Approximately 1600 years ago, the "Sinagua" people settled into the Verde Valley and Sedona areas. They eventually built and occupied cliff dwellings, pit houses, pueblos, and other masonry structures. For reasons known only to them, the Sinagua eventually abandoned the structures about 700 years ago. The word "Sinagua" is Spanish for "without water." What they called themselves is unknown, but we do know that they are linked with the Hopi and Hohokam tribes. Today, members of the Apache and Yavapai tribes live in the area. Some say that the vanished "Sinagua" people are part of one or more of these other four groups today.
Montezuma Well (unrelated to Montezuma and not really a well) is a large limestone sinkhole with a seemingly endless supply of water.

Some of the Sinagua cliff houses are visible just under the rim (in the upper middle of the pic)
A better view. These ruins have not been "re-built."
The following several photos are ruins that are lower and closer to the water exit.
Historical graffiti
Graffiti this old is actually protected
Pueblo ruins very close to the edge of the sinkhole.
This structure protects the pit-house from the weather.
Not related, but just because I like the way it looks.
See previous post on Montezuma's Castle HERE.