actually made it home from the hospital for a while though. So I remember pregnant, I just don't remember the time frame. Thanks Betsy.

    Jesse - I'm handling it with a lot of happiness. An actual sibling that I don't resent! Thanks for the BOTD...

    Alex - Yes, it's true! Two of my brothers know about it as of today. My older brother was not around during that time period. thanks for the congrats Alex!

    Brian - Thanks! It sure is...

    mrscolombo - Hey there! Yep, I absolutely wouldn't doubt it if some money exchanged hands also. My (our) mom was capable of just about anything. Have a great trip and I hope you can enjoy your Christmas.

    Talli - That's a good way of putting it. Crazy but nice! I'm also glad I like her. In fact, I think I like her a lot! Thanks Talli.

    Nat - It sure is. I can tell how amazing it is. It's a huge load of amazing! Thanks for the nice words.

    willfulresemblance - Thanks Jhon! It's like a nice payment for a lot of hard work. I'm sure we will Jhon.

    Kelley - Oh yeah! Another chapter in the whacked out story of my life. A good chapter...

  44. Leovi - Thanks Leovi! You are so right. Life is full of surprises.
    Thanks for the translation. I'm happpy to say I figured it out!

    Michelle - Hey there! Amazing huh? Who would have thunk it? Merry Christmas to you also. Say hello to the family!

    Rosemary - thanks so much Rosemary! I got to examine the actual test results today. There was no doubt about it.

    becca - Oh yeah! It's huge alright. Thanks so much becca! She and I have so much catching up to do.

    Warren - That's exactly how I do look at it. I'm so happy about the whole thing. Of course, it doesn't elevate my whacked out mother any in my eyes. Thanks!

    lynne - I know, it's hard to put it all in words. It's the first and only gift my mom gave me.

    Thetis - Holy smoke! That's an oldie (but a goodie). I'm not sure how my A.D.D.'ness would feel about an actual book. I've been slowly working on a couple of them, but so far....not so much progress.

    faye - No you can't! At least I can't... Thanks so much for then ice words faye. I really appreciate them.

    Shrinky - That's a funny start! I think I heard you jaw hit the deck all the way over the pond. My mother didn't see fit, to ever actually even be a mother. Some good is already coming out of it. thanks so much Shrinky! I'm reeling, but feeling good about it.

    Robyn - Thanks so much Robyn! It might just be the best thing to come out of that family yet. That's probably because she didn't actually have to raised by "our" mom.

  45. Chuck - that is so true and I hadn't thought about it. I don't think it would have happened without google, you are right about that. I am excited! Thanks so much buddy, I appreciate it.

    My new Sister Christine - That is something I've NEVER had the opportunity to ever say. I couldn't have blown it off, especially so with the little things you knew, where you are from and things like that. I've got a lot more clues, stories and photos for you. I really appreciat your last sentence. I'm feeling the same way (in a sister sense that is).

  46. Allow me to add one more Wow to the comments! That is truly amazing Pat. What a fantastic Christmas present for you and Christine. Congratulations to you both!

  47. Judy - Please do Judy! I got several more wows left in me as well. It is a great present! Thanks so much!

  48. That is absolutely amazing... and yet so very sad... that youve missed all these years with her..

    Still, it's over with now.. and you must make do.. I hope you are able to spend time together and get to know one another. What an amazing story.

    You should collate all these Pat.. if not rewrite them into a memoir.. it would certainly make for great reading..lots of twist and turns...

    ..AND it has a happy ending...

    Blessings to you all.


  49. My goodness, Pat! I should say congratulation on gaining a sister?

    Could it be that you were under the "influence" during that time? :-)

    But you know many women could hide their pregnancy with loose fitting clothes, too!

  50. Wow! An early christmas present!! How wonderful. So happy for you both xx

  51. Amazing, Mr. Pat...another harrowing chapter in your ever-evolving life!

  52. Wow! What an amazing story! How wonderful for the two of you!

  53. Anthony - That's my good old mom. Robbed me of my dad and now my sister. It is sad Anthony, but I'm going to keep it on the bright side! As to binding all this together and making someting out of it. That is my plan, but will I ever do it.... Thanks so much!

    Icy BC - thanks! I was most certainly "under the influence" at that time, but still. My mom wouldn't even try to hide it. She didn't care one speck of an iota what people thought about her.

    Kitty - It sure is! Thanks so much!

    Joe Cap - Hey! It is pretty amazing, that's for sure. It just gets better and better. Hope you are doing well.

    Mama Zem - Double wow! Thanks so much

  54. That is the most amazing story and I'm glad you shared this story with us. I recently met an aunt of mine that my grandmother gave up for adoption, it's so wonderful to meet new family.

  55. WoW!! you certainly can't make that stuff up!

  56. OMG for real? That's amazing! Congratulations on your new sister! And one who seems so nice and who you like. I hope you guys get to have a wonderful relationship now you've found each other. Something good in your family background. YAY!

  57. Amazing. My husband comes from a very dysfunctional family, too. He met his sister in his 40's. Lovely lady. I got to know her, too. She passed a few years ago from leukemia. We miss her. But it was wonderful she became a part of our lives. She's probably the main reason we ended up in Oregon.

  58. How weird is that? Good for you! But, even if the DNA test didn't pan out, I'll bet you had established a real connection anyway, right?

  59. Seems my comment got lost somewhere. Add me to the list of Wows, Awesomes and Congratulationses. Amazing, and extra special that you like her! Seems Mom may have had a few good genes tucked away for another generation.... I keep thinking about your not knowing that Mom was pregnant. I've heard some amazing traumatic-forgetting stories, and yours could be one of them. Happy early Christmas!

  60. I am totally blown away! And what a nice time of year to make this wonderful connection. To think, this would never have been possible without the internet and social media. My mind is reeling. How lovely of you, after all you went thru in your childhood, to be open about following up with Christine. Amazing...

  61. Merry Christmas Pat! What a gift! And you are right "you just can't make it up!"

  62. Saw your comment on my post (thanks) and had to head over here--wow, how exciting to gain a family member like that! I had a similar experience earlier this year. I hope you and Christine get to be the best of friends!

  63. Clarissa - Thanks Clarissa! It is wonderful and I've very happy about it.

    baygirl - No way! This is too good to have been made up! Wow is right.

    TVA - For real! Thanks so much. We seemed to take to each other right away. I can honestly say, this is the first really good thing to come out of this family in a long time. Maybe ever... I get along with my brothers, but we aren't really close. Too much mutual baggage I guess. It's nice to have a clean slate.

    M Pax - That must have been great! I think this one is going to work out as well.

    Al - Pretty darn weird! I think you are right. I like her...

    tapirgal - Oh oh! I saw your comment. I wonder if I hit the wrong button on my new phone. Sorry about that if I did. Might be the first good thing my mom did. I hate to see how my mom would raise a girl. I remember her being pregnant but I couldn't be sure which time was which Thanks so much! Merry Christmas to you also.

    Stickup Artist - Yep! The internet is the ONLY reason this happened. I didn't even mention my mom's name ever in my blog. It was in the file name I gave to a photo of my mom. Good old google! I was excited for this to work out, so cooperating with her was never in question for me. A potential sibling that I have no negative history with sounds really good!

    missing moments - Thanks so much and the same to you! You are right, you just can't make this stuff up. Well, this and about a hundred other crazy family stories I have.

    Sarah - Totally out of the blue! I'm thinking we are going to get along famously! Thanks Sarah...

  64. Wow! Life's surprises comes in bug packages, and I got to read the previous posts.

  65. Thanks for sending the link. I might have missed this amazing story. How wonderful you found AND like one another. Sounds like an early Xmas gift. Merry Christmas Pat!

  66. Ebie - They sure do! And what a surprise it was!

    California Girl - My pleasure! She gets all the credit for doing the finding. Merry Christmas to you also! Thanks...

  67. Wow is right. I'm glad you at least got some good news out of it all. Now you have a whole new person to be in your life. :) Happy early Christmas present to you. :)

  68. Heh, new phone :) I have one, too, and I know the drill. Great phone, tricky getting used to the touch screen.

  69. Holy cow! That is an amaizng absolutely amazing story. Wow thanks for sharing.

    I'm a pretty new reader, so didn't have all the background -- now as soon as I get caught up, I will come back to spend some time browsing around your old posts..

    You certainly don't come across as from any dysfunctional background (anymore than your average birder/animal lover/traveler anyway ;>)

  70. Pat,

    What an amazing story. You're right, if you made that up no one would believe. But hey, a sister you like is a good thing.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  71. Amazing and wonderful story. I keep hoping that some relative of my grandfather might hit on my family history blog and contact me but so far no luck. It's nice when loose ends get tied up and nicer still when they make such a wonderful package.

  72. Baby Sister - Yep! A new sister. I'm sure it's amazing and overwhelming for her as well.

    tapirgal - You got it! I have big fingers, so it's extra hard for me to hit the right button!

    Sallie - It's my pleasure! Full disclosure here... Make sure you have plenty of time. The family stuff is under several labels. You'll figure it out, they are on the right had side of pages. I've worked VERY hard and spent a lot of time in therapy to get this way. Thanks!

    Darryl and Ruth - Truth stranger than fiction. A sister I like is a great thing. Other than my immediate family, I don't really have anyone. I'm happy for me and REALLY happy for her. I'm the only blodd relative she's ever spoken to or had any contact with.

    Martha - Thanks! It sure is. When something comes together and works out, it's a beautiful thing...

  73. Pat, I sure like how this story is developing for you (and your sister)... a lot! I'm seeing a warm loving ending. How very cool. Now there is extra meaning when I say Happy Holidays to you and yours!! xo

  74. Truth is stranger than fiction Pat. This one has a happy ending though. You really must write a book (or two). Thanks for the visit and I hope your holidays are happy and rewarding.

  75. Francisca - I like also! Thanks so much and happy holidays to you as well.

    awarewriter - It sure is! I've got a lot of it written already, but I'm having trouble getting it all together. Thanks!

  76. The strangest things happen to you when you least expect them too and your life in nothing if noth unexpected. I look forward to hearing more about this. I want to say congratulations. I hope that is appropriate my friend.

    I did not suspect that the conclusion to this story would be what it is. I am very very happy for you Pat. I think this is wonderful and such an uplifting story. what a gift! I hope you and your new-found sister establish a loving bond that sees you both through many years to come. all the best to you both. this is just fantastic!!! miracles do happen. every single day.

  78. How bizzare, Pat, but wouldn't that be a remarkable Christmas gift. I hope all goes well and whether related or not you form a good relationship. God bless.

  79. Cal - Hey there! Long time no see! You are so right, they come out of the blue. Congrats are most appropriate and I thank you for them!

    Ms. Becky - Oh yeah! I didn't know what to think. When it comes to my family of origin, amything is possible (and probable). We are doing just fine so far. I really like her. Of course her head is spinning right now!

    Laura - Thanks Laura. Yes, bizzare and wonderful at the same time. The DNA is back and we are brother and sister...

  80. i was so not expecting that conclusion on this post. way to build it up ^_^

    and congratulations for you in having a sister!

  81. Vencora - Hey there! I wasn't expecting it to turn out that way either! Thanks so much! Hope you are doing well...

    Genie - I'm sorry I accidently deleted your comment. I'm not too good at doing my email on my phone yet. Anyway... Your comment was..
    Welcome to the family, is unbelievable....the results of a lot of determination and research. I am afraid to dig any further into mine for fear of what I will fine. A week in the NOLA library was more than enough for me. So glad you all are fond of each will be nice as the years progress and you all grow older. An early Christmas present.

    There are many strange stories in my background as well. This new development (I'm happy to say) is one of the very few good ones!
    It just hit me that you aren't going to see this....

  82. Ain't life a kick??? So glad yours has taken a turn you seem to be enjoying!

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  84. Oh my God!!!! I'm happy for you. Since you said you get along nicely with this new sibling. But Wow!!!!

  85. TheChieftess - It sure is! A good turn for sure!

    Sharon - Oh yeah! It's an amazing thing, thats for sure.

  86. Hi Pat, Just stopping by again to say Merry Christmas to you and yours.


  87. Oh my heck, Pat! Seriously?


    Am almost wordless here...

    Which doesn't happen very often!

  88. First..OMG!!!!!!!

    This is just crazy! what!!! are you serious?! This sounds like something from a movie..I am speechless Pat but happy for you too.

    I was going to just wish you happy holidays, but Jeez..I think i should now just wait for what happens next!

  89. Betsy - Thanks so much and Merry Christmas to you also!

    Jenny - Seriously! Thanks again for nice card Jenny!

    Murugi - It sure is and I am serious! Thanks so much and happy holidays to you and your family.

  90. …………()
    …………( )
    °º♫✿ ♪FELIZ
    °º✿ NATAL!!!
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

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  92. Pat, I can't believe I missed this post. I was absent quite a bit trying to live life away from the laptop. Anyway, I think it's fantastic that you guys found each other. It must be amazing. I'm really happy for you guys and you have a lot of catching up to do. What a great Christmas gift huh? Thanks for sharing this story. It's truly amazing.

  93. Magia - Thanks! Merry Christmas to you as well.

    Anon - You BITE! How did this get in here anyway...

    Bouncin' Barb - You mean there is life out there? Yes, it is fantastic. Thanks so much! Here's to a nice Christmas.

  94. I missed this...and i missed your online presence too...glad you found someone to get along with even if decades have passed.
    I read the post on your dad and mom...I can only empathise as I have never experienced such horrors....the closest I can think of, is a cousin I have never met as my uncle had a nasty divorce(incidentally the first in the family)...but they always hand over young children to moms even if they are irresponsible individuals.

    I really wish you could have experienced some of my happy moments of childhood and really glad you atleast had that little time with your dad.

  95. Add another WOW from me. I can't believe you're not bumping your head on ceiling from jumping with joy. Merry and Happy!

  96. I know everyone has already said this, but wow! How cool is that? I'm VERY happy for you, Pat. :-)

  97. Rek - Hi there! Better late than never! She's very nice I'm I'll take whatever time we can get. Thanks so muuch for the nice words Rek.

    pitchertaker - I added another wow, I believe that's 347 wows now! I am happy as can be. Happy and Merry to you also.

    Pam T - It is darn cool! Thanks so much Pam, I appreciate it.

  98. WOW! Congratulations are in order? WOW!

  99. Brenda - Hey there Brenda! Thanks so much! Life is just getting better and better! I hope you are doing well...

  100. Wow! What an amazing story, and what a happy ending! From what you've said in the past about your mother, she was lucky that she was given up for adoption.

    I had fallings out with my two brothers, one ten years ago, the other five years ago. I finally talked to my youngest brother (via Skype) a couple of weeks ago. I'm considering burying the hatchet with my other brother, though by all accounts his asshole behavior, which led me to cut contact with him, has continued unabated.

  101. Wow! What an amazing story, and what a happy ending! From what you've said in the past about your mother, she was lucky that she was given up for adoption.

    I had fallings out with my two brothers, one ten years ago, the other five years ago. I finally talked to my youngest brother (via Skype) a couple of weeks ago. I'm considering burying the hatchet with my other brother, though by all accounts his asshole behavior, which led me to cut contact with him, has continued unabated.

  102. Wow! What an amazing story, and what a happy ending! From what you've said in the past about your mother, she was lucky that she was given up for adoption.

    I had fallings out with my two brothers, one ten years ago, the other five years ago. I finally talked to my youngest brother (via Skype) a couple of weeks ago. I'm considering burying the hatchet with my other brother, though by all accounts his asshole behavior, which led me to cut contact with him, has continued unabated.


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